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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The noble woman being great with childe, and vppon neceſſitie conſtreyned to vſe a ſpare dyet (for hir onely ſuſtenaunce was milke) ſhe longed ſore for wine, and calling hyr Lorde, and a truſty ſeruaunte of hys, Iames White,Iames White. vnto hir, ſhee requeſted them both, to helpe hyr to ſome Wyne, for ſhee was not able any lon|ger to endure ſo ſtreight a life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Truely Margaret, quoth the Earle of Oſ|ſorie, thou ſhalt haue ſtore of Wine within thys foure and twentie houres, or elſe thou ſhalte feede alone on milke for me.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nexte daye following, Pierce hauyng intelligence, that hys enimie the bace Butler woulde haue trauayled from Donmore to Kil|kennie, notwithſtanding hee were accompa|nyed with ſyxe horſemenne, yet Pierce hauyng none but hys Lackey, did forſtalle hym in the way, and with a couragious charge,The Baſterde Butler ſlayne [...] gored the Baſterd through with his ſpeare.

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