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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fyrſt,Mariages. that they ſhoulde not contract any vn|lawfull mariages with their couſins or neare al|lyes, but in the ſame obſerue the rules of the Canons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Infantes bap|tiſed.Secondly, that their Infants ſhould be Ca|techiſed at the church doores by the prieſts, & after baptized in the Fontes of their Churches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thirdely,Tythes to be payed. that all thoſe that tooke themſel|ues for Chriſtian men ſhoulde duelye pay their Tythes of corne and Catell, and other increaſing things.

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