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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Deputie vpon the receyte of theſe let|ters,Iames Butler Earle of Or|mond. ſente for Iames Butler Earle of Or|monde and Oſſerie, a noble manne no leſſe po|litique in peace; than valiaunt in warre, made hym priuye to the Kyng hys pleaſure, and wythall in his Maieſties name dyd caſte the charge hereof vppon the ſayde Earle, as one that for hys tryed loyaltie was willing, and for his honour and valour able to attempt and atchieue ſo rare and famous an exployte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde of Ormonde as wylling to obey, as the Gouernour was to commaunde, leuyed of hys Tenauntes and Reteynours, ſixe hundred Gallowglaſſes, foure hũdred Kearnes, three ſcore Horſemen, and foure hundred and fortie ſhot: ſo in the whole he muſtered on Oſ|mantowne greene neare Dublyn, fiftene hun|dred ſouldiours

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Depu [...]ie yeelding hys honour ſuche thankes in woordes, as hee deſerued in deede, leuyed in the Pale fifteene hundred Souldiours more, to bee annexed to the Earle hys companye. Ouer them he conſti|tuted Sir Iohn Trauerſe Capitayne,Sir Iohn Tra|uerſe knight. but the Earle of Ormonde was made Generall of the whole armie.

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