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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas herewith frying in his greaſe, cau|ſed part of his army to burne the Barke where|in Herbert ſayled from Englande,Dublin be|ſieged. whiche done without reſiſtance, the veſſell roade at anchor neere Saint Mary Abbey, they endeuoured to ſtoppe all the ſprings that flowed to the towne, and to cutte the pypes of theyr conduites, wher|by they ſhoulde be deſtitute of freſhe water.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, they layde ſiege to the Caſtell [figure appears here on page 94] in the Shipſtreete,The Ship. ſtrete fired. from whence they were ha|ſtily by the ordinence ſeazed, and all the thatche houſes of the Streete were burnt with wilde|fire, whych maiſter White deuiſed, bycauſe the enimie ſhould not be there reſcued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When no butter coulde ſticke on their bread EEBO page image 95 in that parte of the Citie, the greater number of the Rebelles aſſembled to Thomas court, and marched to Sainte Thomas his ſtreete, razing downe the partitions of the rewe of houſes be|fore them on both ſides of the ſtreete, findyng none to withſtande them, for the inhabitantes fledde into the Citie, ſo that they made a long lane on both the ſides like a gallerie, couered all ouer head, to ſhield as well their horſemen, as their footemen from gunſhot.

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