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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, there landed at Wex|ford,Maurice Fitz Gerald landed at Wexforde. Maurice Fitzgerald, with .x. knightes .xxx. Eſquires, and an hundred good bowmen. Here|vpon K. Dermote greatly encouraged, purpoſed with all ſpeede to ſeeke his reuenge againſte them of Dublin, that had ſhewed themſelues great e|nimies diuers wayes, both to him and his father. He aſſembled therefore his power togither, and marched toward Dublin, whileſt Fitz Stephen remayned two miles from Wexforde, where on the height of a Rocke called Karreck, hee built a Caſtell. But Fitzgerald with the Engliſh army went foorth with King Dermote againſte Du|blin, hauing the chiefe conduct of all the whole enterpriſe. They ſo beſturred them, that all the territorie about the Citie, and the countreys ad|ioyning, were in manner brought to vtter ruine, with ſpoyle, ſlaughter, and fire, in ſomuche, that the towneſmen of Dublin,Dublin ſub|dued. perceyuing in what daunger they ſtoode, ſubmitted them ſelues, and put in good ſuretie for their loyall demeanor in time to come.

When Dublin and the Countrey about were thus recouered and reduced to their former ſub|iection,Variance be|twixt the Mo|nark and the king of Ly|merike. there fell out variance betwixt Rodorike the Monarke, and Dunenald King of Limerik. To whoſe ayde his father in lawe Dermote ſent Fitz Stephans with his power, by whoſe high prowes, Roderike in diuers conflictes was put to the worſt, and forced to withdrawe home into his countrey with diſhonor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe was Dermote growen into ſome fa|uor and liking of his people, inſomuche that hee began to fancie a further conqueſt, hauing alrea|dy recouered his whole kingdome of Leymſter. And bycauſe he knewe it ſhoulde be to ſmall pur|poſe to attempt any ſuch thing, without the help of his Engliſh confederates, hee conſulted with the two brethren Fitzſtephans, and Fitzgerald, about the inuading of Connagh, for hee meante to giue a puſh for the obteining of that countrey, with the whole monarchie of Ireland, and for as much as hee founde them ready to further him in that enterpriſe, he wrote ouer into England vn|to ye Erle of Penbroke, requiring his aſſiſtãce,Dermucius ſendeth to the Earle of Penbroke. in renuing ye former couenants paſſed betwixt thẽ.

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