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Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 1 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 659) A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
- ABbay de caſtro dei, founded. 28
- Adam de Hereford an Engliſh captaine, van|quiſheth the Iriſh in a daungerous battail. 33
- Alayn de la Zouch Lorde Iuſtice, ſlaine by the Erle of Surrey. 45
- Albius an Iriſh biſhop. 11
- Aldlecke caſtle deſtroyed. 45
- Alen Iohn, Archbiſhop of Dublin, enimie to the Giraldines. 90. flieth to the caſtel of Dublin. 91. is apprehended by the rebelles, and ſhamefully murdered. 92
- Alen Iohn, knight. 90. Alice Kettle a witch. 58
- Alma earle Strangbow his daughter, maried to William eldeſt ſon to Maurice Fitz Girald. 34
- Ambition ſetteth one brother agaynſt another. 3. 5
- Anninus. 3. Antragh. 78
- Ardſcollburnt. 46
- Articles agreed vpon in the counſel at Caſſhil. 10
- Arthur Mac Murrow, ouercome by Iames erle of Ormond. 71
- Arthure king of Brytaine, had the Iriſh in ſub|iection, and tooke tribute of them. 5
- Articles of agreement betweene Rotherick Mo|narke of Ireland, and Dermote king of Lun|ſter. 23
- Arundell Lord of the Stand, his yerely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes. 68
- Atheſſell burnt. 57. Athione caſtell burnt. 53
- Aylmer Girald chiefe Iuſtice. 99. his conference with king Henrie the eight of the diſorder of Irelande. 106
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 2 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 659) B.
- BAlimore burnt. 49
- Ballioll Edw. king of Scots doth homage. 46
- Balram Lord of Enford his yearely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes. 68
- Banchor. 12
- Barnevale of Beerehauen, his yearely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes. 68
- Barnewell Lorde of Trinieſton, ſurrendereth the ſword to ſir William Skeffington. 97
- Barod Lord of the garde his yearely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes. 68
- Barby Thomas Maior of Dublin. 85
- Barre Philip. 39
- Barre Robert a valiant Gentleman. 23
- Bard de Nelan an Iriſh Richmour. 93
- Bartolenus. 1. Barre Robert. 23
- Bath William of Dollardeſtowne his wordes. 96
- Battail of Ardineigh 57. Battail of Knoctone. 75
- Battaile agaynſt the Giants. 2
- Bedlow Iohn. 65. Bedlow of the Roche. 80
- Bonneuille Iohn. 51. Beterley Walter. 66
- Bignort Alexander Archbiſhoppe of Dublin 56. erecteth an Vniuerſitie. 57
- Birmingham Walter his notable act. 65
- Birmingham Iohn vanquiſheth the Scottes. 57 is made erle of Louth. 57 is made L. iuſtice. 58
- Birmingham Peter. 50
- Birminghams famous captaines. 57
- Biſſet Hugh. 55
- Biſhops how they were elected 20. maryed By|ſhops. 13
- Bithi one of the firſt finders out of Ireland. 1
- Blanchfield a Citizen of Dublin ſlaine. 7 [...]
- Blake Iohn Maior of Dublin. 75
- Boice his wordes to the Erle of Kildare. 7 [...]
- Bothum William, Archbiſhop of Dublin. 47
- Boureate caſtle. 60. Bounaght. 74
- Brennus king of Brytaine called into Ireland. 4
- Brewſe Philip. 31. Bren Obren. 60
- Brendan Abbot. 12
- Brereton William knight, landeth with his ſoul|diours. 90. ſommoneth the caſtell of Maynoth, ſcaleth the walles, and aduaunceth his ſtandar [...] on the higheſt turret. 97. hee is left to defende Dublyn againſt the rebels. 99. ſkirmiſheth with the rebelles. 100
- Brytayne Iohn Erle of Richmonde Lord War|den of Scotlande. 50
- Britons when firſt they entred Ireland. 4
- Bride Saint hir life. 11
- Brought [...]n Thomas knight. 75
- Bruce Edwarde, brother to the king of Scottes inuadeth Irelande, and cauſeth himſelfe to bee crowned king. 52. his actes there. 53.55. ſlaine at the battaile of Ardmagh. 57
- Bruce Robert king of Scottes landeth in Ire|lande, [...]4
- Bruce Robert. 52
- Burgh William. 70 Burgh Thomas. 60.65
- Burghes and Birminghams. 54
- Burgh William. 51.55
- Burgh Rich. erle of Vlſter beſiegeth Athlone. 46. is taken priſoner. 47. inuadeth Scotland. 48
- Burkeyns. 67
- Burnell Iohn of Balgriffin. 9 [...]. executed at Ty|burne. 99
- Butler Iames eldeſt ſonne to the Erle of Oſſory his letter to the Lorde Fitz G [...]ralde. 91. hee is wounded by the rebels, 93
- Butler Iames Earle of Ormonde marcheth to Dublin with a great power. 77. is purſued by the Citizens into Saint Patrickes church. 78 his deſcription. ibid.
- Butler Iames Lorde of Ormonde vanquiſheth Omore and his horrible armie. 71. his famous exploytes. 7 [...]
