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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Long before this time (as yée haue heard) Ireland was bestowed into two principall kingdomes, and sometime into more, whereof one was euer elected and reputed to be cheefe, and as it were a monarch, whome in their histories they name Maximum regem, that is, the greatest king, or else without addition, Maximus Rex the great king or mo|narch of Ireland. Regem Hiberniae, the king of Ireland: the other they name Reguli or Reges, that is to wit, small kings or else kings, by limiting the places whereof they were to be reputed kings, as of Leinster, Connagh, Ul|ster, Mounster, or Meth. To the monarch, besides his allowance of dominion, titles of honor, and other pri|uileges in iurisdiction, there was granted to him a negatiue in nomination of bishops, when they were vacant: for the cleargie and laietie of the diocesse The power of the monarch in election of bishops. commended one, whom they thought conuenient vn|to their king, the king to the monarch, the monarch to the archbishop of Canturburie: for that as yet the metropolitans of Ireland had not receiued their palles.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this sort was nominated to the bishoprike of Dubline then void, in the yeare of Christ 1074, at Goderius king of Lein|ster. the petition of Goderius king of Leinster, by suffe|rance of the cleargie and people there, with the as|sent of Terdienatus the monarch, a learned prelat Terdienatus the monarch Patricius consecrated bishop of Du|blin by Lan|franke. 1152 Christian bi|shop of Lis|more. Foure metro|politan sées in Ireland. The bishop of Armagh. called Patricius, whome Lanfranke of Canturbu|rie consecrated in Paules church at London, and sware him to obedience after the manner of his an|cestors. Christian bishop of Lismore, legat to Eu|genius the third, summoned a prouinciall councell in Ireland, wherein were authorised foure metropo|litan seas, Armagh, Dublin, Cashill, and Tuen; of the which places were bishops at that present, Ge|lasius, Gregorius, Donatus, Edonius. For hitherto though they yéelded a primasie to the bishop of Ar|magh in reuerence of saint Patrike the first bishop there: yet the same was but of good will, and confir|med rather by custome than by sufficient decree; nei|ther did that archbishop take vpon him to inuest o|ther bishops, but sent them to Canturburie (as be|fore is mentioned) which from hensefoorth they vsed not to doo, insomuch that the next bishop named Lau|rence, Laurence archbishop of S. Keuins. 1162 sometime archbishop of saint Keuins in Go|landilagh, was ordered and installed at home by Ge|lasius primat of Armagh.


Not well vnderstanding what the writer of this part of the Irish historie ment to fall vpon so blunt a conclusion; but supposing it was vpon some reasonable induce|ment: we thought it conuenient to leaue it as we found it: intending (without anie addition herevnto) to set downe the conquest of Ire|land, as the same was left recorded by Girald of Cambria: whose prefaces and historie, right worthie the reading, doo immediatlie follow.

EEBO page image 60

The names of the gouernors, lieu|tenants, lord iustices, and deputies of Ireland, since the conquest thereof by king Henrie the second.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1
  • _RIchard Strangbow earle The yeare of our Lord. 1174 of Penbroke gouernor, hauing Reimond le Grace ioined in com|mission with him.
  • Reimond le Grace lieute|nant by himselfe. 1177
  • William Fitz Aldelme lieutenant, hauing Iohn de Curcie, Robert Fitz Stephans, and Miles Cogan ioined in commission with him.
  • Hugh Lacie lieutenant.
  • gouernors

    • Iohn Lacie constable of Chester
    • and Richard de Peche
  • Hugh Lacie againe lieutenant.
  • Hugh Lacie the yoonger, lord iustice.
  • Henrie Loandoris archbishop of Dublin, lord 1227 iustice.
  • Maurice Fitzgirald lord iustice. 1228
  • Iohn Fitzgeffreie knight, lord iustice. 1253
  • Alain de la Zouch lord iustice.
  • Stephan de Long Espe lord iustice. 1258
  • William Deane lord iustice.
  • Sir Richard Rochell or Capell lord iustice. 1261
  • Dauid Barrie lord iustice. 1267
  • Robert Vfford lord iustice. 1268
  • Richard de Excester lord iustice. 1269
  • Iames lord Audleie lord iustice. 1270
  • Maurice Fitzmaurice lord iustice. 1272
  • Walter lord Genuille lord iustice.
  • Robert Vfford againe lord iustice.
  • Fulborne bishop of Waterford lord iustice. 1281
  • Iohn Samford the archbishop of Dublin, lord iustice.
  • William Vescie lord iustice.
  • William Dodingsels lord iustice. 1295
  • Thomas Fitzmaurice lord iustice.
  • Iohn Wogan lord iustice. 1298
  • Theobald Verdon lord iustice. 1314
  • Edmund Butler lord iustice. 1315
  • Roger lord Mortimer lord iustice. 1317
  • Alexander Bignor archbishop of Dublin lord iustice.
  • Roger lord Mortimer second time lord iustice. 1319
  • Thomas Fitziohn earle of Kildare lord iustice. 1320
  • Iohn Birmingham earle of Louth lord iustice. 1321
  • Iohn lord Darcie lord iustice. 1323
  • Roger Outlaw prior of Kilmainan lord iustice. 1327
  • Anthonie lord Lucie lord iustice.
  • Iohn lord Darcie second time lord iustice. 1332
  • Iohn lord Charleton lord iustice. 1337
  • Thomas bishop of Hereford lord iustice. 1338
  • Iohn lord Darcie ordeined lord iustice by pa|tent 1339 during his life, by Edward the third.
  • Rafe Vfford lord iustice.
  • Robert Darcie lord iustice. 1346
  • Iohn Fitzmaurice lord iustice.
  • Walter lord Bermingham lord iustice, his de|puties were Iohn Archer prior of Kilmainan & Baron Carew, with sir Thomas Rokesbie.
  • Maurice Fitzthomas earle of Desmond had the office of lord iustice for terme of his life, of king Edward the third his grant.
  • Thomas Rokesbie knight lord iustice.
  • appointed L. I. by turnes.

