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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, ſhe ſente Iames Meluine to the Queene of Englande wyth the lyke meſ|ſage, deſyring hyr Maieſtie to bee Godmo|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Princes were glad heereof, and pro|miſed to ſende Ambaſſadors to that effect, as afterwards they did.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the later ende of Auguſt, the Queene ac|companyed with the Kyng hir Huſbande, the Earles of Huntley, Murrey, Bothwell, and dyuers other, wente into Meggat lande, there to paſſe the tyme in Hunting, where they re|mayned certayne dayes, and returning to E|denburgh, cauſed the Prince to be conueyd vn|to Striueling Caſtell, where he was commit|ted in keeping to the Lord Erſkin, after Earle of Mar, and his Ladye. And from thence, the Queene wente a Progreſſe, into Glen Ark|nay.

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