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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeconde of Iuly, Henrye Sinclar, By|ſhoppe of Roſſe, ſhipped at Leith to paſſe into France,The Biſhoppe [...] Roſe went [...] Fraunce. to procure ſome helpe of his diſeaſe. He was cut of the ſtone in Paris, and dyed the ſe|cond of Ianuary next after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There ſucceded to that Biſhopricke of Roſſe, Maiſter Iohn Leſlie, Perſon of Ouen, beeing then one of the Senatours of the ſeſſion, and Colledge of Iuſtice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the moneth of Auguſt, the Queene paſt into Atholl in Progreſſe,The Queenes [...]eſse. and from thence to Badzenocht, to Inuernes, and to the Chanon|rie of Roſſe, and returned through Murrey to Gartley, Aberdene, Dum [...]oter, and ſo to Edenburgh, where ſhee remayned the nexte Winter.

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