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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle came to the Queene hymſelfe, and at length it was agreed,Gordon is cõ|maunded to Striueling Caſtell. that his ſonne the ſayd Iohn Gordon ſhould returne to priſon againe in Striueling Caſtell, there to remaine during the Queenes pleaſure: but hee follo|wyng the euill counſell of ſome yong heades that were wyth hym,Hee diſobeyed neyther fulfilled the Queenes pleaſure, nor his fathers appointment, but attempted to reuenge his extreame hand|ling (as he tooke it) vpon the Earle of Murrey, whome he put moſt in blame, for the rigor ſhe|wed againſte him, but his enterpriſe tooke not effect: and the Queene aduertiſed of his diſobe|dience, went not to Strabogy, notwithſtanding there was greate preparation made for hir in ye place, for the receiuing of hir and hir trayne: but ſhee wente vnto Balwany, the Earle of Athols place, and from thẽce to Kinlos, to Tarneway, and ſo came to Inuerneis, and there lodged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while,The Queene ſuſpected the Earle of Hunt|ley. the Earle of Huntley purpoſing to attende on the Queene at Inuer|nes, cauſed prouiſion to be made in the Caſtell for his lodging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene ſuſpecting hys dealing, leaſt this ſhoulde bee done vppon ſome policie, com|maunded the keepers of the Caſtell to render the ſame to one of hir Herraultes, but it was not deliuered till the nexte daye, and therefore the Captayne of that Caſtell called Alexander Gordon, for refuſing to deliuer it,Alexãder Gor|don was hãged was hanged vpon the towne bridge.

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