You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 3 of
6: ¶The names of the Authors from whome this Historie
of England is collected.
Snippet: 7 of 20 (1587, Volume 1, p. 4) G.
- Compare 1577 edition:
- GViciardini Francisco.
- Guiciardini Ludouico.
- Gildas Sapiens.
- Galfridus Monemutensis, aliàs Geffrey of Monmouth.
- Giraldus Cambrensis.
- Guilielmus Malmesburiensis.
- Galfridus Vinsauf.
- Guilielmus Nouoburgensis.
- Guilielmus Thorne.
- Gualterus Hemmingford, aliàs Gisbur|nensis.
- Geruasius Dorobernensis.
- Geruasius Tilberiensis.
- Guilielmus Gemeticensis de ducibus Nor|maniae.
- Guilielmus Rishanger.
- Guilielmus Lambert. Georgius Lillie.
- Guilamme Paradin.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 3 of
6: ¶The names of the Authors from whome this Historie
of England is collected.
Snippet: 8 of 20 (1587, Volume 1, p. 4) H.
- Compare 1577 edition:
- HIginus.
- Henricus Huntingtonensis.
- Henricus Leicestrensis.
- Hector Boece. Historie Daniou.
- Historia Ecclesistica Magdeburgensis.
- Henricus Mutius.
- Historia quadripartita seu quadrilogium.
- Hardings Chronicle.
- Halles Chronicle. Henricus Bradshaw.
- Henricus Marleburgensis.
- Herodianus. Humfrey Luyd.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 3 of
6: ¶The names of the Authors from whome this Historie
of England is collected.
Snippet: 9 of 20 (1587, Volume 1, p. 5) I.
- Compare 1577 edition:
- IOhannes Bale.
- Iohannes Leland.
- Iacobus Philippus Bergomas.
- Iulius Capitolinus. Iulius Solinus.
- Iohannes Pike with additions.
- Iohannes Functius.
- Iohn Price knight. Iohannes Textor.
- Iohannes Bodinus. Iohannes Sleidan.
- Iohannes Euersden a Monke of Berry.
- Iohannes or rather Giouan villani a Flo|rentine.
- Iohannes Baptista Egnatius.
- Iohannes Capgraue.
- Iohannes Fourden. Iohannes Caius.
- Iacob de Voragine Bishop of Nebio.
- Iean de Bauge a Frenchman wrote a pam|phlet of the warres in Scotland, during the time that Monsieur de Desse remai|ned there.
- Iohn Fox. Iohannes Maior.
- Iohn Stow, by whose diligent collected sum|marie, I haue beene not onelie aided, but also by diuers rare monuments, ancient writers, and necessarie register bookes of his, which he hath lent me out of his own Librarie. Iosephus.