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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Argile, & his cõpany, called the Lordes of the congregation, were receyued into Edenburgh by the baylifes of the towne, where the places of the blacke & Grayfriers were ſud|denly ouerthrowen,The Frier-houſes ouer|throwen. & the Churche a Field, and Trinitie college, & S. Giles church were refor|med, and the images and altares pulled downe. The Lordes remayning thus in Edenburgh, tooke the Abbey, the coygning houſe, & the coyg|ning yrons, and ſeaſed vpõ the Queenes moue|ables which they found in the Palayce, and kept the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Monſieur Doyſell and the Frenchmenne came from Dunbar to the Linkes of Leith, ac|companied with the Duke of Chatelerault, the Erles of Huntley, Bothwell, Mourton,Two armies pacified. and o|thers, and the Lordes of the Congregation came foorth of the towne of Edenburgh of pur|poſe to haue gyuen battayle to the French|men, EEBO page image 489 albeit they were not ſufficiente partie to reſiſt them: but the Earle of Huntley trauelled betwixte them, by whoſe meanes there mette twelue on euery ſide, who agreed vpon certaine articles, [...]eith forti| [...]d & ſo the Queene and Frenchmeñ entred into Leith, and forthwith began to fortifie it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after this, the Duke of Chatellere|ault,Duke Chatel| [...]ault ta| [...]h part with [...]he reformers [...] the Chur| [...]. partly through perſwaſion of the Earle of Arguile his ſiſters ſonne, and the Weſt lande Lordes, and partly bycauſe he vnderſtoode that his ſonne the Earle of Arrane was fled forth of Fraunce to Geneua for the Religion, hee tooke parte with the Lordes from that time forthe a|gainſt the aduice of the Biſhop of Sainte An|drewes, and diuers other his friends.

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