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1.5. The lordes temporall, as well Engliſh as Iriſhe, which inhabite Ireland. Chap. 6.

The lordes temporall, as well Engliſh as Iriſhe, which inhabite Ireland. Chap. 6.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 GIrald fitz Girald, Erle of Kildare. This houſe was of the nobilitie of Florence, came from thence to Normandy, and ſo with Erle Strangbow his kinſmã, whoſe armes he giueth, into Wales, néere of bloud to Riſe ap Griffin, prince of Wales by Necta the mother of Maurice fitz Girald and Robart fitz ſtephannes, with the ſayd Earle Maurice fitz Girald remoued into Ireland, in ye yeare 1169. 1169. The family is very properly toucht in a Sonet of Surreys, made vpon the Erle of Kildares ſiſter, now Counteſſe of Lincolne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
From Tuſca [...]e came my Ladies worthy race,
Fayre Florence was ſometyme hir auncient ſeate:
The Westerne Iſle, whoſe pleaſant ſhoare doth face
W [...]ylde Cambers cliffes, did gyue hir liuely heate.
Fastred ſhe was with milke of Iriſh brest.
Hir ſire an Earle, hir dome of princes bloũd,
From tender yeares in Britayne ſhe doth rest
With kinges childe, where ſhe tasteth costly foode.
Hunſdon did first preſent hir to mine eyne,
Bright is hir hew, and Giraldine ſhe hight,
Hampton me taught, to wiſhẽ hir first for myne:
And Wyndſor, alas, doth chaſe me from hir ſight.
Hir beauty of kinde, hir vertues from aboue,
Happy is he, that can obteyne hir loue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The corrupt Orthography that diuers vſe in writing this name, doth incorporate it to houſes thereto linked in no kinrede, and con|ſequẽtly blemiſheth diuers worthy exploites atchieued as well in England and Irelande, as in forreine countreis and dominiõs. Some write Gerolde, ſundry Geralde, diuers very corruptly Gerrot, others Gerarde. But the true Orthography is Giralde, as may ap|peare both by Giraldus Cambrienſe, and the Italian authors that make mention of the fa|mily. As for Gerrot, it differeth ſtatte from Giralde, yet there be ſome in Irelande, that name and write themſelues Gerrottes, not|withſtanding they be Giraldines, wherof di|uers gentlemen are in Méeth. But there is a ſept of the Gerrots in Irelãd, and they ſéeme forſooth by threatning kyndneſſe and kinrede of the true Giraldines to fetch their petit de|grees from their aunceſtours, but they are ſo néere of bloud one to the other, that two bu|ſhels of beanes woulde ſcantly counte theyr degrées.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 An other reaſon why diuers eſtrange hou|ſes haue bene ſhuffled in among this familie, was, for that ſundry gentlemẽ at the chriſte|nyng of their children, would haue them na|med Giraldes, and yet their ſurnames were of other houſes; and if after it happened that Girald had iſſue Thomas, Iohn, Robert, or ſuch lyke, then would they beare the ſurname of Girald, as Thomas fitz Girald, and thus takyng the name of their aunceſtors for their ſurname, within two or thrée diſcantes they ſhooue themſelues among the kinrede of the Giraldines. This is a generall faulte in Ire|land and Wales, and a great confuſion and extinguiſhment of houſes. This noble & aun|cient family of the Giraldines, haue in ſun|drye ages flouriſhed in the moſt renoumed countries of Europe. Warring fitz Giralde was one in great credite with king Iohn.Matth. pari. in vita Ioh. pag. 316. verl. 40. I finde an other Giraldine Archiepiſcopus Bur|degalenſis, who flouriſhed in king Henry the thirde his tyme. There was an other Gi|raldine Patriarch of Ieruſalem,1234. in the yeare 1229. as witneſſeth Mattheus Pariſiẽſis. There was one Girald of Berueyl an excellẽt Poet in the Italian tongue:pag. 480. an other named Baptist Girald, was a famous citizen of Ferra ra EEBO page image 20 ra, an expert phi(si)tion, and an exquisite philosopher, beyng publike professor of philosophy in the said city, during the space of ten yeres. I haue seene a worke of one Gregorius Giraldus Ferrarieusis de deis gentium, dedicated to Hercules Duke of Ferraria, a pithye booke and very well penned. Also Syluester Giraldus Cambriense hath ben one of this family, neere of kinne to sir Maurice fitz Girald. This ge(n)tleman was borne in Wales, and thereof he is named Cambriense, of the worde Cambria, that in olde tyme was adapted to that part of Britannia. He was very inward with Henry the second, conquerour of Ireland, beyng at that tyme that kinges secretary. And for that especial affiance king Henry reposed in him, he was appointed to accompany prince Iohn the kinges sonne into Ireland, as one of his chiefest and discretest counsailors. This gentleman was very well learned, a tollerable diuine, a commendable philosopher, not rude in phisike, skilfull in Cosmography, a singuler good antiquary, an orator, in endeuour co(m)parable to the best, in his style not in those dayes taken for the woorst, rather eschewyng the name of a rude writer, then purchasing the same of an eloquent chronicler. Among other hys workes, he wrote one booke of the description of Ireland, other two of the co(n)quest therof. John the Abbot of S.Albones sayeth, that this Clarke was somewhat spare in wordes, and liberall in sentences. What he meaneth by this verdict I know not, vnlesse he taketh the man to be ouer lavish of his pen in frumping hys aduersaries with quippyng tauntes, which as I gesse, flowed rather fro(m) a flaunting ostentation of a roysting kynde of rhetorike, then from any greate malice hee bare anye one. Howbeit, I maye not gainesay, but as he was kind where he tooke, so he was somewhat bityng where he disliked. But what his judgeme(n)t is of the Giraldines may plainly appeare in his chronicle, out of which I haue culled this sentence ensuyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Hoc et huius generis omen & haec conditio. Semper in armata militia chari, semper primi, semper rebus in Martijs ausu nobili praestantissimi. Cessante vero necessitatis articulo, statim exosi, statim vltimi, statim ad ima liuore depressi. Veruntamen tantae generositatis syluam liuor ad plenum extirpare non potuit. Vnde & vsq(ue) in hodiernum gens haec nouis plantularu(m) succrementis vires in insula non modicas habet. Qui sunt, qui penetrant hostium penitralia? Giraldidae. Qui sunt, qui patriam conseruant? Giraldidae. Qui sunt, quos hostes formidant? Giraldidae. Qui sunt, quos liuor detractat? Giraldidae. Si principem tantae strenuitas merita digne pensantem resperissent, quam tranquillum, quam pacificum olim Hiberniae statum reddidisent? Sed horum sine causa semper est su specta strenuitas.
