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Compare 1587 edition: 1 As for the olde Earle of Kildare, who in this Parliament was attainted for diuerſe preſump|tions in the preamble of the ſayde Act rehearſed, certaine it is,The olde Erle of Kildare his wiſhe before his death. that the reuolt of his ſonne Tho|mas Fitz Giralde, ſmote him ſo deepely to the heart, as vpon the report thereof hee deceaſſed in the Tower, wiſhing in his death bed, that ey|ther he had died before he had heard of the rebel|lion, or that his brainleſſe boy, had neuer liued to rayſe the like commotion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle, of ſuch as did not ſtomacke his proceedings, was taken for one that bare hym|ſelfe in all his affayres verie honourably, a wiſe, deepe, and farre retebing man: in warre valy|ant without raſhneſſe, and politique wythoute treacherie. Such a ſuppreſſour of rebelles in his gouernment,His ſeruice. as they durſt not beare armour to the annoyance of any ſubiect, whereby he heaped no ſmall reuenues to the crowne, enryched the king his treaſure, garded with ſecuritie the pale, continued the honour of his houſe, and purchaſed enuie to his perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His hoſpitali|tie and deuo|tion.His great hoſpitalitie is to this day rather of eche man commended, than of any one follo|wed. He was ſo religious addicted to the ſer|uing of God, as what tyme ſoeuer he trauayled to any part of the Countrey, ſuch as were of his Chapell, ſhould be ſure to accompanie him. A|mong other rare gyftes, hee was with one ſin|gular qualitie endued which were it put in prac|tiſe by ſuch as are of his calling, might miniſter great occaſion as well to the abandoning of flat|tring cary tales, as to the ſtayed quietneſſe of noble potentates.

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