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Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Souldiours were wyth Mu|nition and victualles aboundauntlye furny|ſhed, the Earle of Ormonde and the Earle of Lennox tooke ſhypping at Skeriſh, hauing in theyr companie twentie and eight Shippes well rigged, ſufficiently manned, and ſtronglye appoynted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Where hauing remayned hulling wyth|oute the mouth of the Hauen contrarye to the aduiſe of the Maiſters of theyr Shippes (who prognoſticated the ſpeedie approche of a ſtorme,The Earle of Ormonde and the Earle of Lennox in dan|ger to bee drovvned. and therefore did wiſhe them to take a good harborrowe) it happened, that the ſayde nyght there aroſe ſo boyſterous a Tempeſt, that the whole fleete was lyke to haue beene ouer|whelmed.

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