This hath ben continually, sayeth Cambriense, a desteny or fatall property annexed to this house. In warre and martiall broyles they are dandaled, they are colled, they are lulled, who but they? they rule the rost. But when these martiall garboyles are appeased, they are either through false informations wrongfully behated, or els by enuious carpers sinisterly suspected. How be it, enuy with all hir malicious driftes, could neuer wholly supplant the fertile groue of this couragious and noble progeny. And maugre the heads of all malicious promooters, this sept, yea euen at this day beareth, with ye fewe slips there engrassed, no small stroke in Ireland. Who are they that scale the enemies fortes: the Giraldines. Who are they, that defend their countrey: the Giraldines. Who are they that make the enimy quake in hys skinne: the Giraldines. And who are they whom enuy backbiteth: the Giraldines. If it had stoode with the goode fortune of the Giraldines, that ye king with equall balance would poise their valure, long ere this had all Ireland ben put in quiet and peaceable stay. But their valiantnesse and power hath bene from tyme to tyme without sufficient cause suspected. Hitherto Cambriense.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And soothly, as often as I call to mynde the saying of this historiographer, I may not but muse how iumpe he hitteth the nayle on the hed. And who so will conferre their continual successe from the pennyng of this sentence (which was written aboue 400. yeares, and vpward) with this age of ours, shal soone perceiue, that these wordes were rather prophesies of future mishappe, then complaintes of former iniuries. At this day let them behaue themselues valiantly in warre, and loially in peace, yet notwithstandyng, such slaunders are raysed, such rumours noysed, such tales bruted, such fables twitled, such vntrue reportes twatled, such malicious inuentio(n)s forged, that such as are in authoritie cannot but of force suspect them, vnlesse they were able, like Gods, to pry in the bottome of ech mans conscience. But who so wisheth any goodnesse to that miserable countrey, and noble progeny, let him with all the vaynes of his hart besech God, first that the higher powers be sloe in beleuyng the despitefull reportes of enuious backbiters. Secondly, that ye Giraldines beare themselues in all their affaires so dutifully, that these curious enserchers be not able to depaint their feygned gloses with any probable coulors. So shall suspicion be abandoned, so shall malicious slaunders be squat ted EEBO page image 593 ted: so shall that noble house be trusted, and consequently the battered weale publique of Ireland reedified. The family is English, & so is it well knowen, that the Irish rather feare their force, then loue their persons. And reason good parye. For the Irishe bearyng in mynde, that the Giraldine beyng thereto deputed by the prince, hath in all ages conquered their landes, abated their courages, discomfited their men, va(n)quished theyr armies, vaunted theyr power, suppressed their force, and made them become true and tributary subiectes to the crowne of England, they haue good cause to beare that sept but holow harts, what shew so euer they make in outward apparaunce. Thus much generally of the Giraldines, now I purpose perticulerly to treat of the house of Kyldare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Maurice fitz Girald, one of the Erles progenitors, was L. Justice of Ireland in ye yere 1242. at which tyme he builded the castle of Sligagh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Maurice was L. of Tyreconille, and beyng entierly seised of the whole country, he gaue the one moyetie thereof to Cormocke, mack Dermot, mack Kory.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I read the Giraldine baron of Ophaly, in the yere 1270.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I haue seene it registred, that there dyed a Giraldine the fourth Erle of Kyldare, in the yere 1287. But I take that calender to beare a false date.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherefore the truth and certaintie is, that John fitz Giralde, sonne to Thomas fitz Girald, was the first Erle of Kyldare, and was created Erle on this occasion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yere 1290. and in the 18. yere of Edward the first, William Vescy was made L. Justice of Ireland. This man beyng eyther negligent or raw in the gouernment of the countrey, emboldened the Irish enemy to endamage the kinges subiectes more eftsoones then they were accustomed to do. These enormities beyng for the space of foure yeres tolerated, the subiectes mislikyng of the slacknesse of their Gouenour, gaue out such sinister speaches of the L. Justice, as he was gald to the hart roote. soome after as the nobles in open assembly wer ripping vp by piecemeale the seuerall harmes their tenantes susteyned, the L. Justice willyng to disburden hymselfe of the crime, began with misty kynd of speaches to lay the whole fault on the L. John fitz Giraldes shoulders, saying in parable wyse, that he was a great occasio(n) of these disorders, in that he bare himself in priuate quarels as fierce as a Lyon but in these publike iniuries he was as meeke as a Lambe. The Baron of Ophaly spelling and putting these sillables together spake in this wyse.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 My Lord I am hartily sory that among all this noble assembly, you should make me your onely marke wherat to shoote your bolt. And truely were my desertes so hainous, as I suppose, you would wish them to be, you would not labour to cloude your talke with such darke riddles, as at this present you haue done, but wt a playne & flat English, your Lordship woulde not sticke to empeache felony or treason. For as myne ancestours with spendyng of theyr bloud in their souueraignes quarell aspired to this tippe of honour, in which at this day (God and my king be thanked) I stande: so your Lordship taking the nigher way to ye woode, by charging me with treason, would gladly trip so roundly on my top, that by sheding of my bloud, and by catching my landes into your clouches, that but so nere vpo(n) your manours of Kyldare and Rathymgan, as I dare say they are an eye fore vnto you, you might make my maister your sonne a proper Gentleman.