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A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 2 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1442) B.
- Barons accurſed agayne by name. 596.72.
- Barons ſende to Lewes the French kings ſonne, offring to him the crowne, if he wil ſuccour them againſt kyng Iohn. 597.52.
- Barons haue ayde out of Frãce 597.71.
- Barons do homage to Lewes the French king ſonne. 599.90.600.16.
- Barons make rode vnto Cam|bridge, and from thence into Northfolke and ſuffolke, rob|bing Churches, and putting the Townes by the waye to Raunſome. 603.8.
- Barons begyn to miſlyke with the matche which they had made with Lewes. 603.70.
- Barres William, taken pri|ſoner. 468.36.
- Barons refuſe to ſtand to the French kings iudgment, be|tweene the kyng and them. 764.47. and .765.26.
- Baſſianus, eldeſt ſonne to Se|uerus the Emperour ſuccee|deth him in the kingdome of Britaine. 78.46.
- Baſſianus ſlaine. 78.57.
- Barons of Mayne, and of the Marches of Britaine, ſub|dued by the Engliſhmen. 409.44.
- Barons poſſeſſions ſeyſed into king Iohns handes, and by him committed to ſtrangers. 596.56.
- Baldwin and Ae [...]ti, conſecrated Byſhops of the Eaſt Angles 180.58.
- Baſſianus put in tenſe wyth the Romane armie, looketh neg|legently to his charge. 80.30
- Baſſianus practiſeth with Phi|ſitions and other, to diſpatch his father. 80.38.
- Baldwins Earle his Oration to his ſouldiours. 375.30.
- Barons encamped betwixte Stanes and Windſore, king Iohn commeth from Wind|ſore to them to talke of ſome agreement. 589.69.
- Barons will try their quarell with king Iohn by dent of Sworde. 592.60.
- Baſſianus and his brother Ge|ta, rule the Empyre equally together. 81.35.
- Baſſianus ſlaying his brother Geta, poſſeſſeth the gouern|ment of the Empyre alone. 81.40.
- Baſſianus ſlayne by one of his owne ſouldiers. 81.41.
- Bale cited. 118.38. & .123.73
- Badõ hill, ſuppoſed to be black|amore. 128.64.
- Bailleuile Focelin, accurſed by Archbyſhop Thomas Bec|ket. 409.62.
- Bale Iohn cited. 4.39. & .4.57 & .5.22. & .6.35.
- Baldud well ſeene in the know|ledge of Aſtrologie and Ne|cromancie. 19.18.
- Baldud, ſonne to Ludhurdibras of Rud, beginneth to reigne ouer Britaine. 19.14.
- Barons of England complaine to Henry the thirde of the [...]
- Balwin Earle taken priſoner. 376.33.
- Barwike caſtle, gaged to the king of England. 439.40.
- Baſſet Philip made chiefe Iu|ſtice of England. 759.61.
- Barons denounced accurſed by the Popes cõmaundement. 594.69.
- Baldwyn Biſhop of Worceſter conſecrated Archbyſhop of Canterburie. 460.17. de|parteth this lyfe at Tyrus. 497.46
- Barcehãdowne in Kent where king Iohn aſſembled toge|ther his great army to reſiſt the French king. 574.70.
- Bakers puniſhed by the tum|brelt. 753.58.
- Battell betwixt Fiſhes. 658.41.
- Bau [...]an Stephen a captayne ſlayne by the Welchmen. 744.60.
- Barbitus, looke Gurg [...]s.
- Bardſey, an Iland in Wales 4.51.
- Bale Iohn cited. 1.37. & .1.102. & .2.75. & .2.100. & .4.2. & .4.7.
- Edward Balliol reſigneth hys right of Scotland to kyng Edward the third. 955.6. a.
- Banerectes made. 163.2.10.
- Thomas Bradwedin made Archbyſhop of Canterburie 943.55. b.
- Barons take armes againſt the Spencers. 858.40. b.
- Barons take armes againſt king Edward the ſeconde. 863.1. a. take flight at Bur|ton vpon Trent. 865.30. b. diſcomfited at Borowbridge and taken. 866.26. b. execu|ted. 868.1. b.
- Iohn Bal prieſt cõdemned and executed. 1034.50. a.
- Barke Ager loſt & recouered againe. 1604.46.
- Bardus made king of the Cel|tes. 3.103.
- Charles baſtard ſonne to Henry laſt duke of Somerſet made the kings chiefe chamber|laine. 1461.30
- Batel at S. Omers. 911.1. a.
- Baniſhing of men in England, when, and by whom ordey|ned. 346.39.
- Barwike wonne by the Eng|liſhe. pag. 1352. col. 2. lin. 48.
- Bayliffes of Londõ diſcharged of their office, and commit|ted to warde. 565.69.
- Iohn Bailol adiudged kyng of Scots. 804.40. a. crowned and doth homage. 805.33. b preſent at the Parliament at Weſtminſter. 809.45. a. ſubmitteth himſelfe and his Realme to the king of Eng|land. 821.45. b. ſent to Lon|don. 823.7. b. ſet at libertie and dyeth. 835.33. a.
- Edward Bailol commeth into England. 895.36. a. is crowned king of Scotland. 895.20. b. chaſed thence. ibidem. obteyneth Scotland by helpe of king Edward the third. 896.50. a. doth ho|mage to him. 896.50. b.
- The battel of Stoke. 1430.50 the battell of Saint Albin. 1433.50. the battell of Dixuew. 1436.10. the bat|tel of Blacke heath. 1427.20.
- Bray Renold. 1427.40.
- Battaile on the Sea. 992.23. a.
- Baldred ſuccedeth Cuthred in the kingdome of Kent. 205.16.
- Baldred chaſed out of his king|dome. 203.59. and .205.21
- Battaile of Aulroy. 969.51. b.
- Baſtard Ogle. pag. 1313. col. 2. lin. 50.
- Baſtard of Borgongde. pag. 1317. col. 2. lin. 16. chalen|ged the lord Scales. lin. 44.
- Barons of Phictow reuolt frõ the French king, and doo ho|mage to king Iohn. 584.32.
- William Duke of Ba [...]ire brin|geth corne into England. 948.10. b.
- Bayeult yeeldeth to Chaſtilli|on. 1824.38.
- Barney Kenelme executed for treaſon. 1861.37.
- Andrew Barton, a famous Scottiſhe Pirate ſlayne. 1441.56.
- Barlow doctor, byſhop of Chi|cheſter. 1803.8.
- Battaile at Muſkleborough. 1624.10.
- Barnards caſtle geuen to the Earle of Warwick. 844.37. a.
- Baynam Alexander knight. 1450.13.
- Battaile of Vernoile. pa. 1224 col. 1. lin. 46. battaile of He|rings. pa. 1241. co. 1. lin. 12 at Saint Albous. pag. 1287 col. 1. lin. 57. at Blorhothe. pag. 1295. col. 2. lin. 4. at Northampton. pag. 1299. col. 1. lin. 20. at Wakfeeld. pag. 1303. col. 2. lin. 37. at Mortimers croſſe. pa. 1304 col. 2. lin. 43. at Saint Al|bons, the ſecond. pag. 1305. col. 1. lin. 30. at Erham. pa. 1314. col. 2. lin. 16.
- Burdetknight. pag. 1227. col. 1. lin. 32. lin. 56. col. 2. lin. 10. pag. 1237. col. 2. lin. 30
- Barkeley Wylliam of Weley atteinted. 1425.43
- Baldud fleeth in the ayre. 19.37.
- Barkeley Maurice knight. 1450.13.
- Battel of Algeberota. 1049.54. b.
- Battel of Ratcote bridge. 1067 30. b.
- Barbe Noir a Gemway. 909.30. a.
- Barnes Wylliam created by|ſhop of London. 1458.37.
- The battel Solem Moſſe. 1599.40.
- Baſtard of Bourbon Admirall of France. pag. 1324. col. 1. lin. 2.
- Battel of S. Luce. 908.40. b.
- Bartholomew, byſhop of Exe|ter ſent Ambaſſadour to the Pope. 406.90.
- Battel of Potyers. 957.50. b.
- Bats Abbey builded. 195.52.
- Bambrough deſtroyed by the Danes. 240.46
- Barons of England withdraw them into Wales agaynſt Henry the third. 642.77.
- Battaile no Shrewſbery. pag. 1139. col. 1. lin. 13.
- Barkeſen his fayth. 1244. col. 2. lin. 50.
