You are here: 1577 > Volume 2 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 13 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 567) N.
- NActanus king of Picts maketh ſore vvarre vpõ the Scots. 85. 48
- Nactanus and his armie diſcom|fited. 85.66
- Nactanus againe inuadeth the Scottish confines. 86.11
- Nactanus refuſeth all offers of peace vvyth Anguſianus. 86. 35
- Nactanus ſlaine. 86.60
- Nactanus the ſeconde, brother to the other Nactanus, King of Pictes ſlaine. 86.91
- Names of Scottes ſlaine, in a con|flict going tovvardes Lieth. 469. 12
- Names of the lordes that vvent a|gainſt the gouernor. 460.41
- Names of diuerſe places in Scot|lande chaunged. 99.54
- Nathaliod generall of the Bry|taynes, ouerthrovvne vvyth his armie. 125.2
- Nature of the Scottishmen. 212.7
- Natholocus tvvo daughters vila|nouſly abuſed by Athirco the King. 74.7
- Natholocus Kinſmen and friendes conſpire agaynſt Athirco. 74
- Natholocus choſen King of Scots. 74. 73
- Natholocus procureth the loue of the Nobilitie through brybes. 74. 95
- Natholocus putteth ſuch to death as he ſuſpecteth to ſauour Doo|rus. 75.26
- Natholocus ſendeth to a vvitche for counſaile. 75.38
- Natholocus murthered by hys ovvne ſeruant. 76.11
- Nature of the Scottish ſoyle de|clared. 20.37
- Nature vvorshipped for a God. 20. 51
- Nature of valiant hearts and no|ble ſtomacks. 234.5
- Nauie of English ships ſent to in|uade Scotland. 320.111
- Necromanſers, Iuglers, and VVi|ſards to be burnt. 181.36
- Nero Emperor of Rome. 43.38
- Nevv moone vvorshipped. 13.3
- Nevv caſtell vpon Tine forti|fied. 255.50
- Nevv Colledge of S. Andrevves builded. 445.87
- Nith riuer. 472.12
- Noble courage of the Brytaines, Scottes and Pictes. 35.50
- Noble men not regarded. 5 [...].54
- Nobles of Scotlande ſent Ambaſ|ſadours to King Grime, for the amendmente of certayne de|faultes in his gouernement. 226. 30
- Nobles require Malcolme to re|lieue the Scottish eſtate. 226.97
- Nobles of Englande their humble petition too Svveno King of Danes. 229.18
- Nobilitie of England conſpire a|gaynſt King Henrie the fourth. 370. 2
- Nodobert Authour of the vvhite Monkes. 262.32
- Noitafilus ſonne to Glaucus king of Scotes. 5.62
- None to bee ſvvorne too other than to the king, vpon paine of death. 246.12
- Northumberlande, vvhen it firſt beganne to bee ſo called. 117. 64.
- Northumberland men and Pictes make ſundrie roades intoo the Scottish borders. 150.10
- Northumberlande gyuen to Ana|laſſus the Dane. 202.114
- Northumberlande taketh parte vvith Malcolme agaynſt VVil|liam Conqueror. 255.3
- Northumberlande in parte re|ſtored to the Scots. 272.99
- Norvveygian and Scottishe bat|tayles ioyne in fight. 291.77
- Norvveygians put too flight, and chaſed by the Scottes. 292. 49
- Norman chalenger in vvraſtling, foyled by a Scotishmanne. 295. 62
- North partes of Scotlande redu|ced to obedience of King Da|uid. 343.16
- North part of Scotland ſore diſ|quieted by tvvo Clannes. 365.68
- Norvveygian Fleete ſuncke by vehemenerage of vvinde. 242. 107
- Norman one of the murtherers of the Cardinall of S. Andrevves. 465. 94
- Nothatus crovvned king of ſcot|lande. 14.22
- Nothatus playeth the Tyrant. 14. 27
- Nothatus murdered. 14.44
- Nouium a citie in Spaine, novve called Compoſtella builded. 2.39
You are here: 1577 > Volume 2 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 14 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 567) O.