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Gentleman? quoth the L. Justice. Thou bald Baron, I tell thee the Vescies wer gentlemen before the Giraldines were Barons of Ophaly, yea and before that Welsh bankrupt thyne auncestour (he ment sir Maurice fitz Girald) fethered his nest in Leinster. And where as thou takest the matter so farre in snuffe, I will teach thee the lyripups after an other fashion, then to be thus malipertly cockyng and billing with me that am thy gouernor. Wherfore, albeit thy taunts are such, as they might force the pacie(n)test philosopher that is, to be chokte vp with choler: yet I would haue thee ponder my speaches, as though I deliuered them in my most sober and quiet moode.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 I say to the face of thee, and I wyll auowe what I say vnto thee, that thou art a supporter of theeues, a bolsterer of the kynges enemies, an vpholder of traytors, a murtherer of subiectes, a firebrand of dissention, a rake theefe, an arraunt traytor. And before I eate these wordes, I will make thee eate a peece of my blade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Baron bridelyng with might & maine hys choler, bare himselfe as colde in countenaunce, as the L. Justice was hote in words, and replied in this wyse.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 My Lorde I am very glad, that at length you vnwrapped your selfe out of that nette, wherein all this while you masked. As for myne auncestor, whome you terme a bankerupt, how rich or how poore he was vpon his repayre to Irela(n)d, I purpose not at this time to debate. Yet thus much I may boldly say, that he came hither as a byer, not as a beg ger EEBO page image 21 ger. He bought the enemies land by spending his bloud: but you lurking lyke a spider in his copweb to intrappe flies, endeuor to beg subiectes liuinges wrongfully by disposing the(m) of their innocent lyues. And whereas you charge me with malpertnesse, in that I presume to chop Logike with you beyng Gouernor, by answering your snappish quid, with a knappish quo, I would wishe you to vnderstand, now, that you put me in mind of the distinction, that I as a subiect honour your royall authoritie, but as a noble man I despise your dunghill gentilitie. Lastly, whereas you charge me with the odious termes of traitor, murtherer and the lyke, & there with all you wish me to resolue my selfe, that you rest vpo(n) reason, not vppon rage: If these wordes procede from your Lordshippe, as from a magistrate, I am a subiect, to be tryed by order of lawe, and am sory that the Gouernour, who ought by vertue of his publike autoritie to be my Iudge, is by reason of priuate malice become my accuser.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But if you vtter these speaches as a priuate person, then I Iohn fitz Girald, baron of Ophaly, doe tell thee William Vescy, a single sole gentleman, that I am no traytor, no felon, and that thou art the onely buttresse, by which the kinges enemies are supported, the meane & instrument by which his maiesties subiectes are daily spoyled. Therefore I as a loyall subiect say traitor to thy teeth, and that shalt thou wel understand when we both shal be brought to the rehearsell of these matters before our betters. Howbeit, during the tyme you beare office, I am resolued to gyue you the maistry in wordes, and so suffer you lyke a brawling curre to barcke, but when I see my tyme, I will be sure to byte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 These biting speaches passing too and fro, great factions on both sides were raised, with high and mighty wordes, and deepe othes too time eyther part appealed his owne. The baron of Ophalye not sleeping nor slacking hys matter, squdded with al haste into England, where he was no sooner enshoared, then Vescy, after he had substituted Wylliam Haye in his roume, was imbarckt, making as hote foote after the baron as he coulde. The Kyng and his counsaile vnderstanding the occasion of their sodaine arriualles, to thend the truth shoulde be brought to light, appointed a set day for the deciding of their conrouersie, and that eche of them should speake for himselfe what he could. Whereupon Vescy being co(m)maunded to beginne, spake to this effect.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 My dread soueraigne, as I must acknowledge my selfe somewhat agreeued, to bee entangled in so intricate a matter, so I am as glad, as heart can thinke, that so weightye a controuersie is brought to the deciding of so vpright an vmpire. And whereas it stoode wt your Maiesties pleasure, with the aduise of this your honourable counsaile, that I, as vnwoorthy, should haue the government of your royle of Ireland, and during my time, your Maiesties subiects, have beene, I may not deny it, diuersly annoyed, for my discharge, as I sayde in Irelande, so I auow here in England, that he kneeleth here before your highnesse (poynting to the baron of Ophaly) that is the roote and crop of all these enormities.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 For it is well knowne, that he beareth that stroke with the Irish, as if he once but frown at them, they dare no be so hardy as one to peake out of their cabans. And whereas hys force doth greatlye amaze them, thinke you but his countenaunce doth woonderfullye encourage them: To the furtherance of which it is apparently knowne, and it shall be prooued, that he hath not onely in hucker mucker, by sundry messages, emboldened your Maiesties enemies, to spoyle your subiectes, but also by his personall presence, in secret meetings, he gaue them much courage, as neyther the royaltie of your highnesse, not the autoritie of your deputie, neyther the force of your lawes, nor the strength of your puissant army, was able to quenche the flame of these hurlye burlyes, that through his trayterous driftes were enkindled. These and the lyke enormities through his priuye packing wyth rebels being dailye committed, to bring mee, your Maiesties gouernour, in the hatred of the people, his adherentes both secretly muttered, and openly exclaimed against mee, and my gouernment, as though the redresse of all these harmes had wholy lyen in mine hands.