- Battel of Nauertet. 972.50. a
- Battel at Borowbrig. 866.30. b.
- Battel at Biland. 870.40. b.
- Baldwyn Earle of Flaunders, father in law to Duke Wyl|liam of Normandy. 285.46.
- Baldwyn Earle of Flaunders, aydeth Duke William of Normandy in his conqueſt of England. 285.46.
- EEBO page image 1443Badges forbidden. 1076.20. a
- Barons of the fiue partes. pag. 1120. col 2. lin. 21
- Barley Wylliam. 1442.30. and. 1443.26.
- Batel of Banocks Borne. 852 40. b.
- Battel of Comeran in Ireland 854.30. a.
- Battel of Miton vpon Swale, or ye white battel. 857.13. b.
- Battel at Hai [...]doun hill. 896.6. b.
- Bath Monaſterie ioyned to the Sea of Bath. 336.1.
- Bonifacius byſhop of Eaſtan|gles being dead, Biſi ſuccee|deth him. 180.48.
- Bamborrough Caſtle. pag. 1313. col. 2. lin. 30. taken. pag. 1315. col. 1. lin. 38.
- Bardus renowmed for inuen|ting of dities and muſicke. 3.108.
- Baſtardy in king Ed. the .iiii. pag. 1377. col. 1. lin. 40.
- Baſreeg, a leader, or king of the Danes. 209.114.
- Baſreeg ſlayne. 210.35.
- Barnard Herbe. pag. 1305. col 1. lin. 33.
- Battel at Dunbar. 820.12. b.
- Battel at Neuels croſſe. 939.14. b.
- Bartholoin, captaine of the Baſclenſes. 28.47.
- Bamburge caſtle recouered frõ the Scots. 397.6.
- Battell at Bellegard. 825.30. a
- Baſingſtoke. 220.25.
- Baſclenſes aſſigned to dwell in Ireland. 28.62.
- Bathe beſeiged by the Saxons. 133.20.
- Banbourgh caſtle beſieged, & yeelded to king William Ru|fus. 326.6.
- Bale Iohn cited. 53.3.
- Baſtard Fanconbridge behea|ded. pag. 1344. col. 2 lin. 37
- Bambure caſtle builded. 140.44.
- Barthes, in olde tune called Bardi. 4.49.
- Bardeny Abbey. 189.7.
- Baſingwerke Caſtle buylded. 398.2.
- Barons ouerthrowen at ye bat|tell of Eueſhame. 773.23.
- The battell of Saint Quin|tines. 1768.20.
- Baſing battaile, fought by the Danes againſt the Engliſh|men. 210.42.
- Battail of Morleis. 919.20. a
- Bardi, a ſect of Philoſophers. whence deſcended. 4.1.
- Bayliffes names that were firſt appointed to gouerne the ci|tie of London. 479.20.
- Battaile of Boſwortha. pag. 1420. col. 2. lin. 36. pag. 1422. col. 1. lin. 57.
- Barons haue poſſeſſion of Lon|don. 589.22.
- Barons write to other of the nobilitie to ioyne with them againſt king Iohn. 589.23.
- Bardolph Hugh againſt the treation of Hubert to the Chancelours office. 545.50.
- Barton Elizabeth the holye mayd of Kent. 1561.27. her adherentes eadem. 36. her hiſtorie at large. eadem. 42. is executed with her adhe|rents. 1 [...]62.24.
- Battaile of Ageincourt. pag. 1178. col. 2. lin. 14.
- Barons of England letters to the Pope. 836.37. b.
- Baieux in Normandie taken by kyng Henry the firſt. 344.14.
- Battaile of Otterbourn. 1074.12. a.
- Baynardes Caſtle. pag. 1307. col. 1. lin. 41.
- Baldwyn Earle of Flaunders, commeth into Englande. 270.79
- Balliolle Bernard, an Engliſhe captaine. 434.27.
- Battell of Dunkel or Meth|ſen. 842.40. a
- Bayon citie wonne. 447.22.
- Barons ſweare to maintayne their quarel againſt kyng Iohn. 586.75.
- Barons cal their Armie againſt king Iohn, the army of God and of the holy Church. 588.90.
- Batteyll Abbey builded. 315.89.
- Baldwine Earle of Flaũders, maryeth Ethelſwida, daugh|ter to king Alured. 218.76.
- Baffus, a valiant man of war. 164.22.
- Barnes Doctor preacheth a|gainſt Wincheſter. 1577.40. aſketh the Byſhop for|giuenes in the Pulpet. 1578 10.
- Baſſet Philip, L. chiefe Iuſtice. 761.26.
- Bayeux taken by Engliſhmen. pag. 1189. col 2. lin. 18.
- Bath Citie taken and ſacked by the Byſhop of Conſtans. 318.52.
- Bardi, and their ſect remaine in Britaine vnto this day. 4.48.
- Baſeſenſes with their captaine baniſhed out of Spaine. 28.50.
- Bayon yeelded to the Engliſh|men. 810.57. b.
- Bathe made a Byſhops See. 309.65.
- Baſtard ſonne of king Richard ſlewe the Vicount of Li|moges. 547.48.
- Barnes Doctor beareth a fa|got. 1536.48.
- Baldud falleth, and is torne in peeces. 19.39.
- Bathes at the citie of Bathe, made by Necromancie. 19.20.
- Barwicke bridge broken with a flud of water. 547.53.
- Bardi, their profeſſion, and or|ders. 4.9.
- Balences, looke Baſclenſes.
- Baſels abrogated. 398.17.
- Balun Caſtle wonne by the Frenche king. 547.12.
- Baliol hugh. 595.67.
- Baſcheruille Caſtle burnt. 385 39.
- Battell at Halden rigge.
- Battell of Creſſy. 932.24. b.
- Battell on the Sea. 806.20. b.
- Bathe Citie called Caerbran. 19.24.
- Bayliffes choſen, and ſet ouer the Citie of London 775.1.
- Barnet field. 1333. co. 1. li. 29
- Battell of Faukirke. 833.20. a.
- Barbe ryuer in Normandie. 385.13.
- Banbery fielde. page. 1320. col. 1. lin. 27.
- Baldwyn Emperour of Con|ſtantinople commeth into England. 717.32.
- Becket Thomas repenteth him ſelfe of his othe taken to the kyng, & is diſcharged there|of by the Pope. 403.80.
- Becket Tho. flying the realme, is brought backe agayne by a contrary winde. 403.100
- Becket Thomas accuſed of diſ|obedience to the king, and his goodes confiſcate to the kinges pleaſure. 403.115.
- Becket Thomas driuen to an accompt by the kyng. 404.37.
- Becket Thomas forſaken of the multitude, forfeare of the kinges diſpleaſure. 404.52.
- Becket Thomas appealeth to the Court of Rome, there to be iudged. 405.9.
- Becket Thomas forſaken of the byſhops, and accuſed of trea|ſon and periurie. 405.43.
- Becket Thomas refuſed of e|uery man, is only had in eſti|mation, and honoured of the poore. 404.54. and. 406.8.
- Beranburie battel, fought be|tweene the Britaines & the Saxons. 142.56.
- Becket Thomas reſigneth his Archbyſhopricke to ye Pope, and receiueth it agayne at his handes. 401.87.
- Becket Thomas ſundry wayes incurreth the kinges diſplea|ſure. 401.98.
- Becket Thomas, requireth the keeping of Rocheſter caſtle, and the Tower of London. 401.99.
- Berured rebelleth agaynſt E|thelbaldus, and ſlayeth hym. 189.70.
- Berured taketh vppon him the kingdome of Mercia. 189.72.
- Bernulf kyng of Mercia, lea|deth an armie agaynſt Eg|bert kyng of Weſt Saxons. 203.31.
- Bernulf and his armie diſcom|fited by Egbert. 203.39.
- Bernulf ſlayne, and his armie diſcomfited by the Eaſt An|gles. 203.73.
- Bericus a Britaine, perſwa|deth Claudius the Empe|rour to make warre agaynſt the Britaines. 48.61
- Beda cited. 167.2. and. 167.99. and. 168.88. and 180.90. and 185.50. and. 187.22.
- Belinus, and Brennus, ſonnes to Mulmucius, raigne iont|ly as kinges in Britaine. 23.80.
- Bergion gouerneth Ireland, and the Orkenlis. 5.77. Beda cited. 4.82.
- Becket Thomas beginneth to ſhewe him ſelfe conformable towardes agreement with the kyng. 413.34.
