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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Leonard Gray being then Lord Deputie forecaſting the worſt, certified the king and counſaile of Oneal his rebellion, and with|all humbly beſought a freſh ſupply of ſouldiors to aſſiſt the pale in reſiſting the enimie and that ſir William Brereton (who was diſcharged & returned into Englande) ſhoulde bee ſent into Irelande,VVilliam [...]eton ſent [...]nto Irelãd. as one that for his late ſeruice was highly commended of the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King and Counſaile condiſcending to the Deputie his requeſt, appoynted ſir William Brereton to hie thither with ſpeede,VVilliam [...]reton ſent [...] Ireland. hauing the charge of two hundred and fiftie Souldiours of Cheſſhire men. In which ſeruice the Gentle|man was founde ſo preſt and readie, that not|withſtanding in muſtering his bande, he fell by miſhap off his horſe, and therewithall brake his thigh in two places, yet rather than hee woulde retire homeward, he appointed the Mariners to hale him vp to theyr Barke by Pulleyes, and in ſuch impotent wife arriued in Irelande, ſup|preſſing the feebleneſſe of his bodie, with the couragious valour of his minde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Deputie in the meane while marched wyth the force of the Pale, the Ma|ior and the Citizens of Dublin to Drogheda, f [...]bai thence likewiſe accõpanied with the Ma|ior and Towneſmen, he marched Northward to Bellahoa, [...] foord of [...]lahon. where Oneale and his companie on the fartherſide of the water, laye encamped with the ſpoyle of the Pale.

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