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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now as cõcerning Fitz Aldelm,The diſcrip|tion of Fitz Aldelme. he was of ſta|ture ſomwhat bigger thã ye mean ſort, of hãdſom EEBO page image 38 proportion, a man liberall and pleaſant, but ſub|till and deceytfull ynough, in outwarde counte|naunce curteous, friendly, and gentle, but in|wardly conteyning more gall than honie, hys wordes were as ſoft as Oyle, but they proued pearcing Dartes: whom this day he honoured, to morow he would ſpoyle, oppreſſing the weake and bearing with the rebell: harde to thoſe that were ouercome, and eaſie to them that helde good agaynſt him, giuen to wine and women, and as he was Courtly, ſo was he couetous.

Fitz Stephans was a man of a large and ſound body, of a right ſeemely countenance, of ſtature ſomwhat exceeding the common ſort, bountifull, liberall, and pleaſant, but giuen to wine and wo|men aboue all meaſure.

Thus much of theſe gentlemen, being accoun|ted among the chiefe of thoſe Captaynes that cõ|quered Ireland. Of Earle Strangbow hath bene ſayde before, of Curcy and Lacie ye ſhall heare partly hereafter.

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