- Becket Thomas wylfully per|ſiſteth in his owne opinion a|gaynſt the kyng. 413.103
- Becket Thomas through mea|nes made, is reconciled to the king of Englands fauour 414.21.
- Becket Thomas returneth into England. 414.80.
- Bertwald, Archbyſhop of Can|terburie departeth this lyfe. 191.98.
- Beda cited. 211.55
- Beumount Rafe, Phiſition to king Henry the ſecond drow|ned in a tempeſt. 411.96.
- Belinus ſeaſeth vpon Brennus dominions in his abſence. 23.103.
- Beleſham waſted by the Danes 245.61.
- Bertus ſent with an armie into Ireland. 185.11
- Bernicia nowe called Nor|thumberland. 164.43
- Beatrice, daughter to king Ed|ward, married to king Sith|rike. 422.66.
- Beatrice poyſoneth her huſ|band, at her fathers inſtance. 224.86.
- Beatrice put to death for poy|ſonyng her huſband. 224.92.
- Becket Thomas Arcbyſhop of Cantorburie tranſlated. 617.7.
- Bertine Churche, endued with great giftes by kyng Adel|ſtane 225.108.
- Beorne ſucceedeth Etwold in the kingdome of Eaſtangles 190.55.
- Beuerley Churche & Colledge builded. 186.15.
- Beroſus cited. 1.99. and .2.85. and 3.13. and .3.44. and .3.108.
- Bereford battell fought by the Weſt Saxons agaynſt the EEBO page image 1443 Mercians. 189.64.
- Berkley towne taken, and ſac|ked by the byſhop of Con|ſtans. 318.53.
- Bedfoord battel fought againſt the Britaines. 142.105.
- Bellings gate in London buil|ded. 27.110.
- Bellius caſtle, nowe called the Tower of London builded. 28.6.
- Belinus departeth this lyfe. 28.11.
- Becket Thomas his horſe taile cut of by the inhabitantes of Strowde in Kent. 415.56.
- Beautie of the Engliſh boyes whiche were brought to ſell at Rome. 146.27.
- Berkamſted. 306.56.
- Becket Thomas Archbyſhop of Cantorburie, reputed for a Saint. 449.23
- Bertwolf kyng of Mercia, ſuc|ceedeth Wighclafe, and his chaſed out of his countrey by the Danes. 207.109.
- Becket Thomas, made Arch|deacon of Cantorburie. 393 63.
- Beamfeeld caſtle builded. 216.20.
- Beamfield caſtle taken by the Engliſhmen. 216.22.
- Bertha daughter to Cheribret king of Fraunce, married to Ethelbert king of Kent vpon condition. 145.102
- Bernegus, ordeyned Byſhop of Suſſex. 223.59
- Beleſme Robert taken priſoner. 345.77.
- Beneficed perſons to returne into the realme within .iiii. monethes. 408.13.
- Becket Thomas his kinne, all baniſhed out of the Kyng of Englands dominions. 409.85.
- Becket Thomas departeth frõ the Abbey of Pountney, to the Abbey of Saint Colum|bes. 409.96.
- Becket Thomas, refuſeth to ſtande to the iudgement of the Popes Ambaſſadours. 409.113.
- Becket Thomas, committed to the ſafe keeping of the Monkes of Cauntorburie. 416.15.
- Becket Thomas brought by force by Monkes out of hys pallace into the Church. 416.41.
- Becket Thomas ſlaine, and his braynes turned out. 416.100.
- Beleſme Robert proclaymed a traytour. 339.69.
- Beleſme Robert forſaken of the Welchmen, and baniſhed the realme. 340.16.
- Becket Thomas depriued of al his dignities and offices. 403.18.
- Becket Thomas promiſeth to obſerue the Kinges lawes without all exception. 403.32.
- Bere Richard Abbot of Glaſtẽ|burie Ambaſſadour to the Pope. 1461.20.
- Begemini caſtle. 439.115.
- Beda cited. 153.74. & 154.22 &. 154.35.
- Becket Thomas, his countrey and parentage. 401.39
- Beretgiles ſucceedeth Tho|mas, in the Byſhopricke of the Eaſtangles. 172.47.
- Beatrice daughter to Henry the thyrd, borne at Burdeox. 703.74.
- Benſington battayle, fought by Offa againſt Kinewulfe. 197.87.
- Beeſton Caſtle founded by Ranulphe Earle of Cheſter. 618.11.
- Bedfordſhire waſted by the Danes. 245.71.
- Berengaria, daughter to San|ctius king of Nauarre, affian|ced to King Richard the firſt 491.56. maryed to king Ri|chard the firſt. 493.27.
- Beeland Abbey founded. 394.28.
- Bearne Earle, traytrouſlye ſlayne. 270.19.
- Belinus, Generall of Caſſibel|lanes armie againſt the Ro|manes. 39.15.
- Bearn, a Iudge, burnt for hys crueltie. 199.30.
- Beda departeth this lyfe. 192.92.
- Berthune, Duke of Suſſex ſlayne. 184.47.
- Bartham Antwiſell Knyght ſlayn. pag. 1288. col. 1. lin. 7.
- Becket Thomas his complaint to the Pope, of the Kyng 407.8.
- Becket Thomas, made keeper of the Citie of Cahors. 399.39.
- Berwike taken by the Scots. 951.20. b. ſurrẽdred again. 954.52. b.
- Bedford towne & Caſtle won. 596.34.
- Beertwell Caſtle delyuered to Duke Henrie Fitzempreſſe. 387.116.
- Beroſus cited. 4.68. &. 5.53.
- Becket Thomas elected and created Archbyſhop of Can|torburie. 401.50.
- Beleſme Robert Earle of Shrewſburie, rebelleth a|gainſt King Henrie the firſt. 339.55.
- Beaner Towne and Fortreſſe builded. 411.53.
- Beandune or Beanton battaile fought by the Weſtſaxons a|gainſt the Britaines. 155.61.
- Becket Thomas his goods and landes, ſeaſſed into the kings handes. 407.104.
- Beda cited. 113.23. &. 114.49. &. 129.69. &. 129.86. &. 145.50. &. 153.56.
- Beda ſent for to the Court of Rome 193.1.
- Bearne flyeth into Denmarke to ſeeke reuenge againſt Oſ|bright. 211.62.
- Becket Thomas, made Lorde Chauncellour of Englande. 395.50. &. 398.6.
- Beuer Caſtle ſurrendred to King Iohn. 595.26.
- Beauuoys Byſhop reſtored to libertie. 546.56.
- Beda cyted. 154.76. &. 156.39. & 157.13. &. 163.28. & 164.10. &. 166.74.
- Benedict Byſhop, commeth in|to England with the Arch|byſhop Theodore. 178.101
- Bergion ſlayne by Hercules in Gallia. 6.18.
- Bedforde Caſtle deliuered to the Barons by Williã Beau|champe captayne of ye ſame. 588.96.
- Becket Thomas, diſguiſed both in name and veſture, flyeth o|uer into Flaunder [...]. 406.29.
- Bertus ſlayne by the Pictes. 185.107.
- Beda, one of the ſonnes of Port. 130.6.
- Belman and outcrier ordeined in London for the ſale of goods. 1834.21.
- Benet Monke. 193.9.
- Berthfride Earle, a Northum|ber. 190.67.
- Bedford towne beſieged and ta|ken. 368.20.
- Beorcham. 291.29.
- Bechellouyn, or Ber in Nor|mandie. 346.8.
- Beautifull women ſooneſt ſlan|dred, and ſharpeſt aſſaulted. 137.14.
- Bernwine, one of Byſhop Wil|frides Nephewes. 184.61.
- Belles knoulle in ſteeples with an earthquake. 408.3.
- Becket Thomas, Lord Chaun|cellour, ſent Ambaſſadour in|to Fraunce. 398.
- Beuerley towne burned. 469.60.
- Beda cited. 192.58.
- Iohn lord Beauchamp of Holt, executed.
- Beuerſtane. 271.37.
- Bellencumbre caſtle. 390.45.
- Beda cited. and 50.18.
- Berking Nonrie builded. 181 21.
- Becker Thomas his aucthori|tie with the Kyng & Realme. 401.43.
- Iohn Beaufourt created Mar|ques Dorſet. 1097.30. b
- Benefices inhibeted to ſtran|gers. 922.4. b.
- Beauvoiſin Countie ſpoyled and burnt, by Kyng Henry the ſecond. 399.55.