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Where vpon being in conference wyth such as were the chieftens of your roialme of Ireland, albeit I tooke it, to be expedient, to point wyth my finger at the verye sinke or headspring os all the treasons, that be secrere conspiracies were prete(n)ded and practised against your Maiestie and your subiects, yet notwithstanding hauing more regarde to modestie, then to the deserts of the Baron of Ophalie, I did but glaunce at his packing in such secret sort, as none, or a very fewe of the companye coulde guesse, whome with my mistye speaches I did touche. And as commonly the galde horse dost soonest kick, so this gentlema(n) being prickt, as it should seeme with the sting of his guiltye conscience, brake out on a sodaine, and forgetting his allegeaunce to your highnesse, and his duty to me your deputy, he tooke me vp so roughly, as though I had bene rather his vnderling the(n) his gouernour. The summe EEBO page image 594 summe of which dispitefull speaches, I refer to the testimonye of the honourable audience where they were deliuered.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 As for hys manifolde treasons, I am ashamed to rehearse such thinges, as hee dyd not sticke, to commit. And if it shall stande wyth your Maiesties pleasure, to adiourne the tryall for a fewe dayes, I will charge hym wyth such apparent Items, as were hys face made of brasse, he shall not be able to deny any one article that shall be bookte agaynst him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When Vescye had ended, the Baron of Ophaly prest himselfe somewhat forward, and in this wise spake.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Most puissant Prince, and my dread soueraigne, were master Vescy his mouth so iust a measure, as what he spake, shoulde bee holden for gospell, this had beene no fit place for so arraunt a traitour, as he with his feigned glosing would gladlye prooue me to be. But sith it pleased your Maiestie, wyth so indifferent ballance, to ponder both our tales, I am throughly perswaded, that my loiall innocencie shall be able, to ouerpoyse his forged treachery. Your Maiestie haue hard many words to small purpose. And as his complaynt hytherto haue beene generallye hudled vppe, so mine aunswere thereto may not particularly be framed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whereas therefore he termeth me a supporter of theeues, a packer with rebels, a co(n)spiratour with traytours, If I shoulde but with a bare worde deny the premisses, all his gaye glose of glittering speaches woulde sodaynlye fade away. Yea, but he craueth respit, for the booking of his articles. Truely so he hath neede. For loytring and lingring is the onely waye he maye deuise, to cloake hys feigning and forging. Wherein hee sheweth himselfe as craftye, as the Philosopher was accounted wise that promised a tyraunt, vpon menacing wordes, to schoole his Asse in philosophy, so he had seuen yeares respite, bycause that in the space he was perswaded, that eyther the tiraunt, the Asse or he would dy. In likewise master Vescy, vpo(n) respite graunted him, woulde hang in hope, that eyther the life of your Maiestie (which God forbid) shoulde be shortned, or that I, in tract of time, woulde be disfauoured, or that he by one subtil prank or other should be of this heauy loade disburdened.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But if I haue beene as many yeares a malefactor, as he aduoucheth, howe happeneth it, that his tongue was tyed, before this late descention begun? why did he not from tyme to time aduertise the counsaile of my treaso(n)s? Whereas nowe it may be probably coniectured, that he was egd to this seruice rather for the hatred he beareth mee, then for anye loue he oweth your royall Maiestie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Touching the wordes I spake in Ireland, I purpose not, for ought I heard as yet, to eate them in England. And when I shall be calde to testify such speaches, as I deliuerd there, I will not be founde so raw in my matter, as to lose my erraunt in the carriage, as master Vescy hath done, or to craue further respite, for the registring of his manifolde treasons. As for my secret metings with Irish rebels, were I perswaded, master Vescye, that you were able to prooue them, I would be founde willing, to acknowledge them. For if my co(n)science were so deepelye stoonge, as you pretende, I woulde take it for better policie, by acknowledging my trespasse, to appeale to my King his mercye, then, by denying me faultes, to stand to the rigour of his iustice.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as for meetings, I neuer had so many in woods wyth rebels, as you, master Vescy, haue in your chamber with cowes. For it hath beene manifestlye apparented, that when the Baron of Ophalye, and the best of the nobilitie of Irelande, haue beene embard from entring your chamber, an Irishe cowe shoulde haue at all times accesse vnto you.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 So, master Vescye, a cowe, an horse, an hauke, and a siluer cup haue beene the occasion of your slacknes. When the subiects were preded, you woulde be content, to wincke at their miserye, so that your mouth were stopt with briberye. And when you had gathered your crummes sufficiently togither, you held it for a prettye policie (and yet it was but a bare shifte) to charge the nobilitie wyth such packing, as you did daily practise.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But you must not think, that we are babes, or that wyth anye suche stale deuise, or grose iuggling trick, you may so easily duske or dazell our eyes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Can any man, that is but slenderly witted, so farre as to be caryed, as to beleeue, that master Vescy, being the Kinges deputie in Ireland, hauing hys Maiesties treasure, hauing the nobilitie at his beck, the Kings armie at hys commaundement, but that, if he were disposed to besturre himself, he were able to ferret out such barebrich brattes, as swarme in the English pale. If he say he could not, we must smyle at his simplicitie, if he could and would not, how may he coulour hys disloyaltie?
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yea, but I beare such stroke with the Irish, as that vpon any priuate quarrel I am able, to annoy them. What then? Bicause the baron of Ophaly can reuenge his priuate iniuryes wythout the assistaunce of the deputye, therfore the deputy may not vanquish weake and naked rebels, without the furtheraunce of EEBO page image 22 of the baron of Ophaly, whereas the contrary ought to be inferd, that if a pryuate perſon can tame the Iriſh, what may thẽ the publique Ma|giſtrate doe, that hath the Princes pay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

