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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle, of ſuch as did not ſtomacke his proceedings, was taken for one that bare hym|ſelfe in all his affayres verie honourably, a wiſe, deepe, and farre retebing man: in warre valy|ant without raſhneſſe, and politique wythoute treacherie. Such a ſuppreſſour of rebelles in his gouernment,His ſeruice. as they durſt not beare armour to the annoyance of any ſubiect, whereby he heaped no ſmall reuenues to the crowne, enryched the king his treaſure, garded with ſecuritie the pale, continued the honour of his houſe, and purchaſed enuie to his perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His hoſpitali|tie and deuo|tion.His great hoſpitalitie is to this day rather of eche man commended, than of any one follo|wed. He was ſo religious addicted to the ſer|uing of God, as what tyme ſoeuer he trauayled to any part of the Countrey, ſuch as were of his Chapell, ſhould be ſure to accompanie him. A|mong other rare gyftes, hee was with one ſin|gular qualitie endued which were it put in prac|tiſe by ſuch as are of his calling, might miniſter great occaſion as well to the abandoning of flat|tring cary tales, as to the ſtayed quietneſſe of noble potentates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For if any whiſpered vnder Benedicite a ſi|niſter report or ſecrete practiſe, that tended to the diſteyning of his honour, or to the perill of hys perſon, he woulde ſtraytly examine the informer, whether the matter he reported were paſt, or to come. If it were ſayde or done, he was accu|ſtomed to lay ſore to his charge, where, and of whom he heard it, or how he could iuſtifie it. If he found him to halte in the proufe, he woulde puniſh him as a pikethanke makebate, for being ſo maliciouſly caried, as for currying fauour to himſelfe, he woulde labour to purchaſe hatred to another: But if the practiſe were future, and hereafter to be put in execution, then woulde hee ſuſpende the credite, vſing withall ſuch wary ſe|crecie, as vntill the matter came to the pinche, the aduerſarie ſhould thinke that hee was moſte ignorant, when he was beſt prouided.The olde Erle of Kildare hys policie when his death was conſpired. As being in Dublyn forewarned, that Iohn Olurckan with certaine deſperate Varlets conſpired his deſtruction, and that they were determined to aſſault him vpon his returne to Maynoth, hee had one of his ſeruants named Iames Graunt,Iohn Olurckã, Iames Graunt. that was much of his pitche, and at a bluſh did ſomewhat reſemble him, attyred in his ryding apparaile, and namely in a ſkarlet Cloake, wherewith he vſed to be clad. Graunt in thys wiſe maſking in his Lordes attyre, roade as hee was commaunded in the beaten highe way to|wardes Manoth, with ſixe of the Earle his ſer|uantes attending vpon him. The Conſpira|tours awayting towards Lucan the comming of the Earle, encountered the diſguiſed Lorde, and not doubting but it had beene Kildare, they began to charge him, but the other amazed ther|with, cryed that they tooke theyr marke amiſſe, for the Earle roade to Manoth on the further ſide of Liffic. Wherewith the murtherers ap|palled fled away, but incontinently were by the Earle apprehended, ſuſteyning the puniſh|ment that ſuch caytifes deſerued.

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