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The third conflict chaunced at Ferly in taking a bootie, where by reaſon of the ſtraytes & narrow paſſages, his people were put to the worſe, ſome ſlaine, and ſome ſcattered and diſperſed here and there among the Wooddes, ſo that he had vneth xj. knightes left with him, and yet through hys high valiancie and manhood, with thoſe few he re|tyred ſtll in keeping off the enimies, paſſing by the ſpace of .xxx. myles a foote (for they had loſt theyr horſes) and at length got home to his caſtell, after he had bene purſued by his enimies for the ſpace of two dayes and two nightes, not once ſuffred to reſt, nor to take any refection in all that time. A thing ſtraunge and worthy to be had in memory.

The fourth battayle which he fought wyth his aduerſaryes, was at Vrcell, where alſo hee loſt many of his men, and the reſidue were put to flight.

The fifth encounter was at the bridge of I|uory, vpon his returne forth of England, in which place he went away with the victorie. And thus in three battayles he had the vpper hande, and in two taſted the chaungeable fortune of warre, al|though with no leſſe domage redounding to the enimie than to him ſelfe at both thoſe times when he was ſo foyled at their handes.

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