- Thomas Beaufort created Earle of Somerſet. 1090.45. a.
- Walter Bentley knyght, com|mitted to the Tower. 948.40. a.
- Berwick wonne by the Scots. 1007.19. b. and recouered agayne. ibidem.
- Berwick caſtle wonne by the Scots. 1011.46. b. recoue|red agayne by the Earle of Northumberland. 1012.1. a.
- Beauchampe Wylliam Lord, dyeth. 758.110.
- Guy Beuchampe, Earle of Warwick dyeth. 854.45. a.
- Berwick wonne. 819.10. a. entred by the Scottes. 829.46. b.
- Bedford caſtle beſieged and ta|ken by Henry the third. 625.20.
- Berwick deliuered to king Ed|ward the third. 896.33. a.
- Simon Bereford knight han|ged. 895.13. a.
- Berhara downe. 393.2.
- Beuerley Iohn, maiſter to Be|da. 192.110.
- Berwick fortefied. 850.35. a. betrayed to the Scots. 855 41. b.
- Bernard of Neumerch. 318.67.
- Iohn Lord Beaumont becom|meth French. 926.18. a
- Berwick Caſtle wonne by the Scottes. 1048.1. a. recoue|red agayne by the Earle of Northumberland. 1048.20. a.
- Beaumaries built. 811.53. b.
- Beubrick Archbyſhop of Yorke and Cardinall, dyeth. 1496.46.
- Berkhamſted Caſtle beſieged, is yeelded to Lewes. 609.49.
- Thomas Beauchamp Earle of Warwick made protector. 1016.2. a.
- Beche Iohn, Abbot of Colche|ſter executed for the ſupre|macie. 1574.38.
- Berwick beſieged by Edward the .ii. 857.20. a. 896.5. a
- Beckets ſwoord. 826.43. b.
- Thomas Beauchamp Earle of Warwick dyeth. 980.34. b.
- Bernards Caſtle beſieged and wonne. 1849.
- Iohn Lord Beaumont of He|nalt. 877.24. a.
- Beneuolence demaunded of the Spiritualtie & Temporaltie 1601.1.
- Lord Beaumont diſcomfited in Scotland. 854.27. b.
- Beatrice Counteſſe of Pro|uance vniuſt dealinges. 714 106.
- EEBO page image 1444Belknap cõpelled to ſubſcribe 1060.50. b.
- Benbridge doctor, Archbyſhop of Yorke. 1461.3.
- Byſhops accurſed, which ayded the Barons agaynſt Kyng Henry the third. 775.26.
- Byſhops houſe nigh ye Churche in Litchfeeld buylded. 179.55.
- Byſhops nor Abbots to be in|ueſted by the Kyng, or any lay man. 346.14.
- Byſhops nor Abbots to be de|priued of their conſecration, for doyng homage to ye king. 347.1.
- Byſhop of London Deane to the Archbyſhop of Cantor|burie. 349.1.
- Byſhop of Rocheſter, houſhold Chaplain to the Archbiſhop of Canterburie. 349.2.
- Byſhops through all Britaine forbiddẽ to conſecrate Tho|mas the elect of Yorke. 349.65.
- Byſhops See of Ely erected. 349.90.
- Biham Caſtle holden agaynſt Kyng Henry the third. 618.35.
- Byſhops of Englãd complaine to the Kyng, of the extreame dealyng of the Archbyſhop Thomas Becket. 415.18.
- Byſhop of Durham made an Earle. 478.67.
- Byſhops See erected at Car|leil. 362.82.
- Byſhops that accurſed Kyng Iohn and the Realme, fledde out of the Realme. 566.24.
- Byſhop of Londons Palace builded. 33.105.
- Bigot Hugh fleeth ouer ſea in|to Fraunce, after the diſcomfi|ture of Robert Earle of Ley|ceſter. 432.71
- Byſhop of Saliſburie murde|red. pag. 1281. col. 1. lin. 16.
- Byſhop of Erceter being blind, ſent in Ambaſſade to Rome. 352.5.
- Bayot Francis knight, eftſones rebelleth. 1569.27.
- Biſi, Byſhop of Eaſt Angles. 179.90.
- Byſhopriekes openly bought and ſold for money. 330.27.
- Byſhops haue none aucthoritie to iudge of an Archbyſhops cauſe. 331.53.
- Byſhoprickes let out to ferme. 333.60.
- Byſhops and Nobilitie forſake Northumberland. 202.2.
- Byſhops and nobilitie of Eng|land, enuyng one another, refuſe to make an Engliſh|man their Kyng, and receiue a ſtranger. 291.50.
- Bilney Thomas, Bacheler of lawe, brent. 1557.40.
- Bigot Hugh, conſpireth againſt king Henry the ſecond. 426.113.
- Byſhops dueties to care for the health of mens ſoules. 353.77.
- Byſhops See tranſlated from holy Iland, to Cheſter in the Streete. 219.51.
- Byſhop of Carleſt bolde and faythfull. pag. 1123. col. 1. lin. 47. attached. pag. ibidẽ. col. 2. lin. 19. dyeth through greefe of mind. pag. 1129. col. 1. lin. 44.
- Byſhops allowed of for their pompe, & not for their lear|nyng. 274.66.
- Byſhops refuſe ſimply to obey the Kinges lawes. 403.9.
- Biham Caſtle yeelded to Kyng Henry the third. 618.66.
- Byſhops Sees remoued from leſſe renowmed, to more fa|mous places. 303.62.
- Byſhops See ordeined at Dun|wich. 162.60.
- Byll agaynſt the Clergie. pag. 1155. col. 2. lin. 36.
- Byll againſt the Clergie. pag. 1168. col. 1. lin. 48.
- Byſhops and Abbots of Eng|land, not ye miniſters of God, but of the diuell. 279.115.
- Bigod Roger, in armes againſt King William Rufus. 318.57.
- Bickncle Iohn knight. 1450.17.
- Biſhops forbidden to be iudges in ſecular cauſes. 198.97.
- Byſhops See of Weſtes tran|ſlated to Saliſburie. 188.29
- Bigod Roger made Erle Mar|ſhall. 715.95.
- Byſhops See of Weſt Saxons placed at Wincheſter. 180.71.
- Byſhops take an othe ſimply to obey the Kings lawes. 403.69.
- Byſhop of Beaunoys taken pri|ſoner. 531.59.
- Byſhops ſhrinke from the Pope for money ſake. 740.18.
- Bintre William. 1463.2.
- Bigot Hugh ſuborned to per|iure himſelfe. 365.72.
- Byſhopricke of London bought 171.78.
- Bylney Arthur abiured. 1541.
- Byſhoprickes vnder the dioces of Cantorburie. 195.10.
- Byrth of Henry the thyrd. 565.61.
- Byſhoprickes vnder the dioces of Litchfield. 195.15.
- Biligelhage. 276.53.
- Brunan bright. 226.27.
- Byſhops wyll rather dye then part frõ money. 740.12.22.
- Bigot Hugh, Earle of Nor|folke, a valiant chiefteine. 367.43.
- Bigod William drowned. 357.112.
- Bigod Rafe Knight. 1448.47.
- Blaſing ſtarre ſeen, before King Edwardes death the confeſ|ſour. 280.39.
- Blaſing ſtar appeering, before the comming of Duke Wil|liã of Normandie into Eng|land. 284.5.
- Blecca, gouernour of Lincolne conuerted to the faythe of Chriſt. 162.67.
- Bloud rayneth in the Ile of Wight. 449.62.
- Blederike Duke of Cornwall ſlayne. 154.73.
- Blaſing ſtar appeering in Eng|land. 309.47.
- Blackamore, ſuppoſed to bee Badon hyl. 128.65.
- Bleothgent, King of Wales. 297.26.
- Blackwell hall in London, ſup|poſed to be buylded for the temple of peace. 23.30.
- Blauke Charters. 1102.20. a. 1103.17. a.
- Bluet Robert, made Byſhop of Lincolne. 323.104.
- Blaſing ſtar appeereth in Eng|land. 182.6.
- Blaſing ſtarre appeering, brin|ging famine among men, & murreys among cattel. 235.75.
- Charles Earle of Bloys ſlayne at Creſſy. 934.32. b.
- Blanch King Iohns Neece promiſed in marriage to Le|wes the French Kings ſon. 548.28.
- Blaunche daughter to Henry ye fourth marryed to William Duke of Bauer. pag. 1134. col. 2. lin. 48.
