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Snippet: 2 of 3 (1577, Volume 3, p. 662) Appendix C.2 Faultes eſcaped in the imprinting of the deſcription of Ireland.
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Faultes eſcaped in the imprinting of the deſcription of Ireland.
- FOl. 1. col. 1. line .36. for the gloſe, read the gloſſe.
- Fol. 4. col. 2. lin. 38. for ſo much fra|med, read ſo much as
- Fol. 5 col. 5. line 36. for woulde tracte, read he would tract.
- Fol. 8. col. 2. line 31. for triniall, read triuiall.
- Fol. 12. col. 1. line .59. for turned a com|mune, read turned to a
- Fol. 13. col. 2. line 50. for were formed, read were forced.
- Fol. 16. col. 1. line 7. for dumbe, reade doome.
- Eod. col. 2. line 30. for only, read ouglye
- Fol. 17. co. 1. line 43. for to couragiouſ|ly, ſo couragiouſly.
- Eod col. 2. line 3. for euerſide, reade eitherſide.
- Eod. col. ead. line 37. for ſprinketh, read ſpringeth.
- Fol. 20. col. 4. line .10. for empeache of, read empeache me
- Fol. 23. col. 1. line 3. for Altrio Dei, read Atrio
- Eod. col. ead. line 48. for redamus, read redamas.
- Fol. 24. co. 2. line .37. for maltarum, read
- Fol. 27. col. 2. line .1. for redamunda, read
- Eod. co ead. line. 3. for Cauſidicoque, read
- Fol. 28. col. 2. line 10. for rithmooues, read richmoures.
Appendix C.2.1 Faults eſpecially to be corrected.
Faults eſpecially to be corrected.
- Fol. 23. b. col. 2. line 15. for S. Mighel read Marward.
- Fol. 28. col. 1. line. 50. for water Creſſes which they terme, read
witer Creſ|ſes and three leaued graſſe, whiche they terme.
Snippet: 3 of 3 (1577, Volume 3, p. 663) Appendix C.3 Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of this Hiſtorie of
Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of this Hiſtorie of
- Fol. 20. co. 2. lin. 30. for Archbiſhop of S. Keuins, read Abbot, and
ſo like|wiſe in the mergent.
- Fo. 21. lin. 33. for Amalachelinus, read Omalaghlym.
- Fol. 23. line. 40. for Welchmen, reade Cambrians.
- Eod. li. 47. for Dermot, read Dermon.
- Fol. 24. line 3. for Erle of Pembroke, read Chepſtowe.
- Fol. 26. li. 40. for Henwode, read Wode
- Fo. 27. line 43. for Mac Dermon, read Mac Moroghe.
- Fol. 28. line. 18. for Mywcham, reade Newham.
- Fol. 31. line 54. for knightes, read gen|tlemen of ſeruice.
- Fol. 30. lin. 3. for Brachan, read Brac|tan.
- Eod. line 4. for Moling, read Molin.
- Fol. 32. line 52. for Reimond le Grace, Read Reymond le Groſſe.
- Fol. 38. line 19. for Guynkinlo, reade Guyndoloche.
- Fol. 39. line 25. for Corg, read Corcke
- Fol. 40. line 10. for Richard de Pechi, read Richard de Pet.
- Fol. 41. line 11. for againſt the forena|med kings, read againe to the
fore|named kings.
- Fol. 44. line 5. for Oconhur, read O|connor.
- Fol. 46. line 43. for Richard Deceter, read Richard de Exeter.
- Fol. 48. line. 2. for Maurice de Caro, read Maurice de Carew.
- Eod. line. 27. for Philanes, reade O|felanes.
- Fol. 49. line 6. for Oconhur, read O|connor, or Oconhor.
- Fol. 49. line 59. for Oſcolles, reade O|kellye.
- Fol. 51. lin. 69. for Margoghidan, read Mac goghidan.
- Fol. 58. line. 15. for Oconhur, read O|connor.
- Fo. 56.62.45. and 49. for Mac Car|thye, read Mac Arthe.
- Fol. 65. lin. 37. for Cadel, read Caduel
- Fol. 67. lin. 43. for Mac Murche, read Mac Morogh.
- Fol. 68. line .30. for Marques Caro, read Marques Carew.
- Fol. 70. line 10. for Oconhur, read O|connor.
- Fol. 71. line .7. for Maginoys, read Mac geynes.
- Fol. 64. col. 2. lin. 32. put out was made and write died.
- Fol. 65. col 2. lin. 10. for Edmond, read Roger.
- In the regiſter of the gouernours and lieutenants betwixt Richard
Aſhto [...] and Roger Mortimer Anno .1381. put in Edmonde Erle of
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Snippet: 1 of 1 (1577, Volume 4, p. 664) EEBO page image 664EEBO page image 664
[figure appears here on page 664]
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