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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gouernour vpon this complaint ſore incenſed, ſent in all haſt for Sherlocke, had him ſodainly examined, and finding him vnable to colour his lewde practiſe with any warrantable defence,Sherlocke im|priſoned. he layd him vp by the heeles, rewarding his hote purſute with colde interteynment, and ſo remained in gaole, vntill the yong Fitz Gi|ralde requiting the priſoner his vnnaturall cru|eltie with vndeſerued curteſey,Crueltie re|quited with curteſie. humbly beſought the gouernor to ſet him at libertie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Doctor Pates.Doctour Pates being Ambaſſadour in the low Countreys, demaunded Fitz Giralde of the Emperour on his maiſter the King of Eng|landes behalfe. The Emperour hauing anſwe|red that he had not to deale with the boy, and for ought that he knewe, was not mynded to make any great abode in that Countrey, ſent hym to the Biſhop of Liege,The Emperor beſtoweth a pencion on Fitz Giralde. allowing him for his pen|ſion an hundred Crownes Monethly. The Bi|ſhop enterteyned him very honourably, had him placed in an Abbey of Monks, and was ſo care|ful of his ſafetie, that if any perſon ſuſpected, had trauayled within the circuit of his gleebe, hee ſhould be ſtraytly examined, whether he would, or from whence he came, or vpõ what occaſion he trauayled that way.

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