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This yeare alſo in Auguſt the Earle of Ar|gile deceaſſed, and likewiſe in September An|drew Durry Biſhoppe of Galloway, departed in Edinburgh, and Dauid Panton Biſhop of Roſſe deceaſſed the firſt of October in Striue|ling. In the Parliament holden in Edinburgh in December, the proceedings of the Ambaſſa|dours were allowed, and a diſcharge giuen to them for the ſame.

EEBO page image 488After this the Queene regẽt requyred to haue a crowne matrimoniall graunted to the Dol|phin of Fraunce,The Queenes requeſt in the Parliament. that he ſhoulde be called king of Scotlande during the Matrimonie: to the which when the aſtates had agreed, the Erle of Argile, & the Prior of S. Andros, were appoin|ted to paſſe into Fraunce, but they went not, bi|cauſe of other weighty buſineſſe whiche ſhortly after they attempted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Marie Queene of Englande departed this life, the .xvij. of Nouember, & then the moſt ex|cellẽt & noble Queene Elizabeth ſucceeded. In Iuly & Auguſt there was a conuention of al the prelates & Clergie bolden at Edenburgh,An aſſembled of the clergy. in the which certaine men and women of Edenburgh were accuſed of Hereſie, & abiured at the towne croſſe with faggotes on their backes. In this aſſemble it was required,Cõmon prayers to be had in the vulgate tongue. that the cõmon pray|ers might be red in the Scottiſh tong in Chur|ches, with certaine other articles of reformatiõ, whereof the anſwere was deferred till March, in whiche moneth a prouinciall counſell was ap|pointed to be holden at Edenburgh. The .ij. of Marche,A prouincial counſell. the ſayde prouinciall counſell of all the Prelates and Clergie of Scotlande began, wherein diuers Articles were proponed by the temporalty,Requeſtes made by the Lay [...]e. as to haue the prayers and admini|ſtration of the Sacraments in the Scottiſh lã|guage, the election of Biſhops and all benefi|ced men to paſſe by the voyces of the temporall Lordes & people of their Dioceſſes and pariſhes, with diuers other reformations, al the which the Biſhops refuſed to graunt, wherethrough there aroſe ſhortly after great trouble in Scotlande.

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