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Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, ſhe paſſed vnto Striueling,The Queene viſited the Townes. and from thence to Perth, and then to Dundee, and after to Sainte Andrewes, into which townes ſhee was receyued with greate honor and tri|umph.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From Saint Andrewes ſhee returned vnto Edenburgh, where ſhee remayned all the nexte Winter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In December,An aſſemble of the Lords. there was a great aſſemble of all the principall Lords, Spirituall and tem|porall of the Realme, where it was demaunded of the Prelates, to graunte the third part of the fruites of their benefices to ye Queene,The thirde part of the Spirituall li|uings demaun|ded. towards the bearing of hir charges, for the maintenance of hir trayne, and to ſuſteyne the Miniſters, tyll ſome order were taken to maynteyne hir houſ|holde, and a garde to attende on hir, by the ad|uiſe of the eſtates.

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