- OBeliskes deuiſed for bury|als. 18.29
- Obſtinacie of the Pictes be|ing by the Scottes beſieged in Camelon. 178.110
- Occa ſon to Hengeſt cõmeth ouer vvith a povver of Saxons. 117.58
- Occa vanquished, fleeth by Sea into Kent. 118.75
- Occa and Paſcentius returne into Brytaine. 123.71
- Occa ouerthrovveth the Bry|tish Generall and their armie. 124. 116
- Occa ſlaine in purſuyt of the Bry|taynes. 125.4
- Occa nephevv too the other Oc|ca, created king of Saxons. 125. 11
- Occa taketh truce vvith Vter, vvhileſt he ioyneth vvith Col|gerne. 125.40
- Occa giueth the Britaines a great ouerthrovv in battell. 126.58
- Occa hauing eſcaped avvay from the Saxons ouerthrovv, retur|neth out of Germanie vvith a nevv povver. 127.58
- Occa eſcapeth vvounded, & flee| [...]th ouer into Germanie. 129.3
- Ocham VVilliam, a learned man flourisheth. 355.73
- Octauius K. of Britain vanquished by the Romaines. 83.25
- Octauius fleeth intoo Scotlande for refuge, and is friendlye re|ceyued. 83.28
- EEBO page image 568Octauius recouereth againe the kingdome of Brytaine. 83.83
- Octauius periurie and vnkinde+neſſe. 83.110
- Octauius vãquished, fleeth for re|fuge into Norvvey.. 84.11
- Octauius returneth intoo hys Kingdome, and is reconciled to the Scottes. 84.17
- Octauius entreth amitie vvith the Pictes. 84.26
- Octauius becommeth tributarie to the Romains. 84.34
- Octauius dieth. 85.36
- Octauius ſonne to King Octauius, fleeth into the Iſle of Man. 85. 39
- Octauius receyued as king of Bri|taine. 93.29
- Odo Bishop of Bayeux, and Erle of Kent, ſent vvith an armie in|to Scotland agaynſt Malcolme. 255. 31
- Odo diſcomfiteth and ſlayeth ma|ny Scottes and Northumber|lande men. 255.36
- Odo and his armie diſcomfited by the Scots. 255.40
- Odomare de Valence made Go|uernor of Scotland vnder king Edvvard. 309.33
- Odonell of Irelande profereth his friendship to the Scottes agaynſt the Englishmen. 417.20
- Offenders put in feare of miſdo|ing. 156.6
- Offer of the Englishmen to haue the Scottes breake their league vvith the Frenchmen, and ioine vvith them. 381.45
- Office of the ſvvorde. 226.59
- Offices not to go by inheritaunce, but at the Kings diſpoſition. 246. 6
- Ogle Lorde ſlaine by the Scottes at Panier Hugh. 463.115
- Oſeus brother to Occa the for|mer. 125.12
- Oyſell Monſier, a French Capi|taine. 477.22
- Olanus Lieutenant of Norvvey. 230. 37
- Olanus fleeth. 233
- Olaue king of the Iles. 293.51
- Olagarry Lorde of the principall bloud of the Iles. 445.21
- Oliuer a Scottish man, deliuered the Citie of Acres too the En|glish men and Scottes. 278.60
- Old lavves allovved, and nevve eſtablished. 13.68
- One eſtate of menne can not liue vvithout helpe of another. 100. 63
- Onetus Lieutenant of Denmarke. 230. 38
- Onetus ſlaine. 233.20
- Open vvarre betvvixt the Scots and Pictes. 7.15
- Open vvarres proclaimed be|tvvene king Iohn of England, and king VVilliam of Scotland 270. 107
- Open Barritors and offenders pu|nished. 155.33
- Ora les ſought to knovve vvhat the plagues of Egipt ment. 1.49
- Order of the Scottish battaile a|gainſt Acho, and his Norvve|gians. 290.81
- Order taken for the cuſtody of the yong Queene. 460.6
