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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In primis, The articles that vvere layd to his charge. that notwithſtanding hee were ſtraitly commaunded by the king his Maieſtie, to apprehend his kinneſman, the yong Fitz Gi|rald, yet did he not onely diſobey the kings let|ters, as touching that point, by playing boa|pepe, but alſo had priuie conference with the ſaid Fitz Girald, and lay with him two or three ſe|uerall nights before he departed into France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, that the chiefe cauſe that moued him to inueigle Thomas Fitz Giralde wyth ſuche EEBO page image 109 fayre promyſes proceeded of ſette purpoſe to haue him cutte off, to the ende there ſhoulde be a gap ſet open for the yong Fitz Girald, to aſ|pire to the Earledome of Kildare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, that hee was ſo greedily addicted to the pilling and polling of the King his Sub|iectes, namelye of ſuche as were reſiaunt in Mounſter, as the beddes he lay in, the cuppes he dranke in, the plate with which he was ſerued in any gentlemens houſe, were by his ſeruants agaynſt right and reaſon packe vp, and caried with great extortion away.

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