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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The gouernour rauiſhed with the ſweete and delicate voyces,Girald Ayl|mer. at the inſtaunce of Girald Ayle|mer chiefe Iuſtice, and others of the counſell, pardoned them. Chriſtopher Pareſe not miſ|doubting but yt he ſhould haue bin dubd knight for his ſeruice done that day,Pareſe com|meth before the Gouer|nours. preſented hymſelfe before the Gouernoure, with a cheerefull and familiar countenance, as who ſhould ſay, heere is he that did yt deede. The Deputie very coldly & half ſteruely caſting an eye towards him ſaid: Pareſe,

I am to thank thee on my maſter ye K. his behalfe, for this thy profered ſeruice, which I EEBO page image 98 acknowledge to haue bin a ſparing of greate charges, and a ſauing of many valiant Souldy|ers liues to his highneſſe, and when his Maie|ſtie, ſhall bee thereof aduertiſed, I dare be bolde to ſay that hee will not ſee thee lacke during thy life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

And bycauſe I may be the better inſtructed how to reward thee during my gouernement I would gladly learne, what thy Lorde and mai|ſtir beſtowed on thee.
Pareſe ſet a gogge with theſe milde ſpeeches, and ſuppoſing the more he recited, the better bee ſhoulde bee rewarded, lefte not vntolde the meaneſt good turne, that euer he receyued at his Lords hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Why Pareſe, quoth the Deputie, couldeſt thou finde in thine hearte to betray his Caſtell, that hath bin ſo good Lord vnto thee? truly, thou that art ſo hollow to him, wilt neuer be true to vs, and therewithall, turning his talke to his of|ficers, he gaue them commaundement, to dely|uer Pareſe the ſumme of money that was pro|miſed him vpon the ſurrender of the Caſtel,A notable iudgement. and after, to choppe off his head.
Pareſe at this colde ſalutation of farewell and behangd, turning his ſimpring to wimpring, ſayd:

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