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Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Queene perceyuing hirſelfe to drawe neere the tyme of hir deliuerance, wente to the caſtell of Edenburgh, there to remayne til ſhe were deliuered of hir birth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the moneth of May Thomas Scot ſhe|riffe deputie of Perth, and a Prieſte called ſir Henry Yair ſeruant to the Lord Ruthuen,Execution done vppon the murthe|rers. were apprehended for being doers in the ſlaughter of Dauid, and were hanged and quartred. Their heades were ſette the one alofte on the To|wer [figure appears here on page 502] in the Abbey, and the other on the nether bow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the moneth of Aprill this yeare the By|ſhop of Brechin preſidente of the Seſſion, de|ceaſſed, and in his roomth ſucceeded to that bi|ſhoprike, a friende and Couſin to the Earle of Argile, called Campbell.

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