But in deede it is harde to take Hares with Foxes. You muſt not thinke, maſter Veſcy, that you were ſent gouernour into Ireland, to dan|dle your trulles, to penne your ſelfe vp within a towne or citie, to giue rebels the gaze, to pill the ſubiects, to animate traytors, to fil your cofers, to make your ſelfe by marring true men, to ga|ther the birdes whileſt other beate the buſhes, & after to impeach the nobilitie of ſuch treaſons, as you onely haue committed?

Compare 1587 edition: 1

But for as much as our mutual complaints ſtande vpon the one his Yea, and the other hys Nay, and that you would be taken for a cham|pion, and I am knowen to be no cowarde: let vs, in Gods name, leaue lying for varlettes, berdyng for ruffians, facing for crakers, chat|ting for twatlers, ſcoldyng for callets, bookyng for ſcriueners, pleadyng for Lawyers, and lette vs try with the dynt of ſwoorde, as become mar|tiall men to doe, our mutuall quarrelles. Wher|fore to iuſtifie that I am a true ſubiect, and that thou. Veſcy, art an archetraytor to God and to my King, here in the preſence of hys highneſſe, and in the hearyng of this honourable aſſembly I challenge the combat.The combat chalenged.
Whereat all the audi|tory ſhouted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe in good fayth, quoth Veſcye, with a right good will. Wherevpon bothe the parties beyng diſmiſt vntill the Kings pleaſure were further knowne, it was agreed at length by the counſayle, that the fitteſt tryal ſhould haue bene by battayle. Wherefore the parties beyng as well thereof aduertiſed, as the day by the King appoynted, no ſmall prouiſion was made for ſo eager a combat, as that was preſuppoſed to haue bene. But when the prefixed day ap|proched neere, Veſcy, turnyng his great boaſte to ſmall roſt, beganne to crye creake, and ſecrete|ly ſayled into Fraunce. [...]eſcye fled| [...]ed France. [...]dare be|ſtowed on the Lord Gi| [...]d. King Edwarde, there|of aduertiſed, beſtowed Veſcyes Lordſhips of Kyldare and Rathymgan on the Baron of O|phaly, ſaying that albeit Veſcy conueyed hys perſon into Fraunce, yet he left his lands behind him in Ireland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

The firſte Earle of [...]dare cre| [...]ed.

1 [...]15.

The Baron returned to Irelande with the gratulation of all his friendes, and was created Earle of Kildare, in the ix. yeere of Edward the ſecond his raigne, the xiiij. of May. He deceaſed at Laraghbrine (a village neere to Maynooth) in the yeare 1316. and was buried at Kildare, ſo that he was Erle but one yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nũbers [...] the Erles of kyldare.The houſe of Kildare among diuers giftes, wherewith God hath aboundauntly endued it, is for one ſinguler pointe greatly to bee admi|red, that notwithſtandyng the ſeuerall aſſaults of diuers enimies in ſundry ages, yet this Earle that now liueth, is the tenth Earle of Kildare, to whom from Iohn the firſt Earle, there hath alwayes continued a lineall deſcent from father to ſonne, which truely in mine opinion is a great bleſſing of God.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for as much as this Erle now liuyng, as his Aunceſters before him, haue bene ſhrewd|ly ſhooued at by his euill willers, ſaying that he is able, but not willyng to profite hys countrey: the Poeſie that is framed for him, runneth in this wiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Quid poſſim, iactant: quid vellem, ſcire recuſant:
Vtraque Reginae ſint, rogo, nota meae.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His eldeſt ſonne is Lorde Giralde,L. Girald. Baron of Ophaly, for whom theſe verſes are made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Te pulchrum natura facit, fortuna potentem,
Te faciat Chriſti norma, Giralde, bonum.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Syr Thomas Butler Erle of Ormond and Oſſery.Earle of Or|mond. The Butlers were auncient Engliſh gentlemen, and worthy ſeruitors in all ages.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theobald Butler Lorde of Carrick,


The But|lers (as I am enfor|med) ar foũd by auncient recordes too haue bene Earles of the Larrick.


