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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And albecit the diſtaunce of the place, the depth of the Hauen, the nearneſſe of hys com|panie emboldned him to thys chalenge, more than any great valour or pithe that reſted in him to indure a combate, yet all this notwith|ſtanding, an Iriſhe manne named Nicholl Welſhe,Nichol VVelsh. who after reteyned to the Earle of Kyldare, loathing and diſdeyning his prowde bragges, flung into the water, and ſwamme ouer the Ryuer, fought wyth the chalenger, ſtroke him for dead, and returned backe to Bol|longne wyth the Frenchman his heade in hys mouth, before the armie coulde ouertake hym. For which exployte, as hee was of all his com|panie highly commended, ſo by the Lieutenant he was bountifully rewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The Earle of Lennox aſ| [...]ied by king Henrie.

Much aboute this tyme the Earle of Len|nox, verie wrongfully inquieted in Scotlande, and forced to forſake his Countrey, became humble peticioner to King Henrie, as well to relieue him in his diſtreſſed calamitie, as to cõ|paſſe the meanes, how he might bee reſtored to his landes and liuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King his highneſſe mooued wyth compaſſion, poſted the Earle ouer to Ire|lande, with letters of eſpeciall truſt, commaun|ding ſir Anthonie Sentleger then Deputie, to aſſiſt and further the Scottiſh outcaſt, with as puiſſant an armie, as to his contentation ſhould ſeeme good.

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