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Compare 1587 edition: 1 They hadde with them alſo two hundred Harquebuſiers waged, and of greate artillerie, ſome fielde pieces. Their whole number was eſteemed to bee aboute two thouſande,The number of the Queene Power. but the more part of them were commons and Coun|treymen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earles of Morton, Athol, Mar, Glen|carne, the Lords of Hume, Lindſey, Ruthuen, Simple and Sauquhar. The Lardes of Drũ|lanrig, Tulibarden, Grange,The power o [...] the Lordes. and yong Sef|forde, were aſſembled togither in Edenburgh with a power like in number to the Queenes, but for the more part conſiſting of Gentlemen, although not furniſhed with anye number of Harquebuſiers, excepte a fewe of the Towneſ|men of Edenburgh, that willingly ioyned with them in that quarrell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Vpon the fiftenth of Iune, they came forthe of the Towne, and approched their aduerſaries, but there was Monſieur La Croque, the french Kings Ambaſſadors, who tooke greate paine in trauelling betwixte the parties to reduce them to ſome agreemente, but ſtill the Queenes part beganne to decreaſe, dyuers ſhrinking away from hir, ſo that after it beganne to growe to|wardes the euening, Bothwell fledde to the Caſtell of Dunbar, but the Queene deſirous to talke with the Larde of Grange, wente to hym, accompanyed only with one Captaine,The Queene commeth to the Lords. and after ſome talke wyth hym, ſhee paſſe to the Lordes, who tooke hir with them to Eden|burgh.

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