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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Butler his let| [...] to Thomas [...] Girald.TAking penne in hand, to write you my re|ſolute aunſwere, I muſe in the very firſte line, by what name to call you, my Lord, or my Couſin: ſeeing your notorious treaſon hath di|ſteyned your honour, and your deſperate lewde|neſſe ſhamed youre kinred: you are ſo liberall in parting ſtakes with mee, that a man woulde weene, you had no right to the game: ſo impor|tunat in crauing my company, as if you would perſwade me to hang with you for good fellow|ſhip. Do you thinke that Iames was ſo madde, as to gape for Gogions, or ſo vngracious, as to ſell his trueth for a peece of Ireland? Were it ſo (as it cannot bee) that the chickens you recken, were both hatched and feathered, yet bee thou ſure, I had rather in this quarrell dye thine eni|mie, than liue thy partner: for the kindneſſe you proffer me, and good loue in the ende of your let|ter, the beſt way I can, I purpoſe to requite, that is, in aduiſing you, though you haue fetched your feaze, yet to looke well ere you leape. Igno|rance and errour wyth a certayne opinion of duetie, haue carried you vnawares to this fol|lie, not yet ſo ranke, but it may be cured. The King is a veſſell of bounty and mercy, youre wordes agaynſte his Maieſtie ſhall not be ac|compted malitious, but rather belched out for heate and impotency, except your ſelfe, by hea|ping offences, diſcouer a miſcheuous and wilfull meaning. Farewell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas Fitz Girald netled with this round aunſwere, was determined to inuade the Coũ|trey of Kilkenny, firſte forcing an othe vpon the Gentlemen of the pale: and ſuche as woulde not agree thereto, he tooke priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fingall whiche was not before acquainted with the recourſe of the Iriſhe enimie,Fingall ſpoy|led. was lefte open, to bee preded and ſpoyled by the Tooles,Iohan Burnell of Balgriffen. who were therein aſſiſted by Iohan Burnell of Balgriffen, a Gentleman of a faire liuing, ſettled in a good battle ſoile of Fingall, taken for one not deuoyde of witte, were it not that hee were ouertaken with this treaſon.

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