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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And now to returne vnto the Scottiſh Am|baſſadours that were ſent into Fraunce, for the cõcluſiõ of the mariage betwixte their Queene & the Dolphin: after that ye ſame mariage was cõſummate, & euery thing ordered & brought to paſſe accordyng to the effect of theyr commiſ|ſion, in the moneth of Auguſt they tooke their leaue of the Frenche King, the Queene,The Embaſ|ſadours died almoſt all. and Nobilitie there, to retourne homewardes into Scotland, albeit fewe of thẽ came home, for the Biſhop of Orkeney departed this life in Diepe, the .xv. of September: the Earle of Rothes de|ceaſſed there the .ix. of Nouember: the Erle of Caſſiles departed in the ſame place the .xiiij. of Nouember:Three came home agayne. and the Lorde Flemming deceaſ|ſed in Paris the .xviij. of December. And ſo onely the Archebiſhoppe of Glaſquo,Lorde of Dun. the Prior of ſainct Andrews, and the Lorde of Dun re|tourned into Scotland in October.A Parliament. After whoſe commyng, there was a Parliament ſommoned by the Queene, to be holdẽ in December next.

This yeare alſo in Auguſt the Earle of Ar|gile deceaſſed, and likewiſe in September An|drew Durry Biſhoppe of Galloway, departed in Edinburgh, and Dauid Panton Biſhop of Roſſe deceaſſed the firſt of October in Striue|ling. In the Parliament holden in Edinburgh in December, the proceedings of the Ambaſſa|dours were allowed, and a diſcharge giuen to them for the ſame.

EEBO page image 488After this the Queene regẽt requyred to haue a crowne matrimoniall graunted to the Dol|phin of Fraunce,The Queenes requeſt in the Parliament. that he ſhoulde be called king of Scotlande during the Matrimonie: to the which when the aſtates had agreed, the Erle of Argile, & the Prior of S. Andros, were appoin|ted to paſſe into Fraunce, but they went not, bi|cauſe of other weighty buſineſſe whiche ſhortly after they attempted.

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