- Order of the Scottes and Pictes armie vvhen they entred into the landes of the Brytaynes. 106. 85
- Order of burying noble men, and ſuch as haue deſerued vvell of the common vvealth. 181.109
- Ordolucia hovv novv called. 178. 10
- Ordouici, vvhere they inhabi|ted. 39.48
- Ordinances for burying of prin|ces and noble men. 18.24
- Ordinances of king Kenneth for ſucceſsion of the Crovvne of Scotland confirmed. 227.71
- Organes brought into Scotlande. 380. 59
- Organ, or Orgarus accuſeth Ed|gar Atheling of treaſon. 259.85
- Organ ſlain vvithin liſtes. 259.92
- Originall of the familie of Ste|vvards in Scotland. 256 12
- Orkeneyes inſtructed in the fayth of Chriſt. 108.40
- Orkeney vvhy called the aunciẽt kingdome of the Pictes. 16.11
- Osbert and Ella kings of Northũ|berland. 182.105
- Osbert & his people put to flight and chaſed. 183.22
- Osbert and Ella ſlaine by the Da|nes. 191.37
- Oſtorius Scapula ſent to gouerne Brytaine. 38.40
- Oſtorius chaſeth the rebels of the VVeſterne Ilandes. 39.19
- Oſtorius encountereth the Pictes. 41. 56
- Oſtorius vvounded. 41.62
- Oſtorius ſendeth purſeuaunt too Rome. 41.81
- Oſtorius dyeth. 41.95
- Oſrike inueſted king of Deira. 146. 76
- Oſrike perſvvadeth Eufred to re|turne to infidelitie. 146.81
- Oſrike and Eufrede diſcomfited, and taken priſoners. 146.94
- Oſrike and Eufrede ſlay eche o|ther. 146.95
- Oſvvalde made king of Northum|berland. 146.98
- Oſvvald ſlaine. 146.110
- Otholinia a Countrey in Pictland. 177. 93
- Othe of Knightes made in Nor|vvay. 243 4
- Otterburne Adam prouoſt of E|denburgh. 461.43
- Outragious lightnings and tem|peſts. 209.5
- Out Iles of Scotland brought too good order. 445.36
- Oxen or Kine killing eche o|ther, recompence to bee made too him vvhoſe is kylled. 181. 63
You are here: 1577 > Volume 2 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 15 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 568) P.
- PAladius a learned man ſent in|to Scotland. 108.18
- Paladius firſt bishop in Scot|land that had his inueſture from Rome. 108.23
- Paladius accounted the Apoſtle of Scotland. 108.32
- Palace for the ſmall Prebendaries in Aberdine buylded. 429.37
- Paget VVilliam Lord of Beude|ſert. 480.71
- Palmer apprehended vvith letters and vvritings of treaſon. 322.44
- Palmer Thomas knight, taken pri|ſoner at Hadington. 474.97
- Panier Hugh a place vvhere the English men and Scots met and fought. 463.106
- Pantane Dauid Secretarie to the Gouernour and prior of ſaint Mary Ile bishop of Roſſe. 464. 51
- Parliament holden at Yorke, for the inlarging of the British con|fines. 83.101
- Parlament holden at Edenbourgh 459. 116
- Parliament holden at Linlith|qhuo, vvherein Mathevv Erle of Lennox and Thomas bishop of Vtheltree vvere forfalted, and all their landes and goodes giuen avvay and annexed too the Crovvne of Scotlande. 464. 100
- Pardons forbid for ſeuen yeares. 406. 111
- Part of the holy Croſſe found by a dreame. 288.60
- Paſalpine vvhereof ſo named. 172. 81
- Paſcentius brother to Occa, arri|riueth vvith ayde for the Sax|ons. 123.93
- Patyllocke Robert, ſent intoo France vvith a povver of Scot|tishmen. 376.62
