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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Maiſter Wallop herevppon addreſſed his Letters to Englande, ſpecifying to the Coun|ſaile the French kings anſwere, and in the mean tyme the yong Fitz Girald hauing an ynckling of the Ambaſſadour his motion,Fitz Giralde flieth to Flan|ders. fledde ſecretely to Flaunders, ſcantly reaching to Valencie, when Iames Sherelocke, one of Maiſter Wal|lop his men,Iames Sher|locke purſu|eth Fitz Gi|ralde. did not onely purſue him, but al|ſo did ouertake him, as he ſoiourned in the ſayd towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon maiſter Leurouſe, and ſuch as accompanied the childe, ſtept to the Gouernour of Valencie, complayning that one Sherelocke a ſneaking ſpie, lyke a pykethanke promoting Varlet, did dogge their maiſter from place to place, and preſently purſued him to the towne and therefore they beſought the gouernour, not to leaue ſuch apparant villaynie vnpuniſhed, in that he was willing to betray not onely a guilt|leſſe child, but alſo his owne Countryman, who rather ought for his innocencie to bee pityed, than for the deſerte of others ſo eagrely to bee purſued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gouernour vpon this complaint ſore incenſed, ſent in all haſt for Sherlocke, had him ſodainly examined, and finding him vnable to colour his lewde practiſe with any warrantable defence,Sherlocke im|priſoned. he layd him vp by the heeles, rewarding his hote purſute with colde interteynment, and ſo remained in gaole, vntill the yong Fitz Gi|ralde requiting the priſoner his vnnaturall cru|eltie with vndeſerued curteſey,Crueltie re|quited with curteſie. humbly beſought the gouernor to ſet him at libertie.

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