- Butlers fauourers of the houſe of Lancaſter. 4
- Butler Piers Erle of Oſſorie, marieth Marga|ret ſiſter to the erle of Kildare. 79. ſlayeth Ia|mes a baſtard Butler ibid. is appoynted Lord deputie. 80. accuſeth the erle of Kildare. 83
- Butler Edmonde his exploytes. 52.55
- Butler Thomas. 59
- Butler Walter made Erle of Vlſter. 44.45
- Butler Theobalde. 44
- Butler Iames knight Lord Treaſorer. [...]5
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Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 3 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 659) C.
- CAlfe Henrie. 49
- Caltropes ſtrawe [...] by the Iriſh to annoy the Danes at their landing. 17
- Cannon Thomas. 90
- Carew .63. the Marques Caro his yearely re|uenues. 68
- Cardinals ſent to king Henrie the ſeconde. [...]
- Carauſius. 8
- Caraticus king of Britaine. 14
- Caſhels ſpoyled by the Scottes. 55
- Coteſbach Euſtace Chamberlaine of Scotlãd. 50
- Catholicus Archbiſhop of Thomond. 30
- Catherlaghe. 64
- Cathgur Oconthir king of Connagh. 45
- Cantreb what it is, and by whome inu [...]aded. 3
- Canute ſlaine at the ſiege of Dublin. 18
- Ca [...]nton Dauid knight. 4 [...]
- Caucocke Thomas L. Chancellour of Irelande cõſecrated vi of Imaley kepeth a great feaſt. 49
- EEBO page image 660Celeſtine. 9
- Celſus biſhop of Ardmagh. 12
- Cenanus firſt a man of warre, then a biſhop. 12
- Ceſara nece to Noe, firſt finder out of Ireland. 1
- Charter of Ireland confirmed by Parliament. 67
- Chriſtian biſhop of Liſmore, ſummoneth a pro|uinciall counſaile in Ireland. 20
- Chriſt church ſteeple in Dublin quite burnt. 46
- Citrius Prince of Dublin. 46
- Clare Thomas ſine Obrenroth king of Tholeth|mond. 45. dyeth. 46
- Clare Richard diſcomfiteth Richard earle of Vl|ſter with a great armye 51. ſlayeth. 600. of the Galagheghas. ibid is ſlaine. 56
- Clergie denounceth curſing agaynſt the breakers of their allegiance to the king of England. 35
- Clentars field. 19. Cocherings. 74
- Cogan Miles a valiant knight, captaine of Dub|lin, repulſeth the enimies from the ſiege there|of. 26. his good ſeruice in the ciuill warres a|gaynſt king Henrie the ſeconde. 37. is ioyned in commiſſion with William Fitz Aldelme lieute|nant of Ireland ibid. trayterouſly ſlaine. 39
- Cogan Richard. 39. Cokeſey Hugh. 70
- Colton Iohn Archbiſhop of Ardmagh. 66
- Colmolm caſtel taken. 72.
- Commiſſioners ſent into Irelande to examine the controuerſies betweene the Earles of Kildare and Oſſorie. 81
- Commiſſioners ſent into Irelande by king Hen|rie the ſecond. 35
- Combat. 71
- Comyn Iordayne ſlayeth Maritagh Oconguir king of Offalie. 48
- Combat chalenged by certain French knights. 42
- Commiſſioners ſent into Ireland to examin ſuch as were ſuſpected with the Lord Fitz Giralde his rebellion. 104
- Contention for preheminence of churches. 40.51
- Con Oneale beareth the ſworde before the Lorde deputie. 81
- Conereth a ſauage people of Ireland. 12
- Conthurus. 23
- Conway Iohn knight preſident of Vlſter. 11
- Corbi what it ſignifieth. 67
- Corke the reuenues of the Baronies within the ſame. 68. waſted by Reymond le Grace with the Engliſh armie. 36
- Cormacke Mack Dermote, Mack Rori, ioyneth with the Lorde Iuſtice, and vanquiſheth Odo|nill the Iriſh enimie. 44
- Councell at Grenocke. 45
- Councell of the cleargie holden at Caſhill. 30
- Counteſſe of Vlſter a cruell woman. 61
- Cowes belly. 100
- Cowly Robert Baylife of Dublin, after maiſter of the Rolles in Ireland. 90
- Crauley Thomas Archbiſhop of Dublin a great benefactor, his death and deſcription. 70
- Cragfergus beſieged by the Scottes, and yelded to them. 55
- Cromuder primate of Ardmagh. 85. his deſcrip|tion. 91. his good exhortation to the Lorde Fitz Girald at his reuolting. 92
- Crauly Thomas Archbiſhop of Dublin, choſen Lord Iuſtice. 69
- Crathlinth king of Scottes. 8
- Croftes Hugh. 56
- Cumin Archbiſhoppe of Dublin. 40. buildeth the kings caſtell there 44. he foundeth S. Patricks church. 44
- Curcy Iohn conquereth Vlſter. 38. his fiue bat|tails ibid he rebelleth and is taken. 42. his ſtout anſwere to king Iohn. ibid. his act before king Iohn & the French k. his death & deſcriptiõ. 43
- Curcy Lord of Kelbretton his reuenues. 68
- Cuſacke Iohn. 57. Cuſacke Adam. 45