    • Almericke de saint Amand1355
    • 1357Iohn Butler earle of Ormond
    • Maurice Fitzth. earle of Kild.
  • Lionell duke of Clarence lord iustice. 1361
  • Gerald Fitzmaurice earle of Desmond L. I. 1367
  • William lord Windsor the first lieutenant in 1369 Ireland.
  • Richard Ashton lord iustice. 1372
  • Iustices and lieutenants 1381 speciallie recorded in Ri|chard the seconds daies.

    • Roger Mortimer
    • Philip Courtneie
    • Iames erle of Orm.
  • Robert Vere earle of Oxford marques of Du|blin created duke of Ireland.
  • Roger Mortimer earle of March lieutenant. 1394
  • Roger Mortimer earle of March and Vlster lieutenant.
  • Roger Greie lord iustice.
  • Iohn Stanleie knight lord lieutenant.
  • Thomas of Lancaster brother to king Henrie 1401 the fourth lord lieutenant, whose deputies at sundrie times were Alexander bishop of Meth, Stephan Scrope knight, and the pri|or of Kilmainan.
  • Iames Butler earle of Ormond lord iustice. 1403
  • Girald earle of Kildare lord iustice.
  • Iames Butler earle of Ormond, sonne to the 1407 foresaid Iames, lord iustice.
  • Iohn Stanleie againe lord lieutenant. 1413
  • Thomas Crauleie archbishop of Dublin lord iustice.
  • Iohn lord Talbot of Shefield lieutenant. 1414
  • Iames Butler erle of Ormond the second time 1420 lieutenant.
  • Lieutenants to king Hen|rie the sixt.

    • Edmund earle of March, Iames earle of Ormond his deputie.
    • Iohn Sutton lord Dudleie, sir Thomas Strange knight his deputie.
    • Sir Thomas Stanleie, sir Chri|stopher Plunket his deputie.
    • Lion lord Welles, the earle of Ormond his deputie.
    • Iames erle of Ormond by him|selfe.
    • Iohn earle of Shrewesburie, the archbishop of Dublin in his absence lord iustice.
  • Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, father to EEBO page image 61 king Edward the fourth, had the office of lieutenant by king Henrie the sixt his letters patents for ten yeares. His deputies at sun|drie times were, the baron of Deluin, Ri|chard Fitzeustace knight, Iames earle of Or|mond, and Thomas Fitzmoris earle of Kil|dare.
  • Thomas Fitzmoris earle of Kildare, lord iustice in king Edward the fourth his daies, vntill the third yeare of his reigne. After which George duke of Clarence brother to the K. had the office of lieutenant during his life, & made his deputies by sundrie times these:
  • Deputies to the duke of Cla|rence. 1470

    • Thomas earle of Desmond,
    • Iohn Tiptoft erle of Worcester,
    • Thomas earle of Kildare,
  • Henrie lord Graie of Ruthine.
  • Sir Rouland Eustace lord deputie.
  • Richard duke of Yorke, yoonger sonne to king Edward the fourth, lieutenant.
  • Edward sonne to Richard the third lieutenant, his deputie was Girald earle of Kildare.
  • Iasper duke of Bedford and earle of Penbroke, lieutenant, his deputie was Walter archbi|shop of Dublin.
  • Edward Poinings knight, lord deputie. 1494
  • Henrie duke of Yorke, after king by the name 1501 of Henrie the eight, lieutenant, his deputie Girald earle of Kildare.
  • Girald Fitzgirald earle of Kildare, lord depu|tie.
  • Thomas Howard earle of Surreie, after duke 1520 of Norfolke, lieutenant.
  • Piers Butler earle of Ossorie, lord deputie.
  • Girald Fitzgirald earle of Kildare againe lord 1523 deputie.
  • The baron of Deluin lord deputie.
  • Piers Butler earle of Ossorie againe lord depu|tie. 1529
  • William Skeffington knight, lord deputie.
  • Girald Fitzgirald earle of Kildare, againe lord deputie.
  • William Skeffington againe lord deputie.
  • Leonard lord Graie, lord deputie. 1534
  • Sir William Brereton knight, lord iustice. 1540
  • Sir Anthonie Sentleger knight, lord deputie. 1541

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