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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king tickled with this plauſible deuiſe, yeelded maiſter Aylemer heartie thankes for his good counſaile, and in this Parliament had the tenour thereof put in effect. Which redow|ned chiefly to the Lorde of Shrewſburie hys diſaduauntage, as one that was poſſeſt of dy|uerſe auncient Lordſhippes and Manours in that countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after this Parliament,Oneale re|belleth. Oneale y|magining that he was able to make hys partie good agaynſt the Engliſh Pale, conſpyred with Odoneyle Maggadneſh, Ocaghan, Mack Kwylen, Ohanlan, and other Iriſh Lords, and on a ſodain inuaded the Pale, came to the Na|uan, [figure appears here on page 106] EEBO page image 107 burnt all the townes of eche ſide confining, after matched to Taraghe, muſtering wyth great pride hys armie vpon the toppe of the hill: and hauing gathered togither the ſpoyle of the Pale without reſiſtance, bee beganne to recule Northwarde, making his full account to haue gone ſcot free.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Leonard Gray being then Lord Deputie forecaſting the worſt, certified the king and counſaile of Oneal his rebellion, and with|all humbly beſought a freſh ſupply of ſouldiors to aſſiſt the pale in reſiſting the enimie and that ſir William Brereton (who was diſcharged & returned into Englande) ſhoulde bee ſent into Irelande,VVilliam [...]eton ſent [...]nto Irelãd. as one that for his late ſeruice was highly commended of the Countrey.

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