- Patriarke of Apulia the Popes a|gent in Scotland. 460.2
- Paule Svvetonius returneth into Brytaine. 45.2
- Paulinus Svvetonius Lieutenant of Britaine. 43.60
- Paulinus Svvetonius ſent for into Gallia. 43.77
- Peace concluded betvveene the Scottes and Spaniardes .3.32 and 4.71
- Peace betvveene Scottes and Pictes ſolemnly confirmed .12.3 and 26.23
- Peace concluded betvveene the Brytaynes, Scottes, and Pictes. 17. 61
- Peace concluded betvveene the Romaines, Scottes, and Pictes. 43. 17
- Peace vvith forraine enimies of|tentymes breedeth ciuill diſ|cord at home. 76.52
- Peace confirmed agayne be+tvvene the Scottes and Pictes. fol. 81
- Peace cõcluded betvvene VVil|liam Conqueror and Malcolme. 255. 52
- Peace concluded betvveene king Stephen of Englande, and Da|uid of Scotlande vpon conditi|ons. 266.29
- Peace concluded betvvene Hen|rie the ſeconde of Englande, and Malcolme of Scotland vp|on conditions. 269.80
- Peace concluded betvveene the English men and Scottes during the captiuitie of King VVil|liam of Scotlande vpon conditi|ons. 274.58
- Peace eſtablished at Yorke, be|tvvene K. Iohn of England, and VVilliam of Scotlande, vppon conditions. 280.29
- Peace concluded betvvene Eng|lande and Scotlande for thirtene yeares. 325.33
- Peace and amitie concluded be|tvveene Scotlande and Den|marke. 383.6
- Peace concluded betvvene Hen|rie the eygth of Englande, and Levves the .xij. of Fraunce. 424. 40
- Peace concluded betvvene Eng|lande and Scotlande for tenne yeares. 458.60
- Peace concluded betvvene Eng|land, Scotlãd & France. 480.65
- Penda K. of Mercia conuerted to the chriſtian fayth. 149.25
- Pendergeſt Robert, and his trea|cherie. 345.58
- Penneynton Iohn knight, taken pryſoner by the Scottes. 390. 74
- Percie Henrie looſeth his ſtaffe at the Barriers to Earle Dovv|glas. 362.66
- Percie Henrie, and Raufe bre|thren, taken priſoners by the Scottes, and their men diſcom|fited. 363.60
- Percie Henrie of Northumber|berlande inuadeth Scotlande vvith an armie. 383.45
- Percie Henrie and his armie diſ|comfited by the Scottes. 383. 52
- Perkin VVarbecke ſent oute of France into Scotlande. 410.7
- Perkin VVarbecke maryeth the Earle of Huntleyes daughter. 410 20
- Perkin VVarbecke departeth in|to Irelande, to tranſport intoo Flaunders. 411.56
- Perkin VVarbeck taken. 411.56
- Perth builded, and vvhy ſo na|med. 28 [...].109
- Perth burned. 297.65
- Perth, or Saint Iohns tovvn vvas by king Robert. [...]14.44
- Perth tovvne fortified. 343.75
- Perth beſieged by Robert Ste|vvarde the gouernour of Scot|lande. 346.25
- Perth rendred to Robert Ste|vvard Gouernour of Scotland. 347. 28
- Pertinax ſent Lieutenaunt intoo Brytayne. 68. [...]
- Pertinax driueth the Scottes and Pictes vvithout Adrians vvall. 68. 25
- Pertinax choſen Emperour of Rome. 68.4 [...]
- Pertinax Emperour of Rome. 68. [...]0
- Perſecution of Chriſtians vnder Diocleſian. [...]
- Perſons continuing accurſed, too be reputed enimies to the com|monvvealth. 245.68
- Peſtilence firſt cõming into Scot|lande. 297.73
- Peſtilence ſeconde comming into Scotland. 353.22
- Peſtilence thirde comming intoo Scotlande. 357. [...]
