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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Articles before rehearſed were eſtabliſhed and confyrmed with conſent of all the Synode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Galas Primate of Ardmagh.Galas the Primate of Ardmagh was not there by reaſon of infirmitie and great age, but yet he came afterwardes to the King at Dublyn, and gaue his conſent in all things, fauoring the kings order and diſpoſition herein. He dyed two yeares after, ſo aged a man, that his onely ſuſtenaunce was the mylke of a white Cowe,A tempeſtuous winter. which he tooke with him whither ſoeuer he trauayled. The win|ter was ſo tempeſtuous, that vneth any ſhip durſt venter to paſſe either to or fro betwixt Englande and Irelande, ſo that aduertiſements were verye geaſon both with the king in Irelande, and with his counſell at home here in Englande, not hea|ring (but very ſeldom) they frõ him, or he frõ them. Thus whileſt he lay for the moſt part of ye winter ſeaſon in Waterford, longing dayly to here forth of Englãd, he practiſed to procure certain knights that ſerued vnder the Erle of Pembrook, as Rey|mond, Miles Cogan, Williã Maſkarel, & others being mẽ of right approued valiancie & experience in warlike exploytes to forſake the Erles ſeruice, & to ſerue him, taking it to be no ſmal policie ſo [...] make his part the ſtrõger, & the Erles the weaker, for he had the Erle ſtil in a iealouſie, & miſtruſted leaſt his puiſſance might in time breed danger to his eſtate. After midlent ſhips arriued there both forth of England and A [...]taine, by who it was ſignified that there were come into Normandie two Cardinals frõ Pope Alexander the third,Cardinals ſent to the king. me|nacing to put the K. & his whole dominions vn|der the ſentence of interditing, if he came not the ſooner to meete them, & to excuſe himſelf of things they had to charge him with touching [...] of the Archbiſhop Thomas [...] herevnto another miſchief appeared, for it was informed him yt hys ſonne Henry whõ his father had for good purpoſe crowned king, was through euil aduice ſo miſled that he ment to thruſt himſelf into the actuall poſ|ſeſſion of the [...]eaſon, in his fathers lifetime. Theſe newes ſore troubled the king, bycauſe he muſt ne|des returne home & leaue Irelande for that time, where he ment to haue remayned til in that ſom|mer following, he might aſwell with building ca|ſtels & fortreſſes haue made himſelf ſtrong, as alſo eſtabliſhed the cuntry in perfect peace, whiche be much deſired. But ſith there was no helpe but ye vrgent occaſiõ of buſineſſe (as ye haue heard) cal|led him thence, he took order for the ſafe keeping of the cuntry in his abſence, & appoynted captaines with cõpetent numbers of men of warre to lie in gariſon within ſundrie townes where he thought neceſſarie.Hugh Lacie. In Dublin he left Hugh Lacy (to whõ he had giuen the cuntry of Meth to hold of him in fee) & with him .xx. knights: Robert Fitz Stephã, and Maurice Fitz Gerald with .xx. other knights were alſo appoynted to the gard of the ſame citie. Humfrey de Bohun, Robert Fitzbernard, & Hugh de Gundeuile with .xl. knights were left in Wa|terford. Williã Fitz Aldelme, Philip de Haſtings & Philip de Brewſe wt .xx. knights had the charge of Wexford cõmitted to them.The king re|turneth forth of Irelande. The king hauing thus prouided for the ſafe keeping of theſe townes & other places, & leauing order for the gouernmẽt of the cuntry in the beſt wiſe he might, he toke the ſea at Wexford on Eaſter Monday in the mor|ning, & with proſperous wind and weather paſſed the ſeas, & landed in Southwales in an hauẽ there not paſt .xij. miles diſtãt frõ Hauerford weſt, & ſo haſted forward, not ſtaying much till he got ouer into Normandy, where he met the Cardinals at Conſtance (as in the Engliſh hyſtorie you may read more at large.) After that the king was thus departed forth of Ireland,Ororick king of Meth. Ororick king of Meth ſurnamed Monoculus, that is, with the one eye, made ſuite to come to a Parley with Hugh de Lacie, but Ororick had deuyſed to murther the ſayde Lacie, and had brought hys purpoſe to paſſe,Maurice Fitz Geralde. if a Knight that was Nephewe to Mau|rice Fitz Geralde named Griffyne admoniſhed EEBO page image 32 by a dreame had not deliuered him from that daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This Griffin (geſſing by interpretation of his dreame, that ſome ſuch thing would come to paſſe as followed in deede) in tyme of the parley with ſeuen knightes of his lynage, whom he had choſen forth of purpoſe to that effect, withdrewe a part to the backe ſide of the hill (on the whiche they were appoynted to meete and talke togy|ther) were furniſhed with ſhieldes and ſpeares, the ſaid Griffyn and his mates mounted on horſ|backe, exerciſed themſelues in running and tur|neying, after the maner of Fraunce, in whiche meane while Ororike (after they could not agree in talke, but that they grewe to open defiance,) he gaue ſigne to ſuch as he had layde in ambuſh for that purpoſe,A trayterous practiſe. to come forth and help to worke the feate which he had determined before hande to ac|compliſh. And he himſelfe being withdrawen by a certaine ſpace from the ground where they had talked, after his companie was once come forth vnto him, he with his Axe maketh againe to|wardes the place where Hugh Lacie ſtoode, and had ſlaine him vpon the ſodaine, if Maurice Fitz Gerald drawing forth his ſworde had not war|ned him to take heede and to looke about him: and yet ſuch was the violent rage of the traytor, that ſtryking at Lacie, he cut off the arme of one that was interpretour betwixt them, who faythfully thruſt himſelfe betwixt Lacie and the blow. Be|ſide this, ſo fierce were the Iriſh vpon Hugh La|cie, that twice by reaſon of haſt in ſtepping backe he fell, and vneth eſcaped by the helpe of Fitz Ge|rald, who manfully layde about him to beate back the enimies. Herewith no ſmall number of thoſe that brake out of the Ambuſhe came with an hi|deous noiſe, running to the place, that they might make an ende of Lacie and Fitz Geralde, which vndoubtedly they had eaſily done (for by appoint|ment they came to the grounde where they thus talked but with a fewe about them and thoſe vn|armed) if Griffyn with his companions hearing the noyſe and clamour, had not come to the ayde of theyr friendes. But they perceyuing how the game went, came gallopping in vpon the ſpurres with ſuch violẽce that they diſperſed the enimies, and Griffyn with his ſpeare running at Ororike as he was about to haue mounted on horſebacke, ſtroke through both horſe and man,Ororike ſlain. and ſo the diſ|loyall wretch ended his life. Three of his ſer|uants alſo that brought him his horſe, were there ſlaine. The reſidue of the Iriſhe were ſlaine, as they coulde bee ouertaken, being followed by the Engliſh men euen vnto the entrie of the Woods, to the which (being a good way of) they fled ſo faſt as their feéte might beare them.

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