Compare 1587 edition: 1 They were ſharply aſſayled for the ſpare of three dayes togither.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the fourth day, by mediation of a certaine Biſhop that lay in that Towne, the Towneſ|men were perſwaded to yeeld themſelues to their King, ſo that they rendred the Towne into hys handes.Wexforde yeelded.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Dermote hauing ſeene the proofe of the Welchmens prowes, meante not to deale EEBO page image 23 with them otherwiſe than promiſe, and therefore deliuered forthwith the poſſeſſion of the towne of Wexforde,It is giuen to Fitz Stephan. with the appurtenances, vnto Fitz Stephan and to hys brother Maurice Fitz Geralde.