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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerewith Captayne Craforte and Cap|tayne Hume gote ouer the wall,Captayne Crafort and Captayne Hume. and entring the Caſtell with the reſt of their Souldiers, ſtroke vp the drumme, cryed a Derneley, beeing their watch worde, and ſeaſing vpon the ordi|nance, manned the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Flemming Captayne of the Ca|ſtell,The Lord Flemming eſcapeth. hearing that ſuddayne fright and tumulte within the houſe, fledde out by the poſterne gate at the neather baile, and ſo eſcaping, gote a fiſhers boate, and paſſed into Argile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Souldiours of the Caſtell perceyuing theyr Captayne fledde, and the Caſtell poſſeſ|ſed by the enimies, yeelded themſelues, and were pardoned. There were taken within the Caſtell the Archbiſhoppe of Saint Andrewes, Monſieur de Viracke a Frenchman, ſente thy|ther by the French King, alſo the Lady Flem|ming, wife to the Lorde Flemming, and Iohn Flemming, Laird of Boghall, and Iohn Hall,Iohn Hall. an Engliſhman, being partner of a new inten|ded conſpiracie in England, as was after pro|ued agaynſte hym, for the whyche hee was arreigned, condemned, and executed at London, (as in the Engliſhe hiſtorie appea|reth.) The thirde of Aprill, beeyng the mor|rowe after that Dunbretaine was thus ſtraungelye wonne, the Regente came EEBO page image 515 thither, and entred the ſame, where hee calling the Capitaines and Souldiers togither cauſed them with him to kneele down vpõ their knees, & to giue to God humble thankes for their good ſucceſſe in that enterprice, brought to paſſe ra|ther by the prouidence of God than otherwiſe, ſithe the Caſtell ſeemed to all thoſe that knewe it impoſſible in maner to be wonne, [...]ong fi| [...] of the [...] of Dum| [...]ne. by reaſon of the great heyght of the rocke, and the ſtrange ſituation, beyng enuironed almoſte rounde a|boute with the water of Clide on the one ſide, and the water of Leuin on the other.

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