& Iohn Cogan were Lorde Iuſtices of Ireland. This Butler died in the Caſtle of Arckelow, in the yeare 1285.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Theobald Butler the yonger, and Sonne to the elder Theobald, was ſente for by Edwarde the firſt, to ſerue againſt the Scots. This noble man deceaſed at Turny, and his bo|dy was conneighed to Wency, a towne in the countie of Lymmericke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Edmund Butler a wiſe and valiaunt noble man,1309. was dubbed knight at London by Edward the ſecond.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This man beyng appoynted lieuetenant of Irelande, vppon the repayre of Iohn Wogan, (who before was Lorde Iuſtice) to Englande,1312. beſieged the Obrenies in Glyndalory: and were it not that they ſubmitted themſelues to the Kyng and the Lieuetenantes mercy, they had not bene onely for a ſeaſon vanquiſſhed, but al|ſo vtterly by him extirped. This noble man was in his gouernment ſuche an encourager and furtherer of ſeruitors, as that hee dubd on Saint Michael the Archangels day: 30. 1313. knights in the caſtle of Dublin. Hee was a ſcourge to the Scottes that inuaded Ireland,1315. when he was Lieuetenant. He diſcomfiteth Omourgh a no|torious rebell, neare a towne named Baly le|than. After diuers victorious exploites by him atchieued, he ſayled into England,1316. and ſo to Hi|ſpayne in pilgrimage to S. Iames.1321. Vpon his returne to England, he deceaſed at London, and his body beyng conueyghed into Ireland, was entoombed at Ballygauran.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iames Butler Erle of Ormond, was Lord Iuſtice of Ireland, in the yeare, 1359. 1359.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 595The Lord Butler and Vicecount Thurles, was dubo knight by Henry the ſixte in Eng|lande, in the yeare 1425. at whiche tyme ſir Iames Butler,1425. ſir Iohn Butler, ſir Rafe But|ler, were in like maner knighted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The firſte Earle of Or|mond.

Iames Butler, who maryed the Earle of Herfordes daughter, was preferred to the Erle|dome of Ormond in the firſt yeare of Edwarde the thirde: whiche fell vpon the heyres generall, laſtly vpon ſir Thomas Butler Erle of Wil|ſhyre, after whom it reuerſed to Pierce Butler, whom a little before King Henry the viij. had created Erle of Oſſery. I read Butler Erle of Tipperary in the yeare 1300. Tipperary. The Latin hi|ſtory calleth him Dominum de pincerna, the En|gliſh le Butler. Whereby it appeareth, hee had ſome ſuch honour aboute the Prince. His very ſurname is Becket, who was aduaunced by Henry the ſecondes eldeſt ſonne, Lorde Butler in recompence of the death of Thomas of Can|terbury theyr kinneſman. His eldeſt ſonne is Lord Butler, Vicounte Thurles. For the Erle now liuyng, theſe verſes are made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Magnus Auns, maiorque pater, ſed Natus vtroque
Corporis aut animi non bonitate minor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Deſmon.Girald fitz Girald Erle of Deſmond.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Maurice fitz Thomas a Giraldine, was created Erle of Deſmond the ſame yeare, ſoone after that Butler became Erle of Ormonde. His eldeſt ſonne is Lord fitz Girald of Deſmõd. The Erle now liuyng, thus ſpeaketh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Euaſi tandem, iactatus fluctibus alti,
Et precor, in portu ſit mea tuta ratis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Clenrichard.Sir Richard Bourke Erle of Clenrickard. A braunche of the Engliſhe family de Burgo. The Bourkes haue bene auncient noble menne before theyr commyng to Ireland: and in olde tyme they haue bene Erles of Vlſter. Hys el|deſt ſonne is Lorde Bourke Baron of Enykel|line. His verſe is this.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Quam mihi maiorum famam bona geſta dederunt,
Hanc mihi natorum barbara facta negant.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tomond.Connogher Obren Erle of Tomonde: the name of Erle giuen to Murragh Obrene for terme of lyfe,1550. and after to Donogh Obrene, in the fifte yeare of the raigne of Edwarde the ſixte nowe confirmed to the heyres males. Hys eldeſt ſonne is Baron of Ibracan. Vpon the Erle now liuyng, this fantaſie was deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Non decet externos, ſine eauſa quaerere reges,
Cum licet in tuta viuere pace domi.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Clencare.Mack Carty More Erle of Clencare, crea|ted in the yeare 1565.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Barry. Roche, Gormanſ|towne.Vicecount Barry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vicecount Roche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Preſton Vicecount of Gormanſtowne: where|to is lately annexed the Barony of Lawne|dreſſe. One of theyr aunceſtours Sir Robert Preſton,1361. then chiefe Baron of the Eſchequer was dubd knight in the field by Lionel Duke of Cla [...]nce. This gentleman matcht in wedlocke with Margaret Bermingham lady of Carbry, who deceaſed in the yeare 1361. After whoſe death ſir Robert Preſton was ſeyſed of the ſayd Lordſhip in the right of his wife,1367. and beyng mo|leſted by rebels, placed a garriſon in the caſtle, whereby the ſubiects were greatly eaſed, and the rebels dayly annoyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There hath bene another ſir Robert Preſton of this houſe,1476. greate graundfather to the Vice|count now liuyng. This gentleman was de|putie to Richard, ſecond ſonne to Edward the fourth, in the xvj. yeare of the reygne of his fa|ther: and after likewyſe in the reigne of Henry the ſeuenth,1492 hee was deputie to Iaſper Duke of Bedford, Erle of Pembroke, and Lieuetenaunt of Ireland, & at the ſame time was he appointed by the King generall receyuer of his reuenue in Ireland. How wiſely this noble man behaued hymſelfe in peace, and how valiauntly he bequit himſelfe in warre, ſundry of King Henry the ſe|uenth his letters to him, beyng deputie, addreſ|ſed, do manifeſtly witneſſe. There was a parlia|ment holden before him at Drogheda, whiche was repealed in the x. yeare of Henry ye ſeuẽth.1494