- Peſtilence reigneth fiercelye in Scotland. 387.11
- Peter VVilliam knight, ſecretarie to King Henrie the eyght. 480. 73
- Petilius Celialis ſent intoo Bry|taine. 406.90
- Petilius ouerthrovveth the Pictes fol 247
- Petilius policie in defending hys Tentes. 48.40
- Petilius dieth. 48.76
- Pharao Orus King of Aegypt. 1. 20
- Pharao Chencres. [...].42
- Pharo Bishop of Meanxia Frãc [...] 144. 79
- Phennings Conrad, a Captaine. 476. 90
- Phiatus Albus king of Pictes. 62. 72
- Philtan king of Irelande and his three ſonnes. 147.9
- Pictes a people of Germanie. 5. 116
- Pictes ſet foote in a part of Scot|lande. 6.2
- Pictes as ſome ſay, a people of Sci|thia. 6.4
- Pictes, vvhy ſo called. 6.7
- Pictes came firſt into Or [...]eney. 6. 16
- Pictes came ouer intoo the maine lande. 6.20
- Pictes poſſeſſe manye Places in Scotlande. 6.28
- Pictland Firth. 6.19
- Pictes driue avvaye Brytaynes from theyr habitations. 6. 23
- Pictes builde ſtrong holdes for de|fence. 6.31
- Pictes require vviues of the ſcots. 6. 37
- Pictes giuen to [...]illage, and buil|ding holdes. 6.23
- EEBO page image 568Picts much moued by Prophecies. 6. 106
- Pictes conclude a league vvith the Britaines. 6.111
- Picts become enimies to the Scots 7. 3
- Pictes by lamentation of theyr vviues, moued to peace vvith the Scots. 8.97
- Picts and Scots conclude a peace. 9. 17
- Picts flee into the Iles of Orkeney 15. 77
- Pictes require aid of the Scottes a|gainſt the Britaines. 23.56
- Picts ioyne vvith Scottes and Bri|taines againſt the Romaines. 33. line. 71
- Pictes ayde the Britaines againſte the Romaines. 35.25
- Picts aſſaulte the Romaines, and ſlay them. 41.50
- Pictes are appointed to be vtterly deſtroyed. 41.90
- Picts ſende to the Scots for ayd a|gainſt the Romaines. 42.36
- Pictes refuſe to be in amitie vvith the Romaines. 49.3
- Picts ſend to Corbreid Galde for aid againſt the Romanes. 50.109
- Pictes require aide of Mogall a|gainſt the Romaines. 60.20
- Pictishe vvoman tyed in a ſacke, and throvven into a riuer. 75.20
- Picts [...]enne their league vvith the Scottes. 79.53
- Pictishe Gentlemen ſteale one of the King of Scots Greyhounds. [...]0. 12
- Picts earneſt ſute to haue the ſcots enpulſed Britaine. 90.81
- Picts quarrell vvith Maximus for executing certayne robbers of their nation. 92.38
- Picts diſcomfited by the Scots and Irishmen. 92.56
- Picts repine to obey the Romaine lavves. 93.43
- Pictes are forbidden to create a King. 93.68
- Pictes become tributaries to the Romaines. 93.102
- Pictes commaunded to dvvell be|yond the vvater of Forth. 94.11
- Picts ſend into forraine Countries to call home the Scots. 95.9
- Picts ſtande in feare of Conſtanti|nus King of Britaine. 111.96
- Picts conſpire treaſon againſt Cõ|ſtantinus King of Britaine. 111. line. 105
- Pictes certaine of them vvinne the Britaines camp. 113.15
- Picts ſend to the Scots for ayde a|gainſt the Saxons. 113.104
- Pictes vanquished by the Saxons. 113. 115
- Pictes eftſoones ſolicitie the Scots for aide. 114.15
- Picts fail at variance among them|ſelues. 173.18
- Picts ſolicitie both Scots and Sax|ons to make vvarre vppon the Britaines. 133.40
- Picts infected vvith Pelagius he|reſie. 137.6
- Pictes and Saxons enter vvith an armye into the lands of the Bri|taines. 140.30
- Pictes and Saxons diſcomfited and chaſed by the Britaines and Scots. 141
- Picts fall togither by the eares for the ſpoyle of Northumberland. 251. 88
- Picts take an othe to deſtroy all the Scottish race. 172.89
- Pictes vanquished and ſlayne in a greate battayle by the Scottes. 174. 93
- Picts ſue to the Scottes for peace. 175. 16
- Picts putte to flight and ſlayne by the Scots. 176.46
- Picts vtterly deſtroyed. 177.71
- Pictes ouercome the Scottes by vvonderfull policie. 172.25
- Picts anoy the Scots at the ſiege of Camelon. 178.65
- Pictes remainder vvhere they be|came, vvhich eſcaped frõ theyr Countreis deſtruction. 180.66
- Picts flee from the Englishmen in|to Norvvay and Denmarke. 186. 35
- Pictland parted among the Con|queroures. 177.77
- Pictimia. 154.99
- Pies and baked meates ſeldome v|ſed in Scotland. 380.102
- Pigges vvith heades like dogges. 385. 75
- Pizoni Gaſpar an Italian Captain ſlaine. 478.92
- Placidus Lieutenant of Britaine. 98. 100
- Placidus & his army ouerthrovvẽ by Scots and Pictes. 99.25
- Placidus eſcapeth, and fleeth to Yorke. 99.16
- Placidus concludeth a peace vvith the Scots and Picts. 99. [...]
