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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the .xj.The Regents iourney into the Southweſt parts of Scot|lande. of Iune the Regent mar|ched forth of Edenburgh, and came that night to Begger. The army being aſſembled contey|ned a .iiij. or .v. thouſand horſemen very wel ap|pointed beſide a thouſande footemen, gunners and Halberdiers, of boyes and yong men that went with the cariage, there were aboute foure thouſande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Caſtell of Boghall perteyning to the Lorde Flemmyng was, ſurrendred to them.The Caſtell of Boghall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 510 Skirling ca|ſtell.The .xij. of Iune Skirling caſtel was raſed, a fayre houſe, to the ende that other vnderſtan|ding thereof might bee put in the more feare. That night they came to Crawford,Crawford. where the Caſtell was to them ſurrendred. It belonged vnto Sir Iames Hamilton, whom they had in their handes.

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