- Bleugent and Riuall, ſonnes to Griffin, made gouernors of Wales. 277.76.
- Charles de Bloys taken priſo|ner. 940.50. b. raunſomed 947.40. b.
- Blind man reſtored to his ſight by Auguſtine. 151.31.
- Bladulfe, brother to Colgerne. 132.49.
- Bladulfe ſlayne by the Bry|taines. 133.25.
- Charles De Bloys wynneth townes in Britaine. 916. 38. b. ouercome by ye Earle of Northampton. 918.50. b.
- Blockhouſes and bulworkes buylte along the ſea coaſt. 1572.40.
- Charles de Bloys ſlaine. 970.36. b.
- Blaſing ſtarre. pag. 1133. col. 2. lin. 32.
- Bloud of Hayles, brought into England. 781.100.
- Blanch ſent into Fraũce. 548.70.
- Blewberde a rebel. pag. 1278. col. 2. lin. 56.
- Blackney William. 1463.26.
- Blunt William Lord Mõtiny almoſt ſlaine by the muti|ning ſouldiours at Tourney. 498.10.
- Blederike Duke of Torne|wall. 154.66.
- Blacke Croſſe of Scotlande. 891.47. b.
- Blackneſſe yeelded to ye French King. 1697.54.
- Blorehatha. pag. 1295. col. 2. lin. 4.
- Blanche daughter to King Ed|ward the third borne. 915.16. b.
- Blaſing ſtarre. 786. lin. 10. a. 854.40. a.
- Boniface Archbyſhop of Can|torburie, departeth this lyfe. 782.35.
- Bonifacius Archby. of Mentz reproueth certain offences in Ethelbaldus. 190.9.
- Bookes tranſlated out of latine into Engliſhe by King Alu|red. 217.78.
- Boues Hugh drowned together with a great armie of men vpon the ſea as they were cõ|myng into England to ayde King Iohn agaynſt the Ba|rons. 593.65.
- Bodumni, a people in Britaine. 49.10.
- Bourgh Caſtle taken by the Scots. 433.113.
- Boſa ordeined Biſhop of Yorke 182.14.
- Boniface de Sauoy elect Arch|byſhop of Cantorburie. 659.5.
- Iames Botiller created Earle of Ormond. 892.14. a.
- Bouchier Thomas Archbyſhop of Cantorburie dieth. 1431.38.
- Bouchier Henry Earle of Eſ|ſex. 1447.1.
- Bowes Rafe Knight. 1448.48.
- Bohun Iohn, marrieth Mar|garet, ſiſter to Hugh Lupus Earle of Cheſter. 323.65.
- Bohun Randulfe. 323.66.
- Humfrey Bohun Earle of Her|ford dyeth. 838.55. a.
- Boſworth feeld. pag. 1416. col. 2. lin. 56. pag. 1422. col. 1. lin. 57.
- Bonner doctor, reſtored to the Byſhoprick of London. 1721 16.
- Boallogie ſlayne. 1604.40.
- Bokingham Iohn. 1463.25.
- Boates might haue ben rowed in Weſtminſter hall. 649.4
- Booke of Common prayer cor|rected. 1708.24.
- Henry Bolinbroke created Erle of Derbie. 1050.5. b.
- Boulbeck Iſabel Counteſſe of Oxford dyeth. 714.12.
- Bouencort Peter, hanged vpõ deſpite. 502 45
- Boucher Thomas Cardinal. 1463.13.
- Bohom. pag. 1243. col. 2. lin. 37. pag. 1244. col. 2. lin. 16.
- Bologne, and Bolognous, ſur|rendred EEBO page image 1444 vnto the Frenche King. 1703.50
- Bologne beſieged by Henry the ſeuenth. 1439.41.
- Iohn King of Boheme ſlaine at Creſſy. 934.32. b.
- Boetius Hector cited. 3.75.
- Boun Humfrey, high Conſta|ble of England. 431.64.
- Bond men and women in Suſ|ſex made free. 182.86.
- Bolton, Prior of Saint Bar|tholmew, his madnes. 1531 47.
- Boune Henry Earle of Her|ford. 552.92.
- The Lord Boinren, high admi|rall of France, Ambaſſadour with a trayne of. 1200.1505.47.
- Boune Henry Earle of Herford deceaſſeth. 618.18.
- Bowes Robert knight, fighteth vnfortunately. 1637.8.
- Humfrey Bohun Earle of Her|ford ſlayne. 866.30. b.
- Both parties to be heard, be|fore ſentence be geuen. 271.3.
- Boniface Archbyſhop of Can|torburie intronizated. 729.50.
- Wylliã Bohun created Earle of Northampton. 900.13. b
- Henry Bolinbroke Earle of Derby married. 1050.44. b.
- Boucher Thomas Knight. 1447.21.
- Booke of Common prayer ſet foorth. 1640.32
- Boiac Almiramumoli kyng of the Saraſins. 486.8.
- Bodinus Cited. 1.93. and .4.80. and .4.92.
- Boucher Iohn redemed. 1426.15.
- Bonnehomme Monkes order, firſt ſeene and eſtabliſhed in England. 782.5.
- Boſeham. 277.100.
- Bourne doctor, afterward By|ſhop of Bath, is almoſt ſlaine as he preacheth. 1721.40.
- Britaine Prouince loſt, and the tribute ceaſeth. 101.74.
- Britaines make ſlaughter of the Scots and Pictes. 101.88.
- Britaine without any certaine gouernour. 102.45.
- Britaines land into France for ſound preachers againſt Pe|lagius hereſie. 119.50
- Britaines receiue the grace of God offered in Baptiſme. 120.31.
- Britaine deliuered from Pela|gius hereſie. 119.78. and 121.47.
- Britaines aſſiſt Aurelius Am|broſe, and Vter Pendragon, agaynſt Vortigernus. 122.22.
- Britaines ouerthrowen by the Saxons at Dyorth. 142.111.
- Britaines ouerthrowen by the Saxons at Fechanley. 143.21.
- Britaine deuided into .vii. or 8. or .9. kingdoms. 143.66
- Britaines weakened through ciuil diſſention. 143.93.
- Britaines conſtrained to with|drawe into Wales. 143.98
- Britaine deſtroyed by Gur|mund pitifully. 144.27.
- Britaine deliuered wholy in poſſeſſion to the Saxons. 144.29.
- Britaine called by the name of Hengiſtland, or England. 144.33.
- Britaines driuen to keepe the poſſeſſion of three prouinces in Britaine only. 145.10
- Britaines flie in Armorike Britaine to ſeeke dwellings. 145.34.
- Britaines gouerned by three kings or tyrantes. 145.46.
- Berennus and his Norwegi|ans put to flight by Guilth|darus kyng of Denmarke. 24.2.
- Brennus and his Norwegians arriuing in Albania, are diſ|comfited by Belinus. 24.32
- Berennus fleeth into Fraunce for ſuccour. 24.34.
- Berennus marrieth the prince of Allobroges Seguinus daughter. 25.33.
- Berennus returneth with an armie into Britaine. 25.52.
- Berennus and Belinus made freendes by interceſſion of their mother. 52.60.
- Berennus and Belinus paſſing the ſeas togeather, coquer a great part of Gallia, Italy, and Germany. 25.72.
- Britaines fall into ciuile diſ|cord for the gouernment. 75 115.
- Britaines conſpire, and rebel a|gaynſt the Romanes. 76.29
- Britaines eftſoones rebell a|gainſt the Romanes. 76.55.
- Britaines beyond Adrians wal, breake through, and ſlay the Romanes. 76.84
- Britaines prepare to reſiſt Iu|lius Ceſar. 35.27.
- Britaines readie to defend their countrey. 35.80.
- Britaines put to flight by the Romanes. 36.78.
- Britaines ſend Ambaſſadours vnto Ceſar for peace. 36.86.
- Britaines deliuer Hoſtagies vnto Ceſar. 37.17.
- Britaines ouerthrowne & cha|ſed by the Romanes. 38.50.
- Britaines ſue the ſeconde time to Ceſar for peace. 38.56.
- Britiſh hiſtorie, called alſo the new hiſtorie. 38.72.
- Britiſh youth led foorth of the realme by Maximianus. 95.67.
- Britiſh youth after the death of Maximianus, withdraw|eth into Armorica. 97.17. & 97.84.
- Britiſh ſouldiers of great puiſ|ſaunce. 97.26. &. 99.37.