- Placidus dyeth. 100.36
- Planctius, looke Aulus Planctius.
- Pledges deliuered betvveene the Gouernour of Scotland, and the Earle of Lennox, & the nobles of his ſide. 460.82
- Plinius cited. 21.38
- Ploughes not able to bee put into the ground for the froſt tyll the middle of March. 279.116
- Policie of Scots to anoy the Sax|ons. 116.35
- Policie of the Picts to eſcape from the Saxons. 117.27
- Policie of the Pictes to diſcourage the Britaines in the battell. 134. line. 33
- Policie of the Scottes to daunt the Irishmen. 196.45
- Policie of King Edvvard to vvin Barvvike. 300.97
- Policie of VVilliam VVallace, to relieue the Scottish peoples la [...]ke in time of dearth. 304. [...]
- Policie of the Scottes to entrappe the Englishmen. 316.17
- Policie of VVilliam Dovvglas to vvinne Edenburgh Caſtell. 347. line. 74
- Policie of the Scottish heardes to affrighte the Englishmens Hor|ſes. 397.48
- Pomonia chiefeſt of the Iles of O [...]kney. 17.12
- Pontus in Irelande ſurrendred to the Scottes. 197.34
- Poole Richarde, a man of greate parentage, borne in Englande, and banished the Realme. 433. line. 108
- Pope Celeſtinus ſendeth Paladius into Scotland. 108.16
- Popes Ambaſſadours not regar|ded in England. 339.34
- Portingale, a corrupted name of Port Gathele. 2.13
- Pouertie of Scotland. 214.68
- Praiſe of Scottish dogges. 80.6
- Prelates ordeyned in Religiõ. 21.7
- Preſton in Anderneis brente by the Scots. 324.11
- Preſumptions demeanoure of the Scottish nobilitie to their king. 403. 77
- Preaching againſte Images, and fruteleſſe Ceremonies in ſcot|land. 458.63
- Prieſts liuing appoynted of the ſa|crifice. 13.9
- Prieſtes to attende their vocation only. 187.8
- Prieſts fined for not doing theyr thieues. 187.14
- Prieſts example from tribute, and all manner exactions. 192.15
- Prieſtes not to bee conſtreyned to goe vnto vvarres. 192.16
- Prieſtes not to come before anye temporall Iudge, but only theyr Bishops and Ordinaries. 192.17
- Princes of Albion cõſpire againſt Oſrike and Eufrede. 146
- Priſoners ſente home out of En|gland into Scotlande, and alſo out of Scotland into Englande. 458.5.458. 34
- Priſoners ſette at libertie by the Gouernour of Scotland. 461.96
- Priſoners Scottes and Frenchmen taken by the Englishmen. 464 line. 90
- Priſoners taken in the Caſtell of S. Andrevves, put into the French Galleis. 467.23
- Priuiledges graunted to Makduffe and his poſteritie. 252.58
- Priuiledge for the Scottish Kings to be annoynted. 260.110
- Priuiledges graunted to the Vni|uerſitie of S. Andrevves. 380.25
- Prophecie, that Scots shoulde de|ſtroy the Picts. 6.107.8. 65
- Prophecie of Colman againſt king Ferquhard the ſecond. 148.19
- Prophecie of three vvomen vnto Makbeth and Banquho. 243.54
- Proſperitie, the mother of conten|tion. 5.23
- Proſperitie changeth conditions. 63. 42
- Proteſtants in Scotlande eſpie the craftte iugling of Dauid Beatõ, Cardinall and Archbishoppe of Saint Andrevves. 457.50. they ſet the Earle of Arrane againſte the Cardinall. 457.58
- Prouiſion for Shippes in euerye Hauen tovvne. 409.78
- Prouiſion for good literature. 408 line. 89
- Prouoſt of Edenburgh ſent to the Earle of Hertford, to vnderſtãd the cauſe of comming into ſcot|land. 461.43
- Ptolomeus Metellus ſeconde ſon. 5. 9