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Chriſtopher Preſton was dubd knight in the fielde by Edmund Erle of March,1397 Lorde deputie of Ireland. William Preſton was L. Iuſtice of Ireland in Henry the eyghts reigne. The houſe is auncient planted in Lankaſhyre,Preſton came from Lanckiſhire. and from thence departed into Ireland, beyng to this day ſeyſed of a manour in Lankaſhyre, named of the houſe Preſton. The Vicount now liuyng ſpeaketh in this wyſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Si quantum vellem, tantum me poſſe putarem,
Nota eſſet patriae mens mea firma meae.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Euſtace aliâs Powar,Baltinglaſſe Vicounte of Baltin|glaſſe, Lord of Kyleullen to him and his heyres males, the 34. yeare of Henry the eight.1542 Theyr aunceſtor Robart le Pouar, was ſent into Ire|lande with commiſſion, and hys offpryng hath reſted there ſince the yeare 1175.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Powar aliâs Euſtace is written Baron of Domuyle in the yeare 1317. 1175 The Vicountes poeſie now liuing, is this.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Cum bonus ipſe manes, an non laus magna pu|tatur,
Prudenter cuiuis poſſe placere viro?

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moũtgaret.Sir Richard Butler Vicount Mountgaret to him and his heyres males in the fift yeare of Edward the ſixt.1550

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vicount Deece.Deece.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Lord Bermingham Baron of Athenry,Athenry. now degenerate and become meere Iriſhe, agaynſt whom his aunceſtors ſerued valiauntly in the yeare 1300.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 23John Bermingham was Lord of Athenry, anno 1316. John Bermingham Baron of Ardigh, called in Latine de Alrio dei, in the yere 1318.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mack Maurice, aliâs fitz Giralde, Baron of Bery.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 L. Courcy, not very Irishe, the auncient desent of the Courcies, planted in Irela(n)d wyth the conquest.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Flemmyng Baron of Slane. Simo(n) Flemyng was Baron of Slane, anno 1370. The L. now liuyng this speaketh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Slanius inuictus princeps mihi nome(n) adaptat,
In bello clarum nomen & omen habens.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Pluncket Baron of Kylline, his family came in with the Danes, whereof they haue as yet speciall monuments. Syr Christopher Pluncket Lord of Kylline, was Lord Lieuetenaunt of all Ireland, which title is to be seene at thys day in Kylline, engraued on hys tombe. The Baron that now lyeth, thus frameth hys poesie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Ornant viuentem maiorum gesta meorum.
Talia me nequeunt viua cadente mori.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nugent, Baron of Deluyn, an auncient house. Syr Gilbert de Nogent, or Nugent came into Irelande, with sir Hugo de Lacy one of the first and valiaunt conquerours of the countrey. This Gilbert matcht with Rosa de Lacy, sister to Hugo de Lacy. He had giuen hym vpon the conquest the Baronies of foure, and of Deluyn, by the said sir Hugh, of whose brother Richard de Nogent, otherwyse called Richardus de Capella, the house of Deluin in descended. In a conueighance, past from sir Gylbert to hys brother Richard, these wordes are inserted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Dedi & concessi frateri meo Richardo de Capella totum conquestum meum in Hybernia, & terram quam dedit mihi dominus meus Hugo de Laci, quae vocatur Deluyn, & totam teram meam
in Anglia. The Baron now liuing this speaketh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
In patria natus, patriae prodesse laboro,
Viribus in castris, consiliq; domi.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 S. Laurence, Baron of Howth in this wyse he speaketh.

Si redamus, redamo, si spernis, sperno. Quid ergo?
Non licet absq; tuis viuere posse bonis?

