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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further whereas the Earle of Lennox ſtood in hope, that the Lorde of the out Iſles would ayde hym, it was thought by Ormonde not to be amyſſe, to expect his comming, and ſo ioy|ning his company to the armie, there reſted no doubt, but that the Scottiſhe enimies woulde bee forced to plucke in theyr hornes, although at the firſt bluſh they ſeeme to put a good face on the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde of the out Iles ſay+leth to the Erle of Lennox.Lennox ſomwhat with this perſwaſion ca|ryed, gaue his conſent to expect the Lorde of the oute Iſle his determination, who notwith|ſtanding all the fetche of the enterprice were di|ſcried, would not ſlip from his word but perſo|nally ſayled to the Iriſh fleete, with three Gal|lies verie well appoynted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The noble man was with ſuch martiall tri|umphes receyued, as warlike ſouldiours coulde on the ſea afoord him. But of al others, both the Earles gaue him heartie interteynment for his true and honourable dealing, that to bee as good as his woorde, woulde not ſeeme to ſhrinke from his friend in this his aduerſitie.

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