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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Great consultation was had about this request Doub [...]ull consultation. of these strangers, and manie things debated to and fro. In conclusion, the Irish laid foorth for answer the opinions of their antiquaries; that is, such as were The answ [...] of the Irish to the request of the Pi [...]s. skilfull in old histories and saiengs of their elders, wherevnto they gaue credit, and therefore they gathe|red it could not be expedient to accept the Scithians into the land, for that mingling of nations in one realme bréedeth quarels: moreouer, that the multi|tude of the inhabitants was such, as roome in the whole Ile was vneth able to receiue them, and there|fore those few new commers, being placed among so manie old inhabitants, might bréed quicklie some disturbance to bring all out of ioint. But (said they) though we may not conuenientlie receiue you a|mong vs, yet shall you find vs readie to further you to be our neighbours.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Not far hense there lieth the great Ile of Bri|taine, The Irish persuadeth the Pi [...]s to place them|selues in Britains. in the north part whereof, being void of inha|bitants, your manhoods and policies may purchase for you roomes to place your selues at ease: we shall appoint you capteins to guide you thither, we shall assist to settle you with our forces in that coun|trie, make readie your ships that yée may passe thi|ther with all conuenient spéed. Incouraged with this persuasion, they tooke their course towards the north parts of Britaine now called Scotland, where contrarie to their expectation Marius king of Bri|taine was readie to await their comming, and with Marius o|therwise c [...]|led [...]ruira|gus king o [...] Briton [...]. sharpe battell vanquishing them in field, slue Rodo|rike with a great number of his retinues. Those that escaped with life, and sought to him for grace, he li|cenced to inhabit the vttermost end of Scotland. This Marius Humfrie Lhuid taketh to be the same, whome the Romane writers name Aruiragus, who reigned about the yere of our Lord seuentie, a prince of a noble courage and of no small estimation in his daies (as should séeme by that which is written of him.) His right name (as the said Humfreie Lhuid anoucheth) was Meurig.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now concerning the Picts whether that those that escaped with life, got seats by king Meu|rigs grant (as aboue is specified) or that getting to their ships, they withdrew into the Iles of Orkeneie, and there remained. Wiues they wanted also to in|crease their issue: and bicause the Britons thought scorne to match their daughters with such an vn|knowne and new come nation, the Pi [...]s continu|ed their first acquaintance with the Irish, and by in|treatie obteined wiues from them, with condition, that if the crowne should hap to fall in contention, Pi [...]s ma [...]|eng with the Irish d [...] co|uenant the succession of their kings. they should yéeld thus much to the prerogatiue of the woman, that the prince should be elected rather of the bloud roiall of the female kind than of the male. Which order (saith Beda) the Pi [...]s were well known to kéepe vnto his time.

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