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Pluncket Baron of Dunsany. Vpon the Baron now liuyng, this deuise was framed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Gratia quod dederat, si non fortuua negabit,
Dux tam praeclaro stemmate dignus eris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Barnewal, Baron of Trimelestowne. They came from little Britayne, where they are at this day a great surname. Vpon their first arriual, they wan great possessions at Beirhauen, where at length by conspiracy of the Irish, they were all slayne, except one young man, who then studied the common lawes in Engla(n)d, who returning, dwelt at Dru(m)nagh besides Dublin, where his heyres to this day are setled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This house as well for antiquitie, as for the number of worshipfull gentlemen that be of the surname, beareth no small stroke in the English pale of Ireland. Howbeit of late it hath bene greatly maymed thorough the decease of three worthy and famous Barnewalles. The first was Robert Barnewall L. of Trimlestowne that last was, a rare noble man, and endued with sundry good gifts, who hauyng wholy wedded hymselfe to the reformation of hys miserable country, was resolued, for the whetting of his wit, which natherlesse was pregnant & quicke, by a short trade and methode he toke in his study, to haue sipt vp the very sappe of the common law, and vpon this determinatio(n) sayling into England, sickened shortly after at a worshipfull Matrones house at Cornubery, named Margaret Tyler, where he was to the great griefe of all hys countrey pierced with death, when the wealepublike had most neede of his lyfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The second Barnewall, that deceased, was M. Markus Barnewall of Donbroa, whose credite and authoritie had it bene correspondent to hys valure and abilitie, he woulde, I doubt not, haue bene accompted and knowen for as odde a gentleman (none dispraysed) as any in the English pale of Ireland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The third of the surname that departed this lyfe, was sir Christopher Barnewall knight, the lanterne and light as well of his house, as of that part of Ireland where he dwelt: who, beyng sufficiently furnisht as well wyth the knowledge of the latin tongue, as of the common lawes of Englande, was zealously bent to the reformation of his countrey. A deepe and wyse gentleman, spare of speache, and therwithall pithy wholy addicted to grauitie, beyng in any pleasant conceit rather giuen to simper, the(n) smile: very vpright in dealing, measuryng all his affayres with the safety of conscience, as true as steele, close and secret, fast to his friend, stoute in a good quarell: a great householder, sparing without pinching, spendyng without wastyng, of nature myld, rather choosing to pleasure, where he myght harme, then willing to harme, where he might pleasure. He sickened the 23. of July of an hote burning ague, and ended his lyfe at his house of Turuy the fift of August, to the great losse as well of his friendes as of hys countrey, vpon whose death a sonne in law of his framed this epitaph.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Laeta tibi, sed moesta tuis mors accidit ista.
Regna EEBO page image 596
Regna dat alta tibi, damna dat ampl [...] tuis.
Laetus es in coelis vllo ſine fine t [...]plians,
Moeſtus at in terris diues mopſ moet.
Nam ſapiente caret diues, qui parta gubernet,
Nec, qui det miſero munera, pauper habet.
Te gener ipſe caret, viduce, te ruſtica turba,
At vrbana cohors, te (ſocer aline) caret.
Non eſt digna viro talis reſpublica can [...],
Nam ſanctos ſedes non niſi ſancta do [...].
Mira loquor, ſed vera loquor, nõ ficta reuoluo,
Si maiora loquar, nil niſi vera loquar.
Mortuus es? nobis hoc crimina noſtra dedecrũt.
Mortuus es? virtus hoc tibi ſacra dedit.
Viuus es in coelo, dedit hoc tibi gratia Chriſti
Viuus vt in mundo ſis, tibi fama dabit.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the L. of Trimleſtowne now liuing, this was deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Quod mihi vita dedit, fratri Mors ſeua negauit
Quod dederat fratri, det mihi fama precor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dunboyn.Edward Butler Baron of Donboyne, gi|uen to Edmund Butler Eſquier, & his heires males,1541. anno H. octaui .33. For the Baron now liuyng, theſe verſes are made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Dum ſequitur natus ſummi veſtigia patris
Filius optato tramite cuncta ger [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpper Oſſery.Syr Barnaby fitz Patricke Baron of Vp|per Oſſery, giuen to Barnaby Mack gullo|patricke & his heyres males in the .xxxiij. yere of Henry the eight.1541. Donat Clo [...]agh mack|gylpatrike was a peereleſſe warriour in the yere 1219. Syr Barnaby fitz Patrike, now L. of Vpper Oſſery, was dubt knight by ye duke of Northfolke at the ſiege of Lieth at Scot|land:1558. for whom theſe verſes are made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Principis in gremio ſummi nutritus & altus
Hauſit ab illuſtri regia dona ſchola.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Louth.Pluncket, Baron of Louth, to ſir Chriſto|fer Pluncket and his heyres males,1541. anno H. 8 33. This Barony was an Erledome pertey|nyng to the Berminghams, in the yere 1316. and ſooner. For the Baron now liuyng, this was deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Nobilis, ingenuus, firmis quo firmus amicis,
Nubila ſeu coelum luxue ſerena regat.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dungauõ.Oneyle, Baron of Dongauon, to whom the Erledome of Tyrone was entayled by gifte of Henry the eight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Curragh|more. Deſert.Powar, Baron of Curraghmore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mack Surtan, L. Deſert, hys aunceſtours were Lordes in the tyme of Lionel Duke of Clarence, Erle of Vlſter, in the yeare 1360. now very wyld Iriſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Inſirkoin.Murragh Obrene, Baron of Inſirkoyne, to hym and his heyres males an H. 8.35. 1543.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Baronets.There are beſides theſenoble men, certain gentlemen of worſhip, commonly called Ba|ronets, whom the ruder ſort doth regiſter a|mong the nobilitie, by termyng thẽ corruptly Barons, wheras in very déede they are to be [...]ed neyther Barons, nor Baronets, [...]ut Banrets. He is properly called a Banret,Banret what it ſignif [...] whoſe father was no carpet [...]ight, but [...] in the field vnder the hanner or enſigne. And becauſe it is not v [...] for any to be a [...]ight by birth, the eldeſt ſõne of ſuch a knight with his heyres, is [...] a Bannerr [...], or a Ban| [...]. Such are they that here enſue,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sentleger, Banret of Flemarge, [...]re I|riſhe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Don, Bãret of Pormanſt own, [...] Iriſh,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fitz Girald, Banret of Barnet [...]ch.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 We [...]eſly, Banret of the Noreagh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Huſey, Banret of Ealtrim.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 S. Mighel, Banret of Serme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nangle, Banret of the Na [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Engliſh gentlemen of longeſt con [...]aunce in Ireland, are thoſe which at this day eyther in great pouerty or perill do kepe theſe proper|ties of theyr aunceſtors landes in Vlſter, be|yng then companions to Courey, the conque|rour and Erle of that part. Theſe are the Sa|uages, Iordanes, fitz Symons, Chamber|laines, Ruſſels, Benſons, Andeleis, Whites, fitz Vrſulles, now degenerate, and called in Iriſh Mack Mahon, the Beares ſonne.

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