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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the yeere .1569. Rebellion [...] the North [...] England, by the barle of Northumber|lãd and Weſt|merland. the Erles of Northum|berlande and Weſtmerlande reyſed a rebellion againſt the Queenes Maieſtie of England, but by the good diligence and prouident circumſpe|ction of the Erle of Suſſex, then Lieutenant of the North partes, and of ſuch direction as was giuen by hir Maieſtie and hir Counſell, for the leuying of an armie vnder the leadyng of the Erle of Warwike, & the Lord Admirall Clin|ton, the ſayd two Earles were kept ſo in feare, that they durſt not aduaunce farre forewarde in theyr wicked begonne enterprice, but were con|ſtreyned to retyre backe towardes Dureſme, wherevpon the Earle of Suſſex ſuppoſing that theyr meaning was for their laſt refuge and ſa|uegard to take the caſtels of Alnewike & Wark|worth, he wrote vnto Sir Iohn Forſter Lord Warden of the middle Marches, eyther by were policie or ſome other meane, to gette into his handes the poſſeſſion of thoſe two Caſtels, and the ſame to fortifie with ſuche number and gar|niſons of menne, as to his diſcretion ſhoulde be thought conuenient, for the ſaufe cuſtodie and garde thereof. Sir Iohn Forſter beyng at his houſe neare to Alnewike, when he receiued theſe letters, accompanied with his ſeruants, frendes, and tenants, and ſome ſouldiers that were come EEBO page image 511 to him from Berwike, marched vp to the caſtell on foote, where finding the houſe garded with a great number of the Earle of Northumberlãds ſeruants and tenaunts, he made Proclamation before the caſtell gate, that euery of them within the caſtell ſhould come foorth and withdraw to theyr owne houſes,Proclamation [...] at Alne| [...] by ſir [...] Forſter. vpon payne to be reputed re|belles to the Queenes Maieſtie, and that which of them ſoeuer did refuſe to obey this Procla|matiõ, ſtaying either in the caſtell or els where in any vnlawfull aſſembly, it ſhould be lawfull for euery man to ſpoyle his goodes, and him to kill if he made reſiſtance. This Proclamation notwithſtanding, they within the Caſtel, at the firſt refuſed to yeelde it vp, & therevpon ſir Iohn Forſter marched through the towne into the market place, and there made the lyke Procla|matiõ in behalf of all the inhabitants that were the Earle of Northumberlandes tenauntes, for their repayring home to their houſes, and com|ming herewith backe towardes the caſtell, they within perceyuing themſelues deſtitute of ſuc|cour, [...]e caſtell of [...]wike and [...]arkworth [...]d by ſir [...] Forſter. & Sir Iohn Forſter to increace in power, they vpon better aduiſe yeelded themſelues vnto him, who ſaued all theyr liues. After the ſame maner he got alſo the caſtell of Warkworth, & fortified them bothe with ſufficient numbers of men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This done, he aſſembled ſuche forces as hee was able to make, ſo that he got togither to the number of .xj. hundred horſemen, & tooke order to forlay, & ſtoppe the paſſages, ſo as the Erles frendes and tenants in Northumberlãd, ſhould not go vnto him. After this hauing in his com|pany the Lord Ogle, [...] For|ſter keepeth [...] caſtell a|gainſt the re| [...]s. and Thomas Forſter his brother and other Gentlemen, to new Caſtell, where with Thomas Gower Eſquire, yt had the principal rule therof at that preſent, he tooke order for the defence of that towne agaynſt the rebelles. [...] Hẽry Per|cy againſt his brother the [...]le of Nor|thumberland. Hither came to him ſir Henry Percy, offeryng his ſeruice agaynſt his brother and o|ther the rebelles to the vttermoſt of his power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Herevpon diuers excurſions were made forth of Newcaſtell into the Biſhoprike, where the two Earles were encamped, and ſundry ſkir|miſhes chanced betwixte the parties, though no great hurte followed thereof. The Earles yet one day came from Durham, and with theyr army marched towards Newcaſtell. Sir Iohn Forſter & ſir Henry Percy, hauing intelligence thereof, iſſued foorth of Newcaſtell with all their forces and certayne peeces of great ordinance. They had alſo with them certaine bands of the Souldiers of Berwike, meanyng verily to haue ioyned battel with the Erles, Sir Henry Percy ſhewyng himſelfe as willing & foreward ther|to as any other in all the cõpanies. At Cheſter Dean,Cheſter Dean. midway betwixte Durham and New|caſtel, the armies approched the one neare to the other, a ſmall brooke running in a hollow, deui|ded them in ſunder, ſo that there was no paſſage for them to conuey their ordinaunce ouer, the bankes on eyther ſide beyng ſo ſteepe and com|berſome. Wherevpon the Earles perceyuing that they were diſappointed of their purpoſe, af|ter ſome ſkirmiſhes betwixt the horſemen, they returned vnto Durham, and frõ thence the next day they went to Hexham, and after beyng in vtter diſpaire fledde into Scotlande,Therles of Northumber|land & Weſt|merland flee into Scotland. where the Erle of Weſtmerlande light among thoſe that ſhifted him away ſo from place to place, that he eſcaped out of that realme, when he coulde no longer remayne there in ſuertie: but the Earle of Northumberland fell into their handes, whiche deliuered him vnto the Regent, who thought he coulde do no leſſe than to put him in ſafe kee|ping, conſidering the amitie that was betwixte the twoo Princes, the Queenes Maieſtie of England and the King of Scottes.

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