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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Arran had the ordering of the Byſhopprickes of Saint Androwes: alſo of the Abbacies of Dunfermlyng; and Melros, and other ſmall benefices. The like was vſed by other noble menne, throughe all partes of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortely after Frauncis the Frenche King, huſbande to the Queene of Scotlande departed this life in December, and Charles his brother was crowned in his place. The Queene beyng then widowe, and Dowager of Fraunce, de|parted from Orleaunce (where the Courte laye when hir huſbande deceaſſed) and wente to the Towne of Reimes in Champaigne,The Scottiſhe [...]ene wente [...] Loraine. where ſhe remained till the fifteenthe daye of Aprill follo|wing, & then purpoſing to retourne into Scot|lande, ſhe tooke hir iourney towardes Ianville, and ſo into Loraine, there to take leaue of hir kinſfolke by hir mothers ſide. The Biſhoppe of Glaſquo, & the Abbot of Dunfermlyng Scot|tiſhemen, were ſtill attendaunt on hir in this iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were with hir alſo the Cardinals of Lorayne and Guyſe, the Duke Daumale, and the Marqueſſe Dalbeuf hir Vncles.

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