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Compare 1587 edition: 1 All this while the Queene had talked with Cheſter in the Scottiſhe tong, and bycauſe hee did not ſo well vnderſtande hir, hee beganne to ſpeake in the French language, whereat the Q. ſeemed greately to reioyce, and beganne agayne to diſcourſe with hym of hir griefes, & he on the other part made hir aunſwer as fell to purpoſe, and at length, when hee was demaunded what further credite he hadde, he declared, that where ſhe hadde requeſted a ſafeconduct for Monſieur la Broſſe to paſſe through Englãd into Frãce, if ſhee woulde ſee hym ſafely conueyd to Ber|wike, he durſt aſſure hir of a ſufficient ſafecon|duct for his ſafe paſſage: through the Queene his miſtres Realme, but at length, there was another Gentleman commended to him, in lieu of La Broſſe, that was his Couſin. And nowe when Cheſter ſhould take his leaue, he declared that he had not bin courteouſly dealte with, for ſithence his comming thither, hee coulde not bee ſuffered to paſſe anye where abrode out of hys Chamber, but at meale times, and therefore if any of hir meſſengers ſhould chance to come in|to the Queene his miſtreſſe dominions, hee would procure (if he might) that they ſhoulde taſt of the like enterteynement: but the Queene ſee|med not to vnderſtande that he had bin in anye wiſe ſo hardly dealt with, ſhewing that ſhe was not well contented therewith, and ſo Cheſter tooke his leaue, and returned backe into En|gland, without any reward for his paynes ta|ken in that iourney, at the handes of the Scot|tiſh Queene, howſoeuer ſhe liked of his meſſage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time,1560 there was an army pre|pared in England, of ſeauen or eight thouſande men, who were ſent into Scotland,A Engliſhe ar|mye. the Lorde Grey of Englande beeing appointed generall, who came to the Linkes, beſide the Towne of Leith, on Saterday the ſixth of Aprill: before they pight downe their field on the ſaid Linkes, Monſieur Martigues, coronell of the Frenche army, iſſued forthe of Leith, with nine hundred Harquebuſiers of Frenchmen, to a little knolle,They were backed wyth a fiue. C. pikes whiche kepte aloofe. called the Halke hil, where a ſore continual and hote ſkirmiſh was begun betwixt the Engliſh|men [figure appears here on page 491] and Frenchmen, with hagbuttes, caliuers, and piſtoletz, which ſkirmiſh continued fyue or ſixe houres, in the whiche there were manye ſlayne on both parties, and diuers hurte. At length. Martigues was forced with his cõpa|ny to retire backe to the Towne of Leith, and the Engliſhmẽ pight downe their Campe, and planted their ordinance beſide the ſaid hill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The lord Grey [...] vnto the Queene.The Lord Grey being in Muſkelburgh, ſent to the Queene Regente, that lay as then in the Caſtell of Edenburgh, deſiring an abſtinence of warre for foure and twenty houres, that in the meane time he might ſende ſome of his Coun|ſell to declare vnto hir the cauſe of his comming with that army, and to cõmune of ſuche things as might ſlaunch the ſhedding of bloud. The Queene graunted heerevnto, and ſent an Her|rault to Leith, to cauſe the ſaid aſſurance to bee taken, but ere he came to the Towne, the Skir|miſh aforeſayd was begun.

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