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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Walter Al|maine.Walter Almain alſo Aldelmes nephew tooke from Reymond ſuch lands as he was ſeyſed of in Dublin dale, and aboute Wexford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, where Aldelme had in commaun|dement from the king, to reſtore vnto Fitz Ste|phans the Canthred of Ophelan, being brybed to the contrarie, he did not as he was commaunded, but ſtill remoued thoſe captaines yt were knowne to be of any approued valiancie into places farre within the Countrey, and where moſt daunger was ſuſpected: ſpecially he ſought by all wayes & meanes to keepe vnder thoſe of the lynage of Fitz Gerald, deuiſing how to bring them out of credit, and to depriue them of ſuch liuings, rowmthes, and offices as they helde, and had bene gyuen to them in recompence of their good ſeruice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whileſt Fitz Aldelme went about only to eſtabliſh himſelfe and his friendes in the beſt and moſt quiet partes of Irelande, his aſſociate that valiant knight Iohn de Curcy victoriouſly con|quered the countrey of Vlſter, which hitherto had not bene ſubiect to the king of England.

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