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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute this tyme it chaunced that the lord Ogilwy, and Iohn Gordon of Finnater, ſonne to the Earle of Huntley mette on the Calſey of Edenburgh & fought, [...]orde Ogilwy [...] Iohn Gor|don fight togi|ther. where after many blowes & ſtripes gyuen and taken, the Lorde Ogilwy, and his companye were hurte, wherefore Iohn Gordon was taken, and putte in warde at the Tolbuith of Edenburgh, out of whyche hee eſ|caped, [...] Gordon [...]akes pryſõ. after he hadde remayned priſoner therein aboute twentye dayes, and gotte his waye Northewarde, wherevppon followed greate trouble ſhortely after to the houſe of Huntley.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene accompanyed with ye Earles of Argile, Murrey, and Morton, the Lord Er|ſkin,Iohn Gordon [...]mmoned [...] the Q. and others, paſſed forwarde in hir iourney towardes the Northe parte, and cauſed Iohn Gordon of Finnater to bee ſommoned to ap|peare, and aunſwere the lawe at Aberdine for breaking priſon, and hurting the L. Ogilwy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene comming to the Towne of Abirdine,Gordon is ac|cõpanied with a greate com|panye. was honorably receyued with dyuers Orations, and Latine Enterludes, before the Grammer ſchoole and Colledge.

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