- Britiſh youth led foorth by ſun|dry, ouer the ſeas. 99.31.
- Britaines ſend to Rome for aid againſt the Scots and Pic|tes. 100.2.
- Britaines chaſed out of Kent by the Saxons. 126.6.
- Britaines ouerthrowne by the Saxons in Kent. 126.26.
- Britaines fall together by the eares among themſelues. 126.39.
- Britaines repulſed by Cerdi|cus and his people. 126.112
- Britaines vnder Nathaliod diſcomfited by the Saxons. 127.84.
- Britiſh horſemen, put to flyght by the Romane horſemen. 40.99.
- Britaines, what they call a towne. 42.81.
- Britaines made tributaries to the Romanes. 43.1.
- Britaines ouerthrowne by the Romanes in a vaſley neere Cantorburie 43.83.
- Britaines, at the ſecond time of the Romanes comming, re|fuſe the Scottiſh mens ayde, and are vanquiſhed. 44.66.
- Britaine deuided into ſundrye eſtates. 44.110.
- Britaines refuſe to pay their co|uenanted tribute, to Augu|ſtus Ceſar. 46.33.
- Britaines ſend Ambaſſadours to Auguſtus Ceſar for peace. 46.63.
- Britiſh Princes offer preſentes in the Capitoll to ye Romane Gods. 47.21.
- Britaines refuſe to pay tribute to the Romanes, and make open rebellion againſt them. 47.55.
- Britaine afflicted by inuaſion of barbarous nations. 107.65.
- Britaine likely to be vtterly van+quiſhed by the Scottes and Pictes. 111.35.
- Britaines come againſt Cen|walch, King of Weſt Sax|ons with an army. 176.74.
- Brute deuideth Britaine be|tweene his three ſonnes. 16.35.
- Britaine receyueth the fayth of Chriſt. .75.1.
- Britaine the firſt of all other re|gions, that openly receyueth the Goſpell. 75.28.
- Britaines expert in Magike. 2.106.
- Britaines conſpire to chaſe the Romanes out of the coun|trey. 82.4.
- Bretaimous in Henaud held by Britaines. 87.99.
- Britaine taſteth of Diocleſians crueltie againſt Chriſtians. 87.113.
- Britaines placed in a parte of Fraunce, by Conſtantinus. 92.65.
- Britaine numbred among the Prouinces that ſent to the Sinode of Sardica. 94.44.
- Britaine in Fraunce ſubdued by Maximianus. 95.68.
- Britaine in Fraunce, to hold of the greater Britaine, and of the Kings thereof for euer. 95.72.
- Britaines refuſe to marry with the maydens of Fraunce. 95.84. 95.84.
- Britaines imitate the Romane pleaſures and delicacies. 69.67.
- Britaines which inhabite about Calender Wood, ſet vppon the Romanes, and are van|quiſhed. 70.65.
- Britaines gather a new power and receiue a great ouer|throwe at the Romanes handes. 71.46.
- Brentford battayle, fought by the Engliſhmen againſt the Danes. 255.7.
- Brightrick ſuccedeth Kenel|woulf in the kingdome of Weſt Saxons. 199.72.
- Brightrick departeth this life. 200.39.
- Brightrick poyſoned, as ſome ſuppoſe, 200.42.
- Britaines oppreſſed by ye Scots and Pictes. 96.60. & 97.20
- Britiſh and Celtike language all one. 4.93.
- Brightrick King of Weſt Sax|ons marryeth Ethelburga, daughter to Offa. 195.32.
- Britaine left deſolate for lacke of vittaile. 183.72.
- Britiſh commons twice van|quiſhed by the Nobilitie. 101.21.
- Britaines diſdaine to giue their daughters in marriage to the Pictes. 67.53.
- Britaines diſcomfited & ſlayne by the Weſt Saxons. 130.39.
- Britaines ouerthrowne by Wightgar and Stuff. 130.47.
- Brute Greeneſhe [...]d bringeth al the realme of Fraunce vn|der his ſubiection. 18.37.
- Brinus conuerteth the Weſt Saxons to ye Chriſtian faith. 168.115.
- Britaines ceaſe to reigne in this land. 187.65.
- Britaines vanquiſhed & chaſed by King Inas. 187.100.
- Brute and Corineus, ioyne theyr companyes together. 13.80.
- Britaines vanquiſhed & ſlayne by the Engliſhmen. 165.19.
- Britaines couenant to finde the EEBO page image 1445 Saxons prouiſion of vitailes 114.56.
- Britaine ſpoyled miſerably by the Saxons from ſea to ſea. 114.66.
- Epiford, or Agliſthorpe Bat|taile againſt the Saxons. 115.76.
- Britaines diſcomfited by the Saxons, flye into the moun|taines. 117.23.
- Britaines ſlayne by treaſon of the Saxons. 118.22.
- Britaines ſlaine by the Saxons at a Banket. 118.66.
- Brennus and Belinus, ſonnes to Mulmucius, raigne ioint|ly as Kings in Britaine. 23.80.
- Brutes prayer before the Ora|cle. 12.37.
- Britaines vanquiſhe not the Saxons, without the ayde of the Scots and Pictes. 129.36.
- Britaines vanquiſhed by Ken|ricus, King of Weſt Saxons and chaſed. 142.53.
- Britaines weare houpes of yrõ, in ſteede of chaines of golde. 79.48.
- Britaines paint their bodyes with ſundry ſhapes of foules and beaſtes. 79.51.
- Britaines hardnes in lodging and diet. 79.68.
- Britaines in old time admitted as well women as men to publique gouernment. 61.37.
- Broughton Thomas knight a man of no ſmall power and aucthoritie in Lancaſhyre, by|deth the Lord Louell. 1448.17. conſpireth againſt ye king 1429.42. is ſlaine in bat|tell. 1431.44.
- Britaines make no account of Chriſtian religion in ye Eng|liſhmen. 164.11.
- Britaines ouerthrowne by Cẽt|wyne, King of the Weſt Sax|ons. 183.
- Britaines put to flight by King Iohn. 585.55.
- Broughe Hubert Erle of Kent dyeth. 705.32.
- Britaines begin a new rebelli|on againſt Seuerus the Em|perour. 80.42.
- Brigantes vanquiſhed by the Romanes, and their countrey for the moſt parte ſubdued. 66.70.
- Brent Foulkes poyſoned dyeth. 625.50.
- Broc Robert accurſed. 417.27.
- Brocmale or Brocmael, Earle or Maior of Cheſter. 153.91.
- Brandon Charles Eſquier iuſteth. 1466.30. knight & captaine with Syr Henry Guilford of the Souereigne 1475.37. created Viſcount Liſle. 1477.7. created Duke of Suffolke. 1494.28. goeth ouer to ye Iuſts held at Paris 1496.12. & acquitteth hym|ſelfe at them very honorably eadẽ. 42. is ſent into France to reduce the Queene Dow|ager of France into Englãd. 1497.25. marieth her. eadẽ. 58. forſaketh the Court and why. 1499.39. leadeth an armye into Fraunce. 1526.20. helpeth to appeaſe an in|ſurrection in Suffolk. 1539.46. choſen knight of thorder of Saint Michaell. 1558.28. ſuppreſſeth with a power the rebellion in Lincolnſhire 1566.1. Godfather to king Edward the ſixt. 1570.41. beſiegeth Bulleyn. 1594.9 dyeth. 1603.10. is praiſed ibidem.
- Browne Antony viſcont Mon|tagu ſente Ambaſſadour vnto Rome. 1763.40. is Lieutenant of an armye ſent into France. 1767.19 knight of the garter, is ſent Commiſſioner to Bruges. 1835.26.
- Bray Reygnold knyght of the garter dyeth. 1457.10. is praiſed. ibidem.
- Robert Brus crowned kyng of Scots. 841.41. b put to flight. 842.40. a. his landes giuen to Engliſhmen. 843.3. a. accurſed. 844.40. b. his ſecond brother hanged. 844.50. b. accurſed. 856.76. a. ac|curſed again. 858.40. a.
- Brute meteth with other Troi|an Progenies. 13.37.
- Britaines conſpire to reiect the Romane bondage. 60.10.
- Brian, Nephew to Cadwallo fortifieth the Citie of Exce|ter. 166.47.
- Britaines write into Fraunce to Aetius for ayde, but can get none.
- Brudus King of Pictes ſlayeth king Ecgfride. 185.28.
- Bracelets of golde hung vp in high wayes. 217.
