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Compare 1587 edition: 1
The liuing heart where lay engrauen
the care of Countrey deere,
To Countrey lureleſſe is reſtorde
and lies engrauen heere.
None heartleſſe liues: his countrey then
alas what ioy is left,
Whoſe hope, whoſe hap, whoſe hart he was,
till death his life bereft.
And though the ſoyle here ſhrowdes the heart,
which moſt it wiſht tenioy,
Yet of the change from nobler ſeate,
the cauſe doth it annoy.
What honour then is due to him,
for him what worthie rite?
But that eche heart with heartieſt loue,
his worthieſt heart may quite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle was of ſo noble a diſpoſition, as he woulde ſooner countenaunce and ſupport his poore well willer in his aduerſitie, than hee woulde make or fawne vpon his welthie friend in proſperitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauing bid at London,The kindneſſe of Iames Earle of Ormonde to his friendes. not long before his death, the Ladie Gray Counteſſe of Kildare to dinner, it happened that a ſouldiour, ſurnamed Power, who lately returned freſh from the Em|perour his warres, came to take his repaſt with the Earle before the meſſenger. When the Erle and the Counteſſe were ſet, this royſting rut|teekin, wholy then ſtanding on the Soldado koigh, placed himſelfe right ouer agaynſt the Counteſſe of Kildare, hard at the Earle of Or|monde his elbow, as though hee were b [...]ile fel|low, well met. The noble man appalled at the impudent ſaucineſſe of the malapert ſouldiour, (who notwithſtanding might be borne withal, bycauſe an vnbidden gueſt knoweth not where to ſit) beſought him courteouſly to giue place. The Earle when the other roſe, taking vppon him the office of a Gentleman Vſher, placed in Power his ſeate,Edvvad Fitz Girald. his couſin Edwarde Fitz Gi|ralde now Lieutenant of hir Maieſties Penci|oners, who at that time being a yong ſtripling, attended vpon his mother the Counteſſe, and ſo in order he ſet euery Gentleman in his degree, to the number of fifteene or ſixteene, and laſt of all the companie, he licenced Power, if he woulde, to ſit at the lower ende of the Table, where hee had ſcantly elbow rowme.

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