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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſhortly after, the Gentlewoman either by ſome ſecrete friend enformed, or of wiſedome gathering, that hir late maryed huſbande enten|ded ſome trecherie, had hir nephew diſguiſed, ſcoring him like a liberall and bountifull Aunt,The Ladie E|lenors libera|litie. with ſeuen ſcore Porteguſes, not onely in va|loure, but alſo in the ſelfe ſame coyne, inconti|nently ſhipped him ſecretly in a Brytons veſ|ſell of Saint Malouſe, betaking him to God,Fitz Giralde ſayleth to Fraunce. and to their charge that accompanied him, to wit, maiſter Lenrouſe, and Robert Walſh ſom|time ſeruant to his father the Earle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ladie Elenore hauing this, to hir con|tentation beſtowed hir nephew, ſhe expoſtulated verie ſharpely with Odoneyle as touching hys villanie, proteſting that the onely cauſe of hir match with him proceeded of an eſpeciall care to haue hir nephew countenanced: and now that he was out of his laſhe, that mynded to haue be|trayed him, he ſhould well vnderſtande, that as the feare of his daunger mooued hir to annere to ſuch a clowniſh Curmudgen, ſo the aſſuraunce of his ſafetie, ſhould cauſe hir to ſequeſter hirſelfe from ſo butcherly a cuttbrote, that would be like a pelting mercenarie patche hyred, to ſell or be|tray the innocent bloud of his nephew by affi|nitie, and hirs by conſanguinitie. And in thys wiſe truſſing vp bag and baggage, ſhe forſooke Odoneyle, and returned to hir countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The paſſengers with a proſperous gale ar|riued at Saint Malouſe, which notified to the gouernour of Brytayne, named Monſieur de Chaſteau Brian,Chaſteau Briã. he ſent for the yong Fitz Gi|ralde, gaue him verie heartie enterteynment du|ring one Monethes ſpace.

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