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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But king Henrie was troubled with the re|bellion of his ſonnes, which brake forth in Aprill next after his returne forth of Ireland, that he had no leyſure to attend greatly to the doings in Ire|lande.King Henries iealouſie to|wardes Earle Strangbow. But ſtill yet his iealouſie increaſed to|wardes Earle Strangbow, whom he miſtruſted as one eaſie to be caried away by any light occa|ſion of chaunge of fortune.

The Earle was a man of great byrth, but (as ye haue partly heard) as well by his aunceſters diſfauour with their Princes, as his owne, and likewiſe his ryotous expences in his youth, hee bare no great name, till the good happe of his ma|riage had aduaunced him,Earle Strang|bow his wiſe dealing. and euen after alſo knowing himſelfe neyther brooked in ſight, nor truſted in abſence, kept ſtill one rate in all his do|ings, bare a low ſaile, fed no quarels, and ſhunned all ſuſpitious conference.

Thus whileſt the king was diſquieted at home, and doubting of the ſtate of Ireland, bycauſe let|ters came dayly ouer, how faintly the Princes in Ireland performed their obedience, for (except in Leyniſter, all other partes reteyned theyr aunci|ent kinde of gouernment, and onely acknowled|ged a tribute) it was thought expedient by king Henries Counſell, to eaſe his mynde of that care, and ſeeing there was buſineſſe more than ynough on all ſides, and that it was harde to prouide re|medie eche way forth at once, they determined to venter the keeping of Irelande to the fidelitie of Strangbow, who was like for his owne wealth and aſſuraunce to procure all poſſible meanes to brydle and keepe vnder the Iriſh, with a kinde of ſome conſtrayned obedience, for otherwiſe it woulde not be.

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