- Britaines ſende lamentable re|queſt to Rome for ayde a|gainſt the Scots and Pictes 100.25.
- Brightwald ſucceedeth Theo|dore in the Archbyſhop ſea of Cantorburie. 187.29.
- Brute found this Iland inhabi|ted. 9.33.
- Brute how he came of ye Troy|ans. 9.51.
- Brute why ſo named. 9.66.
- Brute ſlayeth his father at vn|wares. 9.68. &. 10.25.
- Brute fleeth into Greece. 10.35.
- Brutes letter vnto Pandraſus king of Greece. 10.72.
- Brute putteth Pandraſus and his armie to flight. 11.34.
- Brute marryeth Innogẽ daugh+ter to Pandraſus. 12.9.
- Brighthelmeton brent. 1494.17.
- Counteſſe of Britaine paſſeth into England. 917.19. a
- Britaines refuſe to take Augu|ſtine for their Archbyſhop. 152.10.
- Britaines diſcomfited by Ethel|fred at Cheſter. 153.71.
- Britaines take part with kyng Henry the firſt againſt Ro|bert Duke of Normandie. 344.22.
- Duke of Britaine commeth in|to Englande for ayde. 993.40. b. diſappoynted by truce 996.30. a. reſtored to hys Dukedome. 1013.56. a.
- Brightnoth, Earle of Eſſex, withſtandeth the diſplaſing of the Monkes. 235.103.
- Brightnoth leadyng an armie againſt the Danes, is ſlayne with moſt of his people. 239.53.
- Britaines what countreys they inhabited in the dayes of Cadwallo. 158.108.
- Brinchilde prince of Henand, ouerthroweth Brute Gree|niſhield, prince of Britaine. 18.42.
- Brock Robert, Chaplaine vnto the Kyng, inuenteth Con|duite pipes of Leade with|out ſouder. 1570.40.
- Bradſhawe Henry cited. 18.75.
- Britaines driuen into deſart places by the Scottes and Pictes. 101.
- Brute Greeneſhield ouerthro|wen in Henaud by the prince of the Countrey. 18.42.
- Brightwald fyrſt Archbyſhop of Cantorburie of the Eng|liſhe nation. 187.41
- Brute conſulteth with the Ora|cle at Leogitia. 12.31.
- Brute and his people departing out of Greece, arriue at Leo|gitia. 12.29.
- Brocmale defender of the Monkes and Prieſtes, flee|eth out of the feelde. 154.16.
- Brightwoldes viſion, concer|nyng the ſucceſſion of the crowne of England. 267.91.
- Britaines vãquiſhed in a pight feeld by Claudius. 49.72.
- Britaine committed to the go|uernment of Plautius. 49.85.
- Britannicus, ſonne to Claudi|us the Emperour, ſo ſurna|med. 49.84.
- Britaines neyther valiant in warre, neyther faythfull in peace. 50.40.
- Britiſh coigne ſtamped, with the Emperour of Romes I|mage. 50.52.
- Britaines acknowledge to hold their kyngdome of the Ro|manes. 51.43.
- Britaintes ſend Ambaſſadors to Seuerus the Emperour, to entreate of peace. 79.26.
- Britaine deuided into two Realmes. 31.110.
- Britiſh Kynges names whiche raigned from Elidurus, to Lud. 32.65. and. 32.100. and. 33.40.
- Brent Fulks taken and bani|ſhed the Realme. 625.34.
- Brutes line ended in Britaine. 22.80.
- Britaines ouerthrowen by Ci|negiſcus Kyng of the Weſt Saxons, at Beaudune. 155 63.
- Brute and his company arriue in Afrike. 13.34
- Britaine, in the time of the Ro|manes gouernment here, ful of Fennes and Marriſh ground. 79.40.
- Britaines trained to quietnes and ciuilitie. 69.53.
- Edward Bruce created king of Ireland. 853.47. a. ſpoyleth the countrey. 855.30. a. is ſlayne. 856.50. a.
- Britaine, a citie in France by whom builded. 18.51.
- Britaine deuided into foure tongues. 168.90.
- Brute cõmaundeth this Iland to be called Britaine, and the inhabitantes, Britaines. 16 27.
- Britaines lay ſtales to entrap the Romanes. 79.111
- Britaines rebell agaynſt Ed|wine. 163.45.
- Iohn Brimingham created Earle of Louth. 856.29. b.
- Brian Stanford Knight. pag. 1416. col. 2. lin. 42.
- Britaine in no part free from the Romane power. 69 50.
- Bruncham Caſtle wonne by Kyng Iohns ſouldiers, and raſed. 584.7.
- Brute his pedegrue. 9.40.
- Brute dyeth. 16.52.
- Britael, kyng of Demetia. 39.12.
- Britaine inhabited before the flood. 1.41.
- Bray Reynold knyght, one of the cheefe of the Counſell, cauſeles complained of. 1466.21.
- Brute and his Troians depar+tyng from France, arriue in Britaine. 15.34
- Duke of Britaine dyeth. 926.7. a.
- Brigantes, inhabitantes of Yorkeſhyre. 59.25.
- Britaine, howe long after the flood inhabited. 2.1.
- Biez, Marſhall of France, en|treth Muttrel. 1594.52. commeth before Bulleyne, 1599.30. buildeth a fort neare to Bullogne called EEBO page image 1445 Momplaiſir. 1604.8. doeth much miſchiefe in the Eng|liſhe pale about Calice. ea|dem. 14.
- Broc Ranulph, owner of Hage|net Caſtle. 431.49.
- Britiſh tongue to this day re|taineth ſome ſmack of the Greeke. 3.83.
- Brute Greeneſhield, the ſonne of Ebranke, made gouernor of Britaine. 18.26.
- Brute buried at London. 16.53.
- Brecknoc Caſtle deliuered to Prince Edward. 765.49.
- Brough Hubert, captaine of the Caſtle of Douer with other, prouide ſhipping a|gaynſt the Frenche Fleete. 615.41.
- Britaines not knowen to the Romanes, til Iulius Ceſars tyme. 34.102.
- Britaigne Richard, knight. 415.62.
- Robert Brus, Earle of Carrik dyeth. 840.48. a.
- Britiſh commons ryſe agaynſt the nobilitie. 101.20.
- Brutes poſteritie receiueth an vncurable wound. 176.79.
- Breton Iohn, byſhop of Here|ford, taken priſoner by the Barons. 726.47
- Barons deale preſumptuouſly againſt Henry the third. 759 70.
- Brute and Corineus arriue in Fraunce. 13.84.
- Britaines ouerthrowen by the Saxons at the Ile of Wight 131.48.
- Brimefourd. 226.27.
- Brooke Iohn, Lord Cobham. 1447.20.
- Briges beſieged by the Welch|men. 408.40.
- Broc Randall appoynted ouer|ſeer of the goodes and landes of the See of Cantorburie. 407.107.
- Braybroke Henry, captayne of Mountſorel Caſtle. 612.9
- Broc Randulfe, keeper of Salt|wood Caſtle. 415.99.
- Iohn Breton Lord of Hereford dyeth. 786.56. a.
- Britherike going foorth againſt Wylmote with a Fleete, lee|ſeth the more part of his Shippes by a tempeſt. 244.99.
- Brent Foulkes, captaine of Bedford caſtle ſpoyleth S. Albanes. 611.26.
- Brittenden. 220.26.
- Breuſe William taken priſoner and put to death. 632.26.
- Britaine when firſt called Al|bion. 5.45.
- Brent Foulkes conſpireth a|gainſt king Henry the thirde 624.48.
- Bridges borne downe with yee. 324.25.
- Britaines put to flight by the Romans, and vtterly diſcom|fited. 65.22.
- Briſtow taken by Robert Erle of Glouceſter. 368.69.
- Britaines reteined Chriſtiani|tie from the time of the Apo|ſtles. 151.17.
- Britiſh Church differeth from the Romiſh, about the feaſt of Eaſter. 151.23.
- Bruydon Monaſterie. 191.105.
- Briſtow Caſtle beſieged. 763.90.
- Breuſe William and hys wyfe and children flye the realme for wordes the Lady Breuſe ſpake of king Iohn. 566.67.
- Brabanders, famous in ſkill & practiſe of warre. 445.61.
- Brightwoulf King of Mercia, chaſed by the Danes. 206.113.
- Broc Philip, Canon of Bed|ford, arreigned of murder, & baniſhed the land. 402.47.
- Bridges Agnes doth penance for faining to be poſſeſſed by the diuell. 1870.46.
- Broc Raynulfe, accurſed by Archbyſhop Thomas Bec|ket. 409.79.
- Bray wonne. 1528.10.
- Briſtow Caſtle fortifyed by the byſhop of Conſtans. 318.55
- Brenne Iohn King of Ieruſa|lem commeth into England. 622.74.
- Brian, ſonne to Robert Earle of Glouceſter. 379.37.
- Britaine Dukedome obtayned by Guy, ſonne to the viſcount of Touars huſband to Con|ſtance Arthures mother. 555 84.
- Briſtow caſtle builded. 351.54.
- Brecknock battell, fought by the Engliſhmen agaynſt the Welchmen. 324.36.
- Brereton captaine of the ad|uenturers ſlaine. 1531.30.
- Breuſe Lady and her ſonne takẽ and ſent to priſon. 570.15.
- Bridgnorth caſtle fortifyed a|gainſt King Henry the firſt. 339.59.
- Bryſon Caſtle taken by ye Eng|liſhmen. 524.23.
- Brimſbery bridge repayred. 222.5.
- Brun hugh Earle of March. 560.14.
- Barnes Doctor burnt. 1580.4.
- Britaines ouerthrowne by the Saxons at Bedford. 142.105.
- Briake in Britaine aſſaulted by Engliſhmen. pag. 1154. col. 1. lin. 20. taken. col. 2. lin. 2.
- Brennus marryeth the Prince of Norway Elſung or Eli|ſings daughter. 23.99.
- Brendholme Edmunde put to death. 158.32.
- Broc Roger, ſeruant to Archbi|ſhop Thomas Becket. 406.29.
- Brun Hugh Earle of Marche dyeth. 729.46.
- Brecknock in wales takẽ. 222.18.
- Britaine holdes furniſhed with French ſouldiours. 543.51.
- Breſt deliuered to the Duke of Britaine. 1090.2. b.
- Britaine the leſſe through ciuil diſſention, of a fruitfull ſoyle, becommeth a wylde deſarte. 410.19.
- Braybroke Henry taken priſo|ner. 624.67.
- Bridgewater. pag. 1321. col. 1. lin. 15.
- Brute Greeneſhield dyeth, and is buried at Yorke. 18.60.
- Bromierd Philip. 1463.18.
- Brigantes reuolt from the Ro|manes to Venutius. 58.95.
- Brute encountred by Giauntes in Britaine. 15.74.
- Britaine at the firſt creatiõ, was part of the continent. 1.28.
- Britaine Britonant. 916.44. b.
- Duke of Britaine commeth in|to England. 924.46. a.
- Britons brene the town of Pli|mouth. pag. 1140. col. 2. lin. 28. woulde haue landed at Dartmouth. pag. 1142. col. 1. lin. 1. their crueltie. lin. 29.
- Battell of Graueling. 1780.40
- Thomas of Brotherton borne. 835.45. b.
- Brute ſearcheth this land from one end to another. 15.68.
- Bridge of London begun to be made of ſtone. 566.84.
- Duke of Britaine dyeth. 916.7. a.
- Brightrick put to death. 260.44.
- Nicholas Brembre executed. 1071.37. b.
- Brent Marche. pag. 1321. col. 1. lin. 14.
- Duke of Britaine aydeth Hen|ry Duke of Lancaſter. 1105.12.
- Briſtow Caſtle. 371.21.
- Bromeley towne. 277.14.
- Bricennamere. 222.19.
- Britaine waſted by the Conſta|ble. 993.33. b.
- Britaine of the Samothei cal|led firſt Samothea. 2.76.
- Breauſe William, his craftie dealing with the Welchmen. 439.103.
- Brandon Henry ſonne to Char|les Duke of Suffolke by the Frenche Queene Created Earle of Lincolne. 1526.13
- Britiſh Monkes and Prieſtes ſlaine by Edelfred. 154.10.
- Brighthelme ſucceedeth Alfin in the Archbyſhoprick of Cã|torburie. 233.82.
- Bridgnorth Caſtle ſurrendred to the King. 396.13.
- Broughty crag wonne by ye Lord Clinton. 1630.17. beſieged in vaine by Monſieur de Chapell. 1635. wonne by Monſieur de Chermes. 1702.
- Bulleyne Thomas Knight ſent Ambaſſadour into France. 1506.26.
- Bulleyne Thomas, treaſurer of the kynges houſe, created Viſcont Rochefort. 1536.19.
- Butler Piers created Earle of Oſſory. 1550.15.
- Bulleyne Anne, daughter to the Earle of Wylſhyre, is crea|ted Marchioneſſe of Pen|brok. 1558.33. goeth wt the Kyng to Calice. ead. 44. is married to the kyng 1559.33. is crowned Queene. 1560.50. is committed to the Tower. 1565.5. is be|headed, and her ſpeache be|fore. 1565.18.
- Buſſey Roger. 391.21.
- Buſſey Iordaine. 391.22.
- Burthred ſucceedeth Bertwolf in the kyngdome of Mercia, and marrieth Ethelſwida, ſi|ſter to Ethelwolfus. 207.110.
- Burialles found of late vppon Aſhdone in Eſſex. 256.1.
- Burcher Peter his manifold madneſſe, deſperate deedes, and ſhamefull death. 1869.44.
- Bulgarie, in olde time called Meſia. 103.31
- Bunghey Caſtle, made playne with the ground. 445.22.
- Buly king of Powſey in Wales 122.58.
- Burthred conſtrained to forſake his countrey, goeth to Rome, and there dyeth. 212.24.
- Bunghey caſtle. 436.5.
- Bury Abbey, ſpoyled by the Danes. 249.75.
- Buren Count at the ſiege of Muttrel. 1594.45.
- Burthred Kyng of Mercia, ex|pulſed out of his kingdome by the Danes. 218.89.
- Buckinghamſhyre waſted by the Danes. 245.71.
- Burnyng feuers reignyng in England. 314.26.
- Bunduica, looke Voadicia.
- Buckingham Caſtles builded. 221.45.
- Burgenild, daughter to Kyng Kenvulf of Mercia. 205.40.
- Bullenberg aſſaulted by Cha|ſtillion, and valiantly defen|ded. 1640.40.
- Buying and ſelling of men in England prohibited. 341.34.
- Bulmer Wylliam knight. 1448.46.
- Philip Duke of Burgoigne, EEBO page image 1446 marrieth the Earle of Flan|ders daughter. 976.45. b.
- Buckenburne Robert attainted 1425.45.
- Duches of Burbon taken pri|ſoner. 979.20. a
- Bucke Iohn attainted. 1425.51.
- Burwham. 1463.24.
- Boyham caſtle wonne. 1529.35.
- The Burſe built. 1836.30. proclaimed by Herought & Trumpetter, the Royall Ex|change. 1857.44.
- Bulles agaynſt breakers of ſta|tutes. 1098.1. b
- Bullocke Martin hanged. 1862.13.
- Robert Burnel biſhop of Bathe 791.58. a.
- Burthred Kyng of Mercia, marrieth kyng Ethelwolfus daughter. 206.9.
- Burgh Hubert marryed to Margaret the king of Scot|lands ſiſter. 619.73.
- Burdee. pag. 1381. col. 1. lin. 14.
- Bulleyne Thomas, Viſcont Rochefort created Earle of Wylſhyre. 1553.10.
- Burton vpon Trent. 583.64.
- Bulmer Iohn knight put to death. 1570.10.
- Bulleyne beſieged. 1595.8. yeelded. 1796.40.
- Bulles from the Pope agaynſt Wicliffe. 1008.20. b.
- Burgoigne ſpared for money. 965.49. a.
- A Bull from Rome hanged on the byſhop of Londons gate. 1852.27.
- Burdiaur yeelded to the Frẽch pag. 1285. col. 2. lin. 14.
- Burials of traytours and fe|lous permitted. 874.40. a.
- Bury Abbay ſpoyled. 885.20. b.
- Bu [...]yris ſlayne by Hercules in Egypt. 5.106.
- Burgh Hubert created Earle of Kent. 630.103.
- Simon Burleis lyfe and ere|cution. 1072.16. a.
- Burgh Hubert appoynted war|den of the Marches betwixt England and Wales. 551.110.
- Brumpton Wylli. of Burford, attainted. 1425.55.
- Bulmer Wylliam knyght, diſ|comfiteth the Lord Hume. 1487.34.