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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this iourney he razed Saint Patricke his Churche in Doune, an olde auncient Citie of Vlſter, and burnt the monuments of Patricke, Briged, and Colme, who are ſayd to haue bene there entumbed, as before is expreſſed in the de|ſcription of Ireland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This fact loſt him ſundrie heartes in that coũtrey, alwayes after deteſting and abhorring his prophane tyrannie, as they did name it. Wherevpon conſpyring wyth ſuch of Moun|ſter as were enimyes to his gouernment,The Lord Gray accuſed. they booked vp diuerſe complaintes agaynſte him, which they did exhibit to the king and counſell. The Articles of greateſt importaunce layde to his charge were theſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In primis, The articles that vvere layd to his charge. that notwithſtanding hee were ſtraitly commaunded by the king his Maieſtie, to apprehend his kinneſman, the yong Fitz Gi|rald, yet did he not onely diſobey the kings let|ters, as touching that point, by playing boa|pepe, but alſo had priuie conference with the ſaid Fitz Girald, and lay with him two or three ſe|uerall nights before he departed into France.

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