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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe were committed to the cuſtody of Dauid Sutton of Rabride,Dauid Sutton. who redeliuered thẽ to the Citizens, immediately after vpon the cer|tayne rumour of Skeffington his repaire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas growen to thys poynte with the Dublinians, rayſed his ſiege, cauſed his artille|rie to be cõueyd to Howeh matching after with his army, to the ende he might well as bulche the Engliſh Shippes, if they durſt auerre the coaſt, as to bicket with the Souldiers vpon their arri|uall. But before he toke his iourney to Howeth, he rode to Maynoth, to ſee that the Caſtell ſhuld be of all ſides fortifyed, where being done to vn|derſtand, that a companye of white coſes,The white coates land at Dublin. with redde croſſes, landed at Dublin ſecretely in the dead of the night, and alſo that another band a|riued at Howeth, and were ready to marche to|wardes Dublin, hee poſted incontinently wyth two hundred Horſemen towardes the water ſyde, encountred neere Clontarfe, the Hamer|tons, two valiant and couragious Gentlemen,The Hamer|tones ſlayne. hauing in theyr company foureſcore Souldy|ers, where they foughte ſo valiantly for theyr liues, as ſo fewe footemen coulde haue done a|gainſte ſo greate a troupe of Horſemen: for they did not onely mangle and backe dyuers of the Rebelles,

Thomas Fitz Girald wound|ed.


but alſo one of the Hamertones woũ|ded Thomas Fitz Girald in the forehead.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some reporte, that one of the Mooſgraues, who was of kinne to Fitz Giralde, was ſlayne in this conflict, whoſe deathe hee is ſaid to haue taken greately to hearte. The Rebelles fleſht with the ſlaughter of the Engliſhe, hyed with al ſpeede ſo Howeth, ſhotte at the Shyppes that rode at anchor, cauſed them to flie from thẽce, and to make towardes Skerriſh, where landed both the Eglebees,Eglebees. Dakers. and the Dakers with theyr horſemen Roukes, Fitz Girald his Pirat, was ſent to ſcoure the coaſt, who tooke an Engliſhe barke laden with very faire geldings,Engliſh gel|dings taken